Might see this on Friday or Saturday, not a big Superman fan but eh, willing to give it a shot!
Skyfall and TDKR don't belong on that list AND YOU KNOW IT! There's disappointment, and then there's those other movies.
I also like how Spider-Man made it twice. Best franchise.
Skyfall and TDKR don't belong on that list AND YOU KNOW IT! There's disappointment, and then there's those other movies.
I also like how Spider-Man made it twice. Best franchise.
I think you were on some hallucinogenic drugs with that one. That movie should have changed you forever. Yet you let others get to you.
What does Super 8 have to do with anything? not a super hero movie.
I think that list was more hyped movies that failed to live up to expectations (and their trailers)
Skyfall and TDKR don't belong on that list AND YOU KNOW IT! There's disappointment, and then there's those other movies.
I also like how Spider-Man made it twice. Best franchise.
Spider-Man 3
The Dark Knight Rises
Green Lantern
Super 8
The list goes on and on....
I have since come around to the true, canon ranking of the Nolan Batman films: BB >>> TDK > TKDR
If The Bling Ring gets a higher percentage than MoS we might have to go into crisis management mode.
ya know, never seen Green Lantern.
Whoever runs the Gaf On Film twitter needs to read this thread.
I'll never get over Returns. Hyped the shit out of that movie on here with DM, sucked so much for me personally and now it's haunting me with better reviews so far than MOS which makes me ill.
Fuck planet earf!
Green Lantern is Captain America bad, which is Catwoman bad, which is Elektra bad. Awful.
The trick is really easy:
Just don't let excitement become expectation.
That's it.
It's not even that hard.
Motherfuckers just DON'T WANT TO LEARN IT.
What's funny is that you think you would have learned from that experience. A swathe of negative MoS reviews pour in and you're still in 'I'm going to love the shit out of this movie!', rather than temper expectations and increase the chance you might enjoy it.
The trick is really easy:
Just don't let excitement become expectation.
That's it.
It's not even that hard.
Motherfuckers just DON'T WANT TO LEARN IT.
If this ends up having a lackluster box office run (compared to whatever WB is expecting)......can you say Batman reboot fast-tracked?
If this ends up having a lackluster box office run (compared to whatever WB is expecting)......can you say Batman reboot fast-tracked?
Isn't MoS 2 already a go?
We will have a new Batman film within four years.
Biggest disappointment in recent memory was easily Prometheus.
100 mil is far from guaranteed. Tracking has been falling. Latest numbers were 87 mil down from a high of 135 mil at one point. Hype seems to be really losing steam going by tracking numbers in the final week before release. Similar thing happened to Trek 2.Isn't MoS 2 already a go?
I think this will break $100 million with ease over the weekend. Maybe top out around $265 million. You never know...despite some critical setbacks general audiences may enjoy the hell out of it.
I was actually down on Avatar months before it came out. Dat ubisoft conference! Thank god JC delivered, as usual.The biggest hype I ever had for a film was Avatar. And it delivered. Because Cameron.
Biggest disappointment in recent memory was easily Prometheus.
But how can they top the Nolan Trilogy?
I can't believe how anyone could be THAT disappointed in Prometheus. The almost decade of middling to bad movies from Ridley didn't temper expectations at all? ffs, Robin Hood came out just a year before it!
I can't believe how anyone could be THAT disappointed in Prometheus. The almost decade of middling to bad movies from Ridley didn't temper expectations at all? ffs, Robin Hood came out just a year before it!
But not even trying? Go in a completely different direction. Leave behind the dour, drab, depressing world of the Nolan Batman films and go in a new direction. People still love the character and will follow it as long as you don't take the piss Schumacher style. Batman Beyond type of approach + cyperpunk aesthetic = take my money.
Love the first two Nolan batmans. I think it's about time we get some good fight choreography in here though
Fucking green arrow on CW fights the way batman should and could whoop baleman's ass :/
I'm not just asking for action though like all the hulk and superman fans were doing, I'd also like a deeper exploration into batmans intelligence
100 mil is far from guaranteed. Tracking has been falling. Latest numbers were 87 mil down from a high of 135 mil at one point. Hype seems to be really losing steam going by tracking numbers in the final week before release. Similar thing happened to Trek 2.
It's TERRIBAD. It's nothing to do with not living up to the hype, or being an ok but not great movie, or any other excuse you could throw at the films on that list. It's just really really bad. Like, everything about it is wrong; every frame has something stupid in it. I know that sounds like some ridiculous internet hyperbole, but watching it felt like watching MST3K without the commentary; it just felt off.
Green Lantern is Captain America bad, which is Catwoman bad, which is Elektra bad. Awful.
What's funny is that you think you would have learned from that experience. A swathe of negative MoS reviews pour in and you're still in 'I'm going to love the shit out of this movie!', rather than temper expectations and increase the chance you might enjoy it.
The trick is really easy:
Just don't let excitement become expectation.
That's it.
It's not even that hard.
Motherfuckers just DON'T WANT TO LEARN IT.
You say that, but tell me you won't be disappointed when after a lapdance from ScarJo, she starts slowly peeling off her clothes and her big dick flops out and hits you in the face.
But how can they top the Nolan Trilogy?
Fuck....why would this happen? It's not like there is anything else getting released to take the hypr
Along with myself, on GAF I only trust the following person for his completely rational, uncomprimising review:
Mr negativity will tell it like it is.
Solo became an instant joke character when he said he prefered TDKR over TDK, lol.
Look at what has happened in this thread in the past week. Then think of that as a microcosm of the viewership at large.
Look at what has happened in this thread in the past week. Then think of that as a microcosm of the viewership at large.
I'll be watching it tomorrow, and I'll be posting my honest impressions here after the fact!