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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


I saw it and like that they avoided most of the stuff I hate about superman stories, like
. But it's still a movie about an invulnerable person with infinite power..so they still have to do dumb things like kill
his dad
no reason
, just because
he's superman

I like that they didn't make Lane a completely worthless character like she typically is.


Finally saw it (it finally came out in Australia).

I was ready to hate it after all the reviews, and I'ma fan of Returns, but it was actually decent. Lots of good bits, but rushed through.

It was like they had to stuff the film and its sequel into one film. There's no-where to go from here.

The biggest negative was the score. Zimmer please stop ruining movies with your single note (often literally) scores.

What? They can go do anything they want with the sequel with how it ended.


What? They can go do anything they want with the sequel with how it ended.
He's already fought a whole group of super beings, and all their weapons, and won. He also levelled an entire city. Sequels always try and go one-up, but where do they go from there? Doomsday would just be a repeat of this.


Saw it recently and liked it. I'm glad they didn't pander to the comic book nerds with it, a lot of the things I didn't like about Superman and the overall story were changed or simply omitted.


He's already fought a whole group of super beings, and all their weapons, and won. He also levelled an entire city. Sequels always try and go one-up, but where do they go from there? Doomsday would just be a repeat of this.

Ah yes, like that. Yeah its going to be hard to top a general from Krypton.


Does everyone still think MoS will crack $300 million domestic?

Conventional wisdom says its going to be in the $310 range depending on how good the legs are now through july. Other front loaded summer films (Harry Potter and Transformers) make between $60-$75 million (usually, sometimes insanely front load Potter films only did $50 but MoS is not that), after their initial 17 days (which is where MoS is today). MoS's drops are right in the middle of those two films, so it should make at least another $60 million after this weekend putting it right around $310 (should be $248 after today). I wouldn't expect the high end of that just because of the glut of films coming out every week, unless we get a lot of bombs.

Its holding up well this weekend (WHD bombing helps) and with the 4th coming up it should have another good week. Movies stabilize after their second weekend, the drops are far far less severe unless WOM is toxic (e.g. Green Lantern). Don't underestimate summer weekday $$ while kids are out of school. It will pass TASM sometime this week to be the biggest reboot ever domestically. Will end up somewhere north of $700 WW, and could take down TASM's $752 WW (it will be close either way)


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Just got back. Wow. What happened here? How did we go from most amazing trailers ever to this piece of shit?

Watchmen was 10x better.

Yeah, the trailers for MoS were better than the movie itself. And yes, Watchmen was a better movie. MoS is so close to being great though that the disappointment is just that much more heartfelt...:(

Shit movie, to the extent that I now appreciate Superman Returns.

Join us in the sun:




I just got done watching Superboy Returns. I actually watched it over three days because honestly I kept falling asleep. :lol It's just as boring, dull and bland as I remembered. Truly does nothing of interest with the character(or any character), unless making Superman creepily obsessed with Lois is an exciting proposition to you. Making a sequel to the Donner movie was just a monumentally stupid notion, SR truly is a complete and total waste of time and money. Singer, you idiot.

And I still don't fucking like the ugly ass turquoise color palette that pervades the movie, never did, and never will. Sure, there are some tryhard "iconic" shots of Superman lifting mountains and cars. Who gives a FUCK.

Man of Steel may have its problems, but it is an infinitely more exciting and entertaining movie, and at least allows room for an improved sequel that isn't tethered to a goddamn 30 year-old movie.
Man of Steel may have its problems, but it is an infinitely more exciting and entertaining movie, and at least allows room for an improved sequel that isn't tethered to a goddamn 30 year-old movie.

After the tour de force delivered in the first one I believe it leaves absolute no sensible room for any kind of sequel, no matter who the villain might be.
Furthermore Clark/Supes is still kind of a blank slate in terms of characterization, since such a hack job has been done with his motivation, moral code, anything really, which in parts also is the fault of the lacking characterization of Jonathan Kent & Jor-El.

Although I really really liked the actors in MoS, I do believe the franchise needs another reboot. For either a Superman sequel or a Justice League movie.


DerZuhälter;67266971 said:
After the tour de force delivered in the first one I believe it leaves absolute no sensible room for any kind of sequel, no matter who the villain might be.
Furthermore Clark/Supes is still kind of a blank slate in terms of characterization, since such a hack job has been done with his motivation, moral code, anything really, which in parts also is the fault of the lacking characterization of Jonathan Kent & Jor-El.

Although I really really liked the actors in MoS, I do believe the franchise needs another reboot. For either a Superman sequel or a Justice League movie.
What's wrong with his motivation and moral code?
What's wrong with his motivation and moral code?

Both are non-existant. He stumbles into this adventure, he is not earth's protector or anything. Minor spoilers
After having the truth about him revealed by Jor-El he gets a speech of doing wonders being a shining example. What does he do? He goes back home and chills with mommy. Shouldn't he be doing something heroic now that he got the suit? Would he still have operated in secret or would have revealed himself? We don't know. If it weren't for Zod's ultimatum, who knows what he would have done.


DerZuhälter;67271716 said:
Both are non-existant. He stumbles into this adventure, he is not earth's protector or anything. Minor spoilers
After having the truth about him revealed by Jor-El he gets a speech of doing wonders being a shining example. What does he do? He goes back home and chills with mommy. Shouldn't he be doing something heroic now that he got the suit? Would he still have operated in secret or would have revealed himself? We don't know. If it weren't for Zod's ultimatum, who knows what he would have done.

give me a break with the chilling with mommy thing. That's him in every rendition... Clark Kent isn't some cover / disguise, he's just as real of an identity as Superman.


i think Lex will be the perfect villain for the next film. Especially after Metropolis was in compete ruins following Zod's battle.

Supes can't get away with throwing Lex around like a rag doll...Lex isn't an alien invader like Zod - he's apart of humanity. What I found most interesting in this film was ***major spoiler if you haven't watched the movie***
Superman KILLING Zod...(btw, WOW I totally did not see that coming). This is what the next movie should be about - Superman struggling with himself to find his moral code. Is it his job to kill someone who might potentially kill millions? Who is he to decide and where does he draw the line? Does he kill Lex Luthor if it means he can save others? Or can he only kill aliens? All of these are questions that will certainly be explored in the next film... and who better to do this than Lex Luthor (who will also simultaneously fuck with Superman and his reputation)?

edit: I just got around to watching the film last night so some quick impressions.

I really did enjoy it - I thought it was entertaining and the cast was fantastic. However there are clearly some pacing issues...i felt the movie never had a chance to breath. I don't care about it not being full of humour / jokes because I personally didn't want that. I just wish that motivations were clearer... I wish they used Pa Kent more effectively in making Clark the person he is today. Was also a bit disappointed in Zod but I thought Faora totally stole the show. She stole every scene she was in, way more menacing than Shannon.

I was just thinking about how spoiled we are in this HBO/Showtime/AMC age, where we have quality shows that get 10-12 episodes to flesh out characters and motivations whereas movies now a days have to do it in 2 hours. I have to admit I have a tougher time watching movies now a days (especially when I'm not in the theatres) because I tend to not get immersed in the experience anymore. Just something I was thinking about on my way home from the film.

Overall, I'd give it 8/10.


i think Lex will be the perfect villain for the next film. Especially after Metropolis was in compete ruins following Zod's battle.

Supes can't get away with throwing Lex around like a rag doll...Lex isn't an alien invader like Zod - he's apart of humanity. What I found most interesting in this film was ***major spoiler if you haven't watched the movie***
Superman KILLING Zod...(btw, WOW I totally did not see that coming). This is what the next movie should be about - Superman struggling with himself to find his moral code. Is it his job to kill someone who might potentially kill millions? Who is he to decide and where does he draw the line? Does he kill Lex Luthor if it means he can save others? Or can he only kill aliens? All of these are questions that will certainly be explored in the next film... and who better to do this than Lex Luthor (who will also simultaneously fuck with Superman and his reputation)?
There was an interview on IGN with Snyder and Goyer and that's exactly where they intend the big spoiler you've set out to take Superman.


Kinda wanted to make a separate thread for this, but:

How's Man of Steel as a pure action movie? Note: I'm pretty picky. If the action's too fast, then it becomes too blurry (for me, at least) to enjoy (due to 24 fps). Examples include Avatar and The Avengers, but I've had this problem with most action scenes in movies from the past decade. (Older action movies tend be more weighty and less swift.)


Kinda wanted to make a separate thread for this, but:

How's Man of Steel as a pure action movie? Note: I'm pretty picky. If the action's too fast, then it becomes too blurry (for me, at least) to enjoy (due to 24 fps). Examples include Avatar and The Avengers, but I've had this problem with most action scenes in movies from the past decade. (Older action movies tend be more weighty and less swift.)
I'd say its on par with The Avengers when it comes to action sequences. They're only in the last hour or so of the movie (also just like The Avengers). I'd recommend not going to a 3D screening if this is an issue for you.
The action is very much shot in a style similar to District 9, The Shield, and Battlestar Galactica

District 9 was much clearer as well as Galactica.
MoS is shaky, filled with CG and over the top non stop action to the point it gets mindnumbingly-dull. Considering how Snyder shot action scenes in 300 or Watchmen, it's a huge step backwards in clarity put ramped up in the scale of destruction.


I'm watching Watchmen right now and the style employed in the film would have suited MoS more. I don't know why he wanted to shoot it handheld. Watchmen has really rich visual imagery, which is precisely what a Superman movie needs.

There was a lot of complaining on gaf about this. So much i expected Bourne seriers level of camera shakiness. Later i went to see movie and had no problem with it.

Edit: Camera in District 9 is way, way more ...unsteady so to say.


There was a lot of complaining on gaf about this. So much i expected Bourne seriers level of camera shakiness. Later i went to see movie and had no problem with it.

Edit: Camera in District 9 is way, way more ...unsteady so to say.
If you see this in IMAX and/or 3d you might have issues since it wasn't shot for either of those. Normal projection was fine except for one or two scenes.
That's pretty inaccurate.

No it's not, if we talk about the action scenes in District 9. They are pretty steady, what wasn't were all the documentary style shot scenes by surveillance cameras and camera crews but most of those weren't action scenes.

In Galactica on the other hand those constant zoom ins weren't as bad because the shot was always focussed on a ship moving with the vast emptyness of space in the background. No danger of loosing something essential out of your eye contrary to what is happening in MoS.

Now add 3D, fast moving Kryptonians, shaky cam as well as fast cuts and you don't know where and on what to focus. The other two being in 2D alone is a major factor to improve clarity.


I just saw it today and really enjoyed it.

It seems like its cool at the moment to bash it, but fuck that.
I enjoyed the hell out of it.
DerZuhälter;67284196 said:
No it's not,

Yeah, it is. You're vastly overstating your case as a means to express displeasure with the film as a whole. You can be disappointed with the movie (for a multitude of reasons, I understand) but you're basically either remembering District 9/Battlestar wrong, or you're purposefully exaggerating the differences in visual aesthetic as a means to shit on Man of Steel.

So far as the 3D goes - Man of Steel wasn't shot in 3D, and wasn't shot FOR 3D. If District 9 or Battlestar were post-processed for 3D as well, maybe there'd be a comparison on that level. But they weren't.
[..] you're basically either remembering District 9/Battlestar wrong, or you're purposefully exaggerating the differences in visual aesthetic as a means to shit on Man of Steel.

So far as the 3D goes - Man of Steel wasn't shot in 3D, and wasn't shot FOR 3D. If District 9 or Battlestar were post-processed for 3D as well, maybe there'd be a comparison on that level. But they weren't.

I've just rewatched all 4 seasons of BattleStar Galactica last month and I have the District 9 Blu infront of me and took a dip in some of the action scenes. I've seen MoS last night. I am not imagining things.

The big point about clearity of scenes is not only shaky cam or how many cuts there were, but also how much is going on in the frame. In MoS there was constantly shit exploding, debris of falling apart buildings and ash/dust on screen. This is more strenous than for example the much more shaky recorded and faster cut fight scene in the bathroom of one of the Bourne movies (I don't remember anymore either Identity or Supremacy). Why? Because the rest of the screen isn't falling apart or moving around.

But whatever dude. Claim that I'm pulling out of my ass because you enjoyed the movie.

Well I don't care if MoS wasn't shot for 3D. Why? Because 3 out of 4 cinemas in my city only screened it in 3D, that's why this has to be considered. Personally I went to the shitty multiplex cinema that screened 2D in it's smallest theater.
DerZuhälter;67288981 said:
I've just rewatched all 4 seasons of BattleStar Galactica last month and I have the District 9 Blu infront of me and took a dip in some of the action scenes. I've seen MoS last night. I am not imagining things.

Then you're exaggerating for the sake of exaggerating.

The fact I liked it doesn't mean anything with regards to this line of discussion - I like Battlestar Galactica and District 9 better. Way better, actually. But even if I thought District 9 was a pile, there's no objective way to say the visual style of all three properties is not strikingly similar. Man of Steel is absolutely shot in the same manner.

DerZuhälter;67288981 said:
Well I don't care if MoS wasn't shot for 3D. Why?

Because for whatever reason, this is the hill you've chosen to defend. :)

The Boat

Just came back from the movie, enjoyed it a lot. It's not fantastic, not sure if I agree with some choices and the editing isn't very good at times, but it's pretty good.
First time I went to IMAX and wow! Fucking amazing!


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
DerZuhälter;67284196 said:
No it's not, if we talk about the action scenes in District 9. They are pretty steady, what wasn't were all the documentary style shot scenes by surveillance cameras and camera crews but most of those weren't action scenes.

In Galactica on the other hand those constant zoom ins weren't as bad because the shot was always focussed on a ship moving with the vast emptyness of space in the background. No danger of loosing something essential out of your eye contrary to what is happening in MoS.

Now add 3D, fast moving Kryptonians, shaky cam as well as fast cuts and you don't know where and on what to focus. The other two being in 2D alone is a major factor to improve clarity.

Yep, I agree completely. That's why I was surprised to see Snyder use that style for MoS, it just seemed like a bad choice. I wish he had shot MoS more like he did with Watchmen, that would have been beautiful and much easier to follow.

For me, the action in MoS was hard to follow, much like a Michael Bay action film like the Transformers movies. I've seen some slowed down GIF's of the action scenes from MoS and they are much better slower, you actually get the chance to see what is happening and have time to notice details. In the theater most of it all just blended together in a meaningless hard to follow fashion.


Me too. At first i had to think bout it first. But ya, I love this movie.

Same such a great damn movie. Fun from start to finish.

Finally Superman gets some decent fights against worthy opponents.

Now give me Brainiac and Luthor in the sequel and I am set.

In fact the more I think about it, it would make perfect sense for Luthor to come in and foot the bill for Metropolis' reconstruction. Currying some public favour.


My biggest complaint is that he didn't once use his freeze breath. Was waiting the whole movie for it!

Yeah actually I thought the same thing.
Was expecting it in the final battle. Alas.
There is always the sequel.

Now I think of it maybe save Brainiac for the 3rd movie.
Two alien invasions in a row might be too much.

Have Luthor and Metallo instead.
Luthor for the brains and Metallo for the punchy punch.
Just saw this and I gotta say, 8/10.

I get what they were trying to do with the shaky cam technique, but there were moments where it just felt flat. It worked really well with scenes involving Kryptonians coz it felt alien and unreal. But when they used it with Supes and some of the scenes involving humans, it just felt really forced and they too felt alien and unreal and in a movie about humanity, I think they dropped the ball on that one.

If there's gonna be a sequel, I'm hoping they remove the dark and gritty Nolan/TDK feel of the movie. It worked well with MoS but Supes isn't even anywhere to close to being a "dark" character. If anything, he's the total opposite of Batman. Hopefully the next one will be more "bright" and positive... unless Batman shows up and breaks a few necks lol.

Other than that, this might be my fave summer action blockbuster so far.


I actually like the whole dark Nolan feel.

We had it with the dark knight trilogy and now superman. It could be like a DC signature and a great way to stand out from the avengers.

We get the fun comic book type of movie with marvel and this darker more realistic tone with DC. Best of bit worlds!

If this carries all the way to Justice League that would be sick!


Luther and Metallo for the sequel absolutely. Glad to see there's other people here that love this movie, the endless hate train that this thread became was depressing. I am a supes fanboy and I loved it, its exactly what I wanted. Might see it a third time if Pacific Rim shits the bed.


Mediocre and incredibly disappointing.

Finally saw it and with you on this one. Waaaaay to much origin, and when its fonally over they keep on flashbacking to it. The opening prologue with Russel Crowe is also totally unnecessary and could be omitted without anyone missing it. Also one of its big faults is that you dont get to know about the characters at all, nor do you get to care for them. The way the story rolls out(once it finally finally gets going) its so standard and predictable without any real surprises at all, just really cookie cutter. Cavill is well cast but Lois Lane totally fell flat for me. Although the wooden dialogue didnt help. Quite telling was that I went with 5 people of only one only thought the movie was "ok" the rest didnt like it.
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