Not just you. I really liked her as Dejah.I thought Lynn Collins was great as Dejah Thoris. Guess it's just me.
Hot as hell too.
I thought Lynn Collins was great as Dejah Thoris. Guess it's just me.
Hot as hell too.
Was she in anything else besides the wolverine origin film?She is very pretty too so that adds to the hotness aspect of her, she has a exotic beauty oh my.
I don't watch True Blood, but I've seen her in it, if you take my meaning.Was she in anything else besides the wolverine origin film?
True blood it is then.I don't watch True Blood, but I've seen her in it, if you take my meaning.
I think it's great and super memorable.
This track has more of it, a slower version in the first minute and then the more bravura rendition for the close starting at 2:48
Can we make this a Lynn Collins thread now?
This ASM scene right here is that one instance in the movie where music, camerawork, backdrop and performance perfectly come together. Felt magical when the camera backed off then zoomed in on Peter doing the finger lift and falling back. Music fit that moment perfectly!!
Shame it was way too short.
But as disappointing as Horner's ASM score was, its more pleasing to the ear than Zimmer's MoS one. And this despite MoS's theme having a better central melody.
I do like ASM's score, but MOS owns it.This ASM scene right here is that one instance in the movie where music, camerawork, backdrop and performance perfectly come together. Felt magical when the camera backed off then zoomed in on Peter doing the finger lift and falling back. Music fit that moment perfectly!!
Shame it was way too short.
But as disappointing as Horner's ASM score was, its more pleasing to the ear than Zimmer's MoS one. And this despite MoS's theme having a better central melody.
I feel like your first impression was along those same lines, but got worse as discussion continued. Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
It's still a soulless piece of shit
Off-topic, but this thread just reminded me how much I love Danny Elfman's theme for the Raimi Spider-man movies.
Anyway, I'm still overall positive on MoS, I enjoyed it a a lot. I hope that in the next film they actually bring up the shear amount of total fucking death and destruction Superman and Zod caused, because at the moment it sort of seems like everyone just shrugs it off.
I know it's a superman signature but I really wish they would have gotten rid of his "disguise" angle.
They built such a realistic feeling universe that seems like it could fit it with the dark knight trilogy but then expect us to believe no one can tell that Clark is super man because of glasses????
Warner bros pls
These honestly did nothing for me, sorry.
There's your Lex Lutho
I was never under the impression that they would, considering that you didn't remember it in the first place. If you would have found it memorable you... would have remembered it.
It's not just the glasses, but various methods Superman uses, including acting.
And of course, the most important part; the sheer disbelief that it would happen. No one is simply going to expect Clark Kent to be Superman, much in the same way you can't expect someone you walk pass by in the street to be a huge movie star or influential politician. Although we as readers/viewers already know who he is; In order for you to suspect it was that person if you were in the position of someone in the story, you'd have to go through some insane leaps in logic that it would seem ridiculous to you if you did came to that conclusion.
Yissss. He'd have great chem with Cavill too. My Supersenses already tell me this.
To be fair some scores/tracks are mishandled in movies.
I'm a big fan of James Horner, but he phoned in ASM's score hard.
I wish they stop trying to make movies about a dude who can fly and shoot lasers from his eyes "realistic".I know it's a superman signature but I really wish they would have gotten rid of his "disguise" angle.
They built such a realistic feeling universe that seems like it could fit it with the dark knight trilogy but then expect us to believe no one can tell that Clark is super man because of glasses????
Warner bros pls
Yo if people want to see more micheal Shannon, I recommend The Missing Person.
What did you think?It's not his best score but I loved the theme and thought it was mostly okay.
Anyway... I have seen Man of Steel.
That's next for me to hit.He was good as the sleezeball manager in The Runaways.
What did you think?
JOHN CARTER AND THE GODS OF HOLLYWOOD examines every aspect of Andrew Stanton's adaptation and Disney's marketing campaign and seeks to answer the question: What went wrong? It includes a history of Hollywood's 100 year effort to bring the film to the screen, and examines the global fan movement spawned by the film.
Will hunt it down. Thank guys should read this
it's pretty good. Was free for Kindle not too long ago
Im totally with you on ASM's score. I like that Horner actually wrote a totally heroic sounding main theme. Marvel movies in general suffer from terribad scores, like Avengers.6:57
I think it's great and super memorable.
This track has more of it, a slower version in the first minute and then the more bravura rendition for the close starting at 2:48
I finally saw this today with my oldest boy (in 3D, at his insistence). I was suitably impressed with how they laud out his origins, and don't understand the issues with Krypton that so many of you expressed. The fighting was a bit hard to watch in 3D, but I'll attach it again under normal viewing circumstances in a minute. Satisfying ending, and OMG ALL THE FEELS when Chris Cornell's "Seasons" kicked in...that knocked me for a harder loop than anyone in Zimmer's score. A solid 7/10, tempered only by the 3D and lack of Fishburne/Costner screen time.
Just saw this. I fucking loved it! Loved Henry Cavill as Superman. Completely disagree with the critics. The movie did have humour and emotion. And on top of that, a satisfying final fight, which I feel a lot of current superhero movies fail at (Iron Man 1 and 2, Captain America etc).
Also, Dat Hans Zimmer score!
you guys should read this
it's pretty good. Was free for Kindle not too long ago
I saw it again last night. I can't articulate why, but I really enjoyed it more this time than the first time.
First time I saw it opening night I rated it about a 6.5. Second viewing, I would have to give it about an 8.5.
MoS has made 25m in China in contrast to Iron Man 3's125m
3 day gross versus 60 days?MoS has made 25m in China in contrast to Iron Man 3's125m
3 day gross versus 60 days?
Oh my, some one hold me.
edit: Your edit is even more hilarios. Thanks!
MOS2 to feature Asia sub-plot confirmed.
My biggest regret is not being able to see this in 2D. Fuck all you nonces that believe 3D is the peoples choice. There was 1 Imax 2D showing a week compared to the 3D option. Disgusting.
MOS2 to feature Asia sub-plot confirmed.