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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.



Snyder storyboarded the first flying sequence, in which Clark Kent jumps massive distances before coming to grips with his aerial ability. The filmmakers shot footage for the scene, but after it was cut together with the pre-visualized mock-ups ("previz") they realized their approach didn’t quite work. Initially, DesJardin says, the plan was that "We’re gonna be kinda going with him [Superman] into space, and then we’re going to do this slow push-in to his face, and he’s going to be smiling knowingly like he’s got control of his flight power." The result, however — a sequence where the camera magically moved around Superman without much sense of physical reality — didn’t fit with Snyder’s stylistic directive.

"We ended up affectionately calling them the ‘Donner-cam’ shots, after the Richard Donner version of Superman," he says. In the 1978 original, Christopher Reeve was hung on a controllable wire rig in front of a series of projected backgrounds; the camera would then move around the actor to sell the illusion of flight. "But if you look back at that movie, most of the time it looks like you’re flying with him somehow," DesJardin says. While effective at the time, it was the opposite of the documentary-style realism Snyder was aiming for.

The solution was to impose the same limitations a physical camera would bring to the table. "So that particular shot I told you about out in space became, ‘We’re actually on the International Space Station,’ or ‘We have a camera on a satellite, and Superman happens to be coming towards us.’ And we can pan and tilt to try to follow him, but that’s all we can do. It’s just the luck of the draw that he happens to fly by us and we can find him. It’s a searching camera like that."



Guys what is this John Carter you speak of? Is that the bomb responsible for blowing up krypton?



I saw this for the third time within a week and half a few days ago.

Pretty awesome film. Takes a huge fat shit all over Returns. Great action, loved the non linear story telling, only downside was the nerdy nerds who were in the audience in front and behind me the first time I saw it calling out every little thing.

The third time was the clencher to wash away any remnants of that piece of shit Iron Man 3 I saw a few weeks ago.


I saw this for the third time within a week and half a few days ago.

Pretty awesome film. Takes a huge fat shit all over Rapist Returns. Great action, loved the non linear story telling, only downside was the nerdy nerds who were in the audience in front and behind me the first time I saw it calling out every little thing.

The third time was the clencher to wash away any remnants of that piece of shit Iron Man 3 I saw a few weeks ago.
Fixed it for you.

I also went to check Iron Man 3 afterwards and it was just a big meh of a movie.


Just saw this. I fucking loved it! Loved Henry Cavill as Superman. Completely disagree with the critics. The movie did have humour and emotion. And on top of that, a satisfying final fight, which I feel a lot of current superhero movies fail at (Iron Man 1 and 2, Captain America etc).

Also, Dat Hans Zimmer score!

It had humor? Maybe if you count the final scene for how ridiculous it was.

Anyways shame the movie did such a poor job in trying to make us give a fuck for any of the characters. Didn't care for Pa or Ma Kent or their relationship with young Clark, the way it was done didn't really click with me. Though it was no where near as bad as Lois and Supes relationship, no real chemistry between the two, it felt forced. Didn't give a fuck about the other reporters, as if we really gave a fuck what would happened to them when the World Engine hit Metropolis and shit started to happen. Overall the movie lacked substance, it's a good action alien invasion flick, just not really a good superman film, it lacks heart. Still a 7/10 for me.


I finally saw this today with my oldest boy (in 3D, at his insistence). I was suitably impressed with how they laud out his origins, and don't understand the issues with Krypton that so many of you expressed. The fighting was a bit hard to watch in 3D, but I'll attach it again under normal viewing circumstances in a minute. Satisfying ending, and OMG ALL THE FEELS when Chris Cornell's "Seasons" kicked in...that knocked me for a harder loop than anyone in Zimmer's score. A solid 7/10, tempered only by the 3D and lack of Fishburne/Costner screen time.
Exactly my feelings after watching this today. Going to watch it again as soon as BR is available.



I'm watching Watchmen right now and the style employed in the film would have suited MoS more. I don't know why he wanted to shoot it handheld. Watchmen has really rich visual imagery, which is precisely what a Superman movie needs.


Watch John Carter for Caesar and Marcus if nothing else, unless you're straight, then watch it for dat PAWG. Damn she fine.

I have not seen the Uber Mensch.


Just saw it !

Very dumb movie with many non-sense scenes and too much military american bullshit.

Had some nice moments, good visuals overall, fantastic soundtrack and the female friend of Zod was fucking amazing.

Trailers tricked me into thinking this movie had brains :(

Wish they spent less money on CGI destruction and used that to hire a decent screenwriter.


The score gave me some serious feels but the rest of the movie felt a bit flat.
Fight scenes were straight up DBZ, which was awesome.


Just watched the trailer again. When he comes out of the chamber in the suit. Got damn .. They fumbled that scene in the movie :(

Visually it just tremendous but the moment was flat.

The movie looks so much sharper presented digitally on my plasma than it did in theaters too.


Comics, serious business!
Just got back. Wow. What happened here? How did we go from most amazing trailers ever to this piece of shit?

Watchmen was 10x better.


Just watched the trailer again. When he comes out of the chamber in the suit. Got damn .. They fumbled that scene in the movie :(

Visually it just tremendous but the moment was flat.

The movie looks so much sharper presented digitally on my plasma than it did in theaters too.

If I remember correctly the score during that scene in the film was almost nonexistent. Had there been powerful music to accompany the powerful imagery the scene might have worked better.

I like Zimmer's work but he seemed to have phoned this one in. I'd like to see someone else score MoS 2.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Just saw this. I fucking loved it! Loved Henry Cavill as Superman. Completely disagree with the critics. The movie did have humour and emotion. And on top of that, a satisfying final fight, which I feel a lot of current superhero movies fail at (Iron Man 1 and 2, Captain America etc).

Also, Dat Hans Zimmer score!

Yeah, the movie most definitely had bits of humor throughout it, but I guess people were expecting more cartoony humor or something.
Took my cousin to go see it which was my second time seeing it.

I don't understand wh GAF shits on this. It was good, not great.

I definitely appreciated the soundtrack a lot more the second viewing. I loved seeing all of the action a second time.

Sure, the pacing could have been improved but overall, it was a good movie and it showed off an inexperienced Superman and equally powerful foes wrecking shit.

I'll definitely purchase this on Blu day one. Can't wait for Justice League.


Saw it again today and still enjoyed it. Same complaints from the people I was with, too much action but the non-action bits were actually quite good. Also, Smallville battle was way better then the final Zod confrontation (CG looked odd here for some reason)

So do we know if its going to be Man of Steel 2 before a batman reboot/other DC character films and then only a Justice League film?


Just watched the trailer again. When he comes out of the chamber in the suit. Got damn .. They fumbled that scene in the movie :(

Visually it just tremendous but the moment was flat.

The movie looks so much sharper presented digitally on my plasma than it did in theaters too.

There were so many scenes in the trailers that looked incredible, but were boring in the final film. That first suit shot is certainly one, Jor-El watching Krypton fall would be another one, and the shots of nomad Clark seemed to flow much better in the trailers.


Shit movie, to the extent that I now appreciate Superman Returns.

Only the ten seconds that Cavill was shirtless were worth the cost of production.


Saw it again today and still enjoyed it. Same complaints from the people I was with, too much action but the non-action bits were actually quite good. Also, Smallville battle was way better then the final Zod confrontation (CG looked odd here for some reason)

So do we know if its going to be Man of Steel 2 before a batman reboot/other DC character films and then only a Justice League film?

It seems like they're going to do MoS2 before Justice League, which is frankly the smartest thing to do.

We'll have a MUCH clearer vision of WB's Justice League plans after Comic-Con in July.


Finally saw it (it finally came out in Australia).

I was ready to hate it after all the reviews, and I'ma fan of Returns, but it was actually decent. Lots of good bits, but rushed through.

It was like they had to stuff the film and its sequel into one film. There's no-where to go from here.

The biggest negative was the score. Zimmer please stop ruining movies with your single note (often literally) scores.
Wow, good thing we had that Rottentomatoes thread that deflated my hype. As a Superman film I'm cutting the movie a lot of slack, but as a film in general it wasn't good.

Thank god I've seen it in 2D, with all that shaky-cam in 3D I might have left the cinema around 2/3s of the movie. Acting-wise the movie seemed solid, really liked Costner, Crowe, Adams and Cavill. I don't know if it was the cartoonish ridiculous dialogue but Mark Shannon as Zod was just laughable. Every sentence brimming with pathos wooden dialogue sounding like comic prose.
For a movie that tries to take himself overly serious the dialogue was really so unnatural that it felt uncanny.

What I hated about the movie:
- The action felt absolute suspenseless which is really due to the character of Superman, and at some point it just reaches and overkill point were the movie slips into Michael Bay-ish CG fireworks.
- CG still needs a few years to deliver us a proper Dragonball Z movie. The final action sequences weren't bad but still not convincing and video-gamey.
- Religious undertones. I hate that Space-Jesus metaphor. Get this shit out of these movies, it's disgusting.
- Pacing felt off for the "main storyline".
- Soundtrack was garbage. Hans Zimmer seems to be overworked, everything drifts into this pompous drums "watch out danger ahead" sound. Clark's soft piano theme is nice but felt completely overused and introduced us to every single emotional scene. It was really like an alarm for "heart strings going to be pulled now". Somehow Zimmer managed to deliver again his best track in the 3rd Trailer for this movie, just as he did for The Dark Knight Rises.
The Zod theme (used in trailer 5) was good though.
- Some "creative liberties" taken with Kal-El's character

What I liked:
- Actors except for Shannon
- First 45-60 minutes
and the flashback scenes. Also the Krypton scenes didn't feel that convoluted to me since
I read some comics in preperation to the movie.. yes the hype was that big to me
- Some great scenery and shots that were free of green-screen / CG / shaky-cam.
- Some "creative liberties" taken with Kal-El's secret identity.

Some might say they appreciate Superman Returns now after this movie, I still can't. Man of Steel is not leaps and bounds better, but definitely not worse. The Rottentomatoes score hits the nail on the head. 3/5 with a lot of "it's Superman" good-will but 2/5 wouldn't be a lie either.
The main-plot was just not that entertaining except if you are looking for mind-numbingly stupid CG explosionfest a la M.Bay.
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