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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


I think you were on some hallucinogenic drugs with that one. That movie should have changed you forever. Yet you let others get to you.

I figured Martin Campbell + neat IP = success. Ooops.

What does Super 8 have to do with anything? not a super hero movie.

I think that list was more hyped movies that failed to live up to expectations (and their trailers)

Question and answer.
Skyfall and TDKR don't belong on that list AND YOU KNOW IT! There's disappointment, and then there's those other movies.

I also like how Spider-Man made it twice. Best franchise.

This list was one of movies I allowed myself to get hyped for and then ultimately felt let down by. Doesn't mean they are bad movies, just didn't live up to the hype. Skyfall qualified instantly, and after seeing TDKR a second time months post-release, it absolutely did too.
Very minor spoiler about Space Jesus
IIRC Clark is 33 when he becomes superman which is the same age as Jesus when he started his ministry

totally forgot that and that review jogged my memory. I remember a few us in the theater instantly noticing a bunch of Space Jesus connections.


Some of the reviews are giving me the feeling that this movie will actually play out exactly like Superman 78: an earnest, genuine first half that gives you the feels seeing Superman on the big screen should, and then a messy semi-incoherent second half that amounts to a simple "Superman stops scenery chewing villain from blowing up the world" story.

(and if some people take the nostalgia glasses off, it's pretty clear how lame the second half of Superman 78 is to people over age 10. unless you grew up watching that movie, in which case, totally understandable.)

Spider-Man 3
The Dark Knight Rises
Green Lantern
Super 8

The list goes on and on....


I liked TDKR and Skyfall, and those others didn't have the years of mega-hype that SM3 had (actually, SM3 might have been my most hyped movie ever, superhero genre aside). I mean, coming off SM2's ending and gradually seeing shit like the black suit and Venom and the promise of Peter and Harry's story coming to a head, all that stuff just teasing you for three long years...and then we get Spider-Man 3. I really wanted to like it but after it a while it really sinks in how much of a wasted opportunity it is.


My worst case of hype was definitely green lantern, which is odd because I went into it knowing it'd suck. It's just that I wanted it to be good so bad that I basically forced myself to enjoy the movie. But thinking back on it, it really, really sucked.


Wait, Fatboy not only likes Captain America (yuck!), but likes it more than the Avengers (double yuck)?

I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.

If The Bling Ring gets a higher percentage than MoS we might have to go into crisis management mode.

But Sofia Coppola made Lost In Translation, which is better than any superhero movie ever made


ya know, never seen Green Lantern.

It's TERRIBAD. It's nothing to do with not living up to the hype, or being an ok but not great movie, or any other excuse you could throw at the films on that list. It's just really really bad. Like, everything about it is wrong; every frame has something stupid in it. I know that sounds like some ridiculous internet hyperbole, but watching it felt like watching MST3K without the commentary; it just felt off.
The biggest hype I ever had for a film was Avatar. And it delivered. Because Cameron.

Biggest disappointment in recent memory was easily Prometheus.


I really had no expectations for Avatar in any form. It had been so long since Titanic that I just kinda went into that movie as a blank slate. A2 is where I'll have to temper expectations.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I'll never get over Returns. Hyped the shit out of that movie on here with DM, sucked so much for me personally and now it's haunting me with better reviews so far than MOS which makes me ill.

Fuck planet earf!

We should have made all the threads DM! we fucked up again.
Whoever runs the Gaf On Film twitter needs to read this thread.

I remember everyone in the Film thread thought that was me.

Edit: I like Captain America more than Avengers. That's about all I can say. Since seeing the Avengers I changed my review scale so that 1 star indicates the movie I watched was shit but still better than Avengers.
I'll never get over Returns. Hyped the shit out of that movie on here with DM, sucked so much for me personally and now it's haunting me with better reviews so far than MOS which makes me ill.

Fuck planet earf!

What's funny is that you think you would have learned from that experience. A swathe of negative MoS reviews pour in and you're still in 'I'm going to love the shit out of this movie!', rather than temper expectations and increase the chance you might enjoy it.
The trick is really easy:

Just don't let excitement become expectation.

That's it.

It's not even that hard.

Motherfuckers just DON'T WANT TO LEARN IT.
The trick is really easy:

Just don't let excitement become expectation.

That's it.

It's not even that hard.

Motherfuckers just DON'T WANT TO LEARN IT.

You say that, but tell me you won't be disappointed when after a lapdance from ScarJo, she starts slowly peeling off her clothes and her big dick flops out and hits you in the face.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
What's funny is that you think you would have learned from that experience. A swathe of negative MoS reviews pour in and you're still in 'I'm going to love the shit out of this movie!', rather than temper expectations and increase the chance you might enjoy it.

I'm just following in Solo's footsteps.


The trick is really easy:

Just don't let excitement become expectation.

That's it.

It's not even that hard.

Motherfuckers just DON'T WANT TO LEARN IT.

Just curious - why does it bother you so much?

Everyone has different habits of how they approach movies.

Excitement and expectation go hand in hand. When you're excited for something you naturally expect to enjoy it. If you don't expect to enjoy something, what's the point of becoming excited?

If you suggested people should temper their excitement and not let it get out of control due to various sources of hype, that would make a little more sense.


If this ends up having a lackluster box office run (compared to whatever WB is expecting)......can you say Batman reboot fast-tracked?


If this ends up having a lackluster box office run (compared to whatever WB is expecting)......can you say Batman reboot fast-tracked?

Isn't MoS 2 already a go?

I think this will break $100 million with ease over the weekend. Maybe top out around $265 million. You never know...despite some critical setbacks general audiences may enjoy the hell out of it.


Isn't MoS 2 already a go?

I think this will break $100 million with ease over the weekend. Maybe top out around $265 million. You never know...despite some critical setbacks general audiences may enjoy the hell out of it.
100 mil is far from guaranteed. Tracking has been falling. Latest numbers were 87 mil down from a high of 135 mil at one point. Hype seems to be really losing steam going by tracking numbers in the final week before release. Similar thing happened to Trek 2.


well not really...yet
The biggest hype I ever had for a film was Avatar. And it delivered. Because Cameron.

Biggest disappointment in recent memory was easily Prometheus.
I was actually down on Avatar months before it came out. Dat ubisoft conference! Thank god JC delivered, as usual.

Also, yeah, I don't think any movie can replicate the disappointment that Prometheus gave. It was a slow burning disappointment too as the more you went back and looked at and thought about, the shittier it became...lol


Expectations are in check, I just want a more entertaining movie than Returns, I want a good SUperman film for once after 30 years, one that I can be proud as a fan, one that don't make me feel embarrassed when I walk out nothing more.

Just a decent film about Superman and I will be happy, doesn't matter if its not better than Watchmen or whatever :p


But how can they top the Nolan Trilogy?

But not even trying? Go in a completely different direction. Leave behind the dour, drab, depressing world of the Nolan Batman films and go in a new direction. People still love the character and will follow it as long as you don't take the piss Schumacher style. Batman Beyond type of approach + cyperpunk aesthetic = take my money.


I can't believe how anyone could be THAT disappointed in Prometheus. The almost decade of middling to bad movies from Ridley didn't temper expectations at all? ffs, Robin Hood came out just a year before it!
I can't believe how anyone could be THAT disappointed in Prometheus. The almost decade of middling to bad movies from Ridley didn't temper expectations at all? ffs, Robin Hood came out just a year before it!

Ridley Scott returning to sci-fi and absolutely pitch-perfect trailers leading up to release.
Love the first two Nolan batmans. I think it's about time we get some good fight choreography in here though

Fucking green arrow on CW fights the way batman should and could whoop baleman's ass :/

I'm not just asking for action though like all the hulk and superman fans were doing, I'd also like a deeper exploration into batmans intelligence


I can't believe how anyone could be THAT disappointed in Prometheus. The almost decade of middling to bad movies from Ridley didn't temper expectations at all? ffs, Robin Hood came out just a year before it!

Ridley has been hit or miss for his ENTIRE career though. When he hits, motherfucker HITS, and KoH:DC was only 7 years prior to Prometheus. And of course, Prometheus had an amazing trailer.


Hey, lets post MoS pictures again.



But not even trying? Go in a completely different direction. Leave behind the dour, drab, depressing world of the Nolan Batman films and go in a new direction. People still love the character and will follow it as long as you don't take the piss Schumacher style. Batman Beyond type of approach + cyperpunk aesthetic = take my money.

I disagree with this, mostly because Batman's world wasn't as dark as you make it out to be. Definitely dark, but keep in mind that Bruce's guiding motivation was his belief that the people of Gotham are good. At some points, he's proven right and, at others, wrong. And imo, that's how it should be. It's perfectly fine for Superman to believe that humanity is worth saving and all that. But it shouldn't be taken for granted that it is. One of the biggest deciding factors for how good a villain Zod is and MoS in general is how much of a point Zod has when he tells superman that humanity isn't worth saving. He shouldn't be completely right, of course, but you shouldn't be able to easily dismiss him as a raving lunatic either.


Love the first two Nolan batmans. I think it's about time we get some good fight choreography in here though

Fucking green arrow on CW fights the way batman should and could whoop baleman's ass :/

I'm not just asking for action though like all the hulk and superman fans were doing, I'd also like a deeper exploration into batmans intelligence

Needs a Director that knows how to shot action, Nolan is awesome for sure but the dude can't shot action like Cameron or Snyder for that matter.


100 mil is far from guaranteed. Tracking has been falling. Latest numbers were 87 mil down from a high of 135 mil at one point. Hype seems to be really losing steam going by tracking numbers in the final week before release. Similar thing happened to Trek 2.

Fuck....why would this happen? It's not like there is anything else getting released to take the hypr
It's TERRIBAD. It's nothing to do with not living up to the hype, or being an ok but not great movie, or any other excuse you could throw at the films on that list. It's just really really bad. Like, everything about it is wrong; every frame has something stupid in it. I know that sounds like some ridiculous internet hyperbole, but watching it felt like watching MST3K without the commentary; it just felt off.

hmmm I have to see it but I know from the trailers I was not thrilled with Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds left something to be desired... still I have to see it.

Green Lantern is Captain America bad, which is Catwoman bad, which is Elektra bad. Awful.

well considering I liked Captain America (which I don't consider bad, sorry, it isn't)

What's funny is that you think you would have learned from that experience. A swathe of negative MoS reviews pour in and you're still in 'I'm going to love the shit out of this movie!', rather than temper expectations and increase the chance you might enjoy it.

what? I don't judge my movie going experience by what critics say, if I'm looking to a film i'm going to go see it, I don't need the Rex Reeds of the world or whoever to tell me what to like!

The trick is really easy:
Just don't let excitement become expectation.
That's it.
It's not even that hard.
Motherfuckers just DON'T WANT TO LEARN IT.

that's your trick, see my answer above.

You say that, but tell me you won't be disappointed when after a lapdance from ScarJo, she starts slowly peeling off her clothes and her big dick flops out and hits you in the face.

you .... some repressed sexual tension there. write a fan fic.

But how can they top the Nolan Trilogy?

better fighting, more bat-brain smarts are two things I can think of. they can ditch the all black suit and do something more Tron like but with a bit of color (no lights of course) include more of the supporting cast.


Along with myself, on GAF I only trust the following person for his completely rational, uncomprimising review:


Mr negativity will tell it like it is.

Solo became an instant joke character when he said he prefered TDKR over TDK, lol.


I'll be watching it tomorrow, and I'll be posting my honest impressions here after the fact!


Look at what has happened in this thread in the past week. Then think of that as a microcosm of the viewership at large.

I don't think that's always necessarily true.

Forum threads last July were incredibly polarized over TDKR, but the film still did very well commercially and most people who weren't "hardcore" like most of us forum dwellers seemed to really enjoy it.

I feel confident that MoS will make most people looking for a summer blockbuster happy. Not all, but most.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.

I'll be watching it tomorrow, and I'll be posting my honest impressions here after the fact!

That gif makes me want to punch you in the face :)

To think that little shit was in Batman Begins lol
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