I think some kind of joke went straight over my head.
Kevin Spacey.
I think some kind of joke went straight over my head.
Kevin Spacey.
Oh jesus christ
Speaking of which, I've not had my morning coffee yet. Alright I get it now.
I think it's mainly because I completely disagree, I liked SOZE and all but Cyclops was by far the best character.
I don't need to go in tonight with that level of expectation
But that's awesome, it gives me a bit more hope.
That's what the "S" is for!
I felt sorry for Cyclops throughout the entire movie. He's one of the more developed characters somehow. I need to watch this movie again.
TV actor wants role in summer blockbuster movie?
Oh shit!
Personally Cavill was decent at best.
In the movie, he's always better when he isn't expressing much. I personally found the way he talks not evocative of Superman at all, and some of his expressions were just bad.
I personally liked his "preparing to fly" stance. Not many actors can get this right. It actually looked like he was propelling himself forward with force.
Personally Cavill was decent at best.
In the movie, he's always better when he isn't expressing much. I personally found the way he talks not evocative of Superman at all, and some of his expressions were just bad.
Well I did shed tears three times during this movie. So it evoked a lot of emotion from me.
I disagree here, his expressions sold the character to me, I related to various stuff he was feeling and that he portrayed by his expressions or tone of voice, mannerisms and all, expressions were of a person feeling stuff, I don't get at all why is that bad.
He IS Superman to me now, and will be for the foreseable future.
The scene that evoked the most emotion out of me was one I didn't really expect...
It was literally the. I had a couple other moments in the movie that got to me, but nothing like that for some reason.birth of Kal-El, the music and just knowing that little baby becomes Superman... something just got to me with that scene and I got chills/little man tears formed
Agot to me lolbirthing scene
revoke my damn man card.
Honestly I've liked all the Superman players. Brandon Routh was great IMO.
Lol You're not a big superman fan at all.
I'd be happy with this. Rosenbaum's Lex is the definitive portrayal of the character, for me.
I'm not sure how to even respond to that.
It's got pacing problems (like the TDKR, yes). It's got a lot of info dump. The Codex is a macguffin for the sake of having one. It's never clear what Clark is supposed to do with it. If anything other than just let it exist inside him. Maybe this is something they'll touch on in the sequel. Lois Lane exists so expository dialogue can be dumped on her for the audience. Lois/Clark relationship is incredibly forced (they get together because Lois and Clark are supposed to get together!). As mentioned above, MoS doesn't do near as good at father figures leading their sons to being heroes. Goyer is clearly trying to recycle that. The Daily Planet cast is throw away. So yeah it's a little sloppy. I didn't say there weren't DEFINITE problems with TDKR script. I can agree with that, but Man of Steel is just as "schizophrenic."
Edit: This is all off the top of my head. I am sure I'll think of something else. Maybe even come to terms with some of the above. But I just wanted to clarify why I think it's not tidy.
The scene that evoked the most emotion out of me was one I didn't really expect...
It was literally the. I had a couple other moments in the movie that got to me, but nothing like that for some reason.birth of Kal-El, the music and just knowing that little baby becomes Superman... something just got to me with that scene and I got chills/little man tears formed
Agot to me lolbirthing scene
revoke my damn man card.
Well you could just rejoice in the fact.
I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but how much of a Superman fan do you need to be to get teary eyed at a by the numbersI mean come on man. That's like... Stage 5 fandom.birth scene right at the start of the movie?
Questioning Matrix's Superman fandom?
You can just walk out of this thread now.
You're so awkward.
First about the codex. I don't know why it being a macguffin would be a bad thing. Come to think of it, a macguffin is not a negative term. Anyway, the codex provides an answer to the question "Why does Zod want Superman?" Even without its use as a means of reviving Crypton it has served its script purpose.
Second. Lois and Clark. They get together because they're two hot people that get hot for each other. And even beyond that. Lois likes Clark because he's the fucking Superman. A zenith of male perfection literally unachievable by humans. Clark likes Lois because even though she found him out she kept his secret, thereby earning his trust.
Third, the father thing. Clark is in a tug of war between his two father figures. Jor El wants him to lead humanity. Jonathan wants him to hide from humanity, even at the cost of lives, out of fear of what he may cause. Neither is asking for him to be a hero. Even the Superman of Kingdom Come or Red Son wouldn't violate the letter of Jor El's wishes.
And The Daily Planet cast is throwaway because this story doesn't concern The Daily Planet.
Well you could just rejoice in the fact.
I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, but how much of a Superman fan do you need to be to get teary eyed at a by the numbersI mean come on man. That's like... Stage 5 fandom.birth scene right at the start of the movie?
For me wasthe look of frustation he had after he started to jump trying to fly and crashed on the side of a mountain and when he got up out of that crater he made, that freaking look he made god damn it, I almost could feel if I was Superman and I could feel that frustration because he knew he could be better than that, he knows he is really powerfull.
I don't know, little things like that orwhen he crashed to the vault steel door, that look of pain and amazement of that freaking powerfull enemy
I don't need to go in tonight with that level of expectation
But that's awesome, it gives me a bit more hope.
Im really loving that we got different scenes all of usI know it's an odd one, but the part that got to mewas right after he got a pitcher of beer splashed on his face at the bar. His expression was fucking brilliant. It wasn't anger. It was hopelessness and despair. Almost brought a damn tear to my eye given the context of the character. Haven't seen that part mentioned much if at all.
It's not just simply a generic birth scene though. His birth is done in secret, it is literally a crime in that society and that gives it weight/importance that it wouldn't normally have. I love that Goyer added this layer to the established mythos.
Im really loving that we got different scenes all of us
That expression yes was great.
That's what Im refering when I say that Cavill expressions and stuff was really great in the movie.
I didn't question the importance of the scene in the mythos of Superman. However there's basically no build up to it, and the scene itself isn't anything special. So in essence you gotta be an out of the charts Superman fan to get teary eyed at it, since the scene by itself would never warrant that from normal viewers.
Essentially it's an emotional pay off that isn't earned in the slightest, which either means I'm wrong and Matrix is a highly emotional guy (which he clearly seems to be) or I'm right. And that means that a guy who has been going around this thread saying how mad he is at "stupid criticisms" of the movie, really doesn't have a whole lot of ground to do so because clearly he isn't looking at the movie in any way that might be considered objective or constructive.
If he hadn't called out others criticisms of the movie I wouldn't have cared.
It didn't get me teary eyed but the scene definitely had emotion. What the hell kind of build up do you want to a scene like that?
Yeah and Caville really nailed that scene man. If I was on set I would have chills.
Most emotional moment to me was when Poppa Kent made that hand gesture. Kevin Costner knows what he's doing.
It didn't get me teary eyed but the scene definitely had emotion. What the hell kind of build up do you want to a scene like that?
Most emotional moment to me was when Poppa Kent made that hand gesture. Kevin Costner knows what he's doing.
Rosengbaun sucks.
WTF??? Did you even watch Smallville, at all? Rosenbaum personified Lex, like to the fucking T. He was exceptional in the role and arguably the best thing about the show for many seasons.
Personally, I think they should seriously consider him. He's got an 8 season audition for the part, and would play the exact type of Lex Luthor a modern version of Superman needs to be pitted against.