Don't have time to review, so assigned to my writer. Extended impressions are exclusive this thread!
Don't have time to review, so assigned to my writer. Extended impressions are exclusive this thread!
Too much negativity here. Between this and TDKR you guys really break my heart. I mean really break my heart.
Oh I certainly agree that they weren't targeted for revenue generation. But were they used as a vehicle to market the movie? Undoubtedly. Nothing creates hype like enthusiast hype. It's why comic films are even made these days - they're easy to market because fans do half of the job.
A similar situation is taking place in the gaming industry right now. Sony realizes that the number of people who actually give a damn about drm is completely insignificant compared to their regular business of shifting consoles. But appeasing the enthusiasts leads to its own rewards which then trickles down to the general gaming audience.
Never underestimate the marketing power of the enthusiast.
holy shit tell Newman to take the stick out of his ass. Trying way too hard.
Standing back from the totality of Man of Steel allows the observance of a curious disaster: an expensive actioner with nary a thrilling beat; a character piece (this is very likely too generous) whose character is barely tangible in mere presence; a refreshingly wordy screenplay that, once actually spoken, is revealed to use its vast, vast majority of chances for interaction among great, better-than-this actors to instead spout off sci-fi exposition that holds too little proper context (release the planet generator) or, much less, provides any signal of so much as an attempt at coherence.
That was quite a read:
awful pretentious review
holy shit tell Newman to take the stick out of his ass. Trying way too hard.
I am more hyped to see the changes to the character than anything else now.
That was quite a read.
If The Bling Ring gets a higher percentage than MoS we might have to go into crisis management mode.
Before I read it I did a simple testAt least he didn't mention mise-en-scene.
Is there any outlet not to trust more than AICN? I can't think of one. Even Drew gave it an A+ over at HitFix.
I was going to say yours but i'll be nice....
A lot of people are going to hate Superman because of the maddeningly wasted potential, but in the end I give it credit for creating that potential with a first half that was entertaining, inspiring, earnest, heartfelt, and beautiful. And the cast is incredible, aside from this guy. Man of Steel strikes me as both a shining example of what a comic book movie can be, and a perfect reason of why a lot of people wish the talent pool comic book movies attract could be applied to something less comic booky.
Is there any outlet not to trust more than AICN? I can't think of one. Even Drew gave it an A+ over at HitFix.
Here's Vince Mancini's Filmdrunk review, which is one of the more readable reviews (as per usual - he's great at writing stuff that sounds like you're bullshitting w/ a friend at the bar)
This review I think encapsulates the feeling most of my friends have settled upon a couple days after watching the movie.
relevant quote:
Here's Vince Mancini's Filmdrunk review, which is one of the more readable reviews (as per usual - he's great at writing stuff that sounds like you're bullshitting w/ a friend at the bar)
This review I think encapsulates the feeling most of my friends have settled upon a couple days after watching the movie.
relevant quote:
Why? It's from the director of one of the greatest movies of the new millenium. Can't wait to see it this weekend.
Someone needs to start doing reviews of reviews. Some of those reviews are pretty terrible.
The last line especially rings true. This cast would be really great for a non comic book movie. As much as people here hate on films being 'Oscar-baits' we really don't get many proper adult dramas outside of those months nowadays. There are great more arthouse films here and there, but we don't get casts as big as this outside of comic books now.
I dreamed of a Superman where he was moping around, not sure what to do with himself. Having trouble deciding if he should do good or bad.
Just a constant struggle. A very dark dark Superman movie.
Dude I fucking want this so bad, I dont' want humour, I don't want stupid jokes, I don't want IronMan 3 nor Avengers, I want Superman to be treated seriously, he is not some sugar apple pie that smiles at everything, he has issues,
Fucking goddamn it!
The scene with the piano was one of the most cringe worthy scenes in a comic book film ever.I accidentally read that big spoiler. :/
If that is really what is causing some of the bad reviews then I am just... I don't know what to say. It's not even comparable to the Superman Returns super child story line which in fact ruined that movie far more.
Hell it took Clark 10 years on Smallville to work out his issues and accept becoming Superman lol jk kinda
While that might be true I resent the notion that because its a comic book genre film, it should forever be contained within that genre as a lower tier film in quality.
Spider-Man 3, man. :\
so i'm doing my moustache for nothing?!
Smallville the movie
you wait ten sequels before something happens
Spider-Man 3
The Dark Knight Rises
Green Lantern
Super 8
The list goes on and on....
Spider-Man 3
Green Lantern
Super 8
The list goes on and on....
Spider-Man 3
The Dark Knight Rises
Green Lantern
Super 8
The list goes on and on....
Along with myself, on GAF I only trust the following person for his completely rational, uncomprimising review:
Mr negativity will tell it like it is.
Solo became an instant joke character when he said he prefered TDKR over TDK, lol.
What does Super 8 have to do with anything? not a super hero movie.