Not surprising. They
hated it. Pretty common criticisms. Superman needs to be bright and fun, Superman killed civilians by knocking buildings down, superbrawls are for Hulk movies.
Not surprising. Theyhated it. Pretty common criticisms. Superman needs to be bright and fun, Superman killed civilians by knocking buildings down, superbrawls are for Hulk movies.
Not surprising. Theyhated it. Pretty common criticisms. Superman needs to be bright and fun, Superman killed civilians by knocking buildings down, superbrawls are for Hulk movies.
Wwhaaa. I love the German-ness of her.She can look nice, but almost a tad too hard and german looking for me, personally....
Wwhaaa. I love the German-ness of her.
People keep making these comparisons because the movie fails to present a better or at least an equivalent alternative. They wouldn't be complaining if the new Superman was compelling as a character even if he was different from the old movies. The old superman stood for something, and the problem people have isn't that the new one stands for something different, but that in the film, it doesn't seem like he stands for anything at all.
Did you watch the review? They don't sound like they enjoy the original movies or the idea of Superman in the first place.
Watching this with my father was simply amazing, that smile on both of us :')
Ouch. Some of their jabs at the movie were funny though.
But sounds like they prefer the classic Superman. One of them even said 'Superman doesn't work if you try to make him a real person..." (?????)
They also say the clever, heroic, adventurous Superman of previous movies is for children.
For some reason some people don't think a superpowered fight scene played straight can be fun.
Ouch. Some of their jabs at the movie were funny though.
But sounds like they prefer the classic Superman. One of them even said 'Superman doesn't work if you try to make him a real person..." (?????)
Which is accurate and why the original film will ultimately still endure.
Endures in what way? Superman 1 and 2 have aged horribly, and I don't mean in terms of special effects.
I guess if you're a child or have no attachment to older films, sure.
Would someone mind explaining the significance of Supermans cape in relation to the movie and/or overall mythology? The actual suit he wears makes sense as it was a body suit that the people on his home planet wore. But why the cape? It seemed pointless like just for flair.
If the movies "endured" then it wouldn't require a nostalgic attachment to enjoy it.
They said the idea of a power-trip fantasy character like Superman was designed for children, but making him into a real person, as in, taking his character and putting him into a realistic earth setting, it sort of falls apart. It makes the things he does "sad and unsettling" like the sheer death toll in this film. I don't know if I agree with that sentiment really, I think it could possibly be done right, but I definitely don't think the movie achieved that.
It's like saying "what's the point of a tie?" It was a fashion item on krypton.
And from what I can tell the entire suite (colors and all) was what a male member of the house of EL would have worn.
The Half in the Bag review is spectacular.
When they busted out the John Williams theme while the people of Metropolis cower in fear. Lost it there.
...that's an entirely different point and argument.
Would someone mind explaining the significance of Supermans cape in relation to the movie and/or overall mythology? The actual suit he wears makes sense as it was a body suit that the people on his home planet wore. But why the cape? It seemed pointless like just for flair.
Then please explain what you mean by the originals have endured if you think children today wouldn't enjoy them.
I would like to know this as well. Same goes for Batman.
Then please explain what you mean by the originals have endured if you think children today wouldn't enjoy them.
I would like to know this as well. Same goes for Batman.
LOL they eviscerated it. They bring up the usual complaints, of which I share a bunch, especially how convoluted the plot is. They're right though that there are no compelling characters of any kind in it the movie. Personally, the more I think about MoS, the less I want to spend another dime on it. I don't think I'll be watching it a second time.![]()
doo, doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo...doo, doo doo dood doo, NINE ELEVEN!
They're children. It's not current in 2013, there are no toys and memorabilia to purchase, etc. Common sense things.
LOL they eviscerated it. They bring up the usual complaints, of which I share a bunch, especially how convoluted the plot is. They're right though that there are no compelling characters of any kind in it the movie. Personally, the more I think about MoS, the less I want to spend another dime on it. I don't think I'll be watching it a second time.![]()
Are you going to explain your point about the originals enduring then? I could show Star Wars, ET or the Goonies to a kid today and they'd enjoy them.
Are you going to explain your point about the originals enduring then? I could show Star Wars, ET or the Goonies to a kid today and they'd enjoy them.
Goonies is pretty damned bad. The other two endure, but not that.
Run of the mill man
Goonies is pretty damned bad. The other two endure, but not that.
Welp, saw this last night and it was even worse than I feared it might be.
-Cavill is totally wooden. It's as if the directing note he was given was to play the 1970s Superfriends cartoon version of Superman.
-Zod was hilariously one note. "I will shout my motivations at you. AGAIN!"
-Zero chemistry between Cavill and poor Amy Adams who seemed to be trying her best with shit material. At least she got paid.
-Bloated, boring, non-stop, endless, overloud tired ass action scenes with so-so CGI. I just tuned out after a while. These were utter garbage and a total waste of time.
-Creepy 9/11 fetishism in the third act.
-The corny lol-worthy church scene with stained glass Jebus + Kal El in frame together.
-The overall lack of wit, humor or joy. Nothing like a grim but empty movie. Horrid.
-Cheesy art direction. Really with the Kryptonian art deco diorama history thing? My friend and I couldn't stop laughing! Oh look, more insect inspired everything. Yawn.
So, yeah, Man of Steel is a complete piece of shit. I'm a huge DC fan and I was hoping this could be great. But no, it's just a cynically conceived, turgid mess. Gross.
I guess if you're a child or have no attachment to older films, sure.
Sounds like you didn't even see the movie.
Sounds like you didn't even see the movie.