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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

I'm kind of disappointed with the OT's title so generic. Even something as stupid as "Time to join him in the sun" would have been better. Mister hero I am disappoint.

he's not even a real Hero.

i still think what fandango reports is pretty impressive, that MOS is outpacing IM3 at this very same stage before release. Not only this, but MOS has 100 global promotional partners (170 million in support). They mention 'The Lorax' was known to have over the top partners and it had 70; MOS 100.

Having said this, re-boots don't fare that well at box office it seems; Batman Begins made like 40-50m i believe, in it's opening w/e. I still feel MOS will surprise to the upside. I predict 140mm

yes but Superman returns was better than batman & Robin and Nolan's name is now bigger and people like what Snyder did with 300 and Watchmen.

Oh lawd. I have seen the sun.

Where's this from anyway?

Also, how does the OT title not have the words 'sun' or 'bus' in it?


well batman begins was coming off batman and robin, and nolan wasn't that well known. Nolan is now a much bigger name, which is why they are plastering it all over the advertisements.

true, true... Remember though that MOS is also coming off Superman Returns, which let many down. Nolan wasn't well known whejn BB came out but Snyder seems to be disliked by many and his latest film was attrocious (Sucker Punch).. There are similirities between the two in terms of challenges with orgin/re-boot movie. I also think that the action is selling tickets and BB didn't have that... People went to watch avengers, largely in part for the action and MOS promises this so it's got this going for it. It will be really interesting how well it does in it's opening w/e
Saw this the other night at an advanced screening (Zach Snyder is an alum at my old school)

I thought it was good, but not as good as I hoped.

-Great fight choreography
-Costume design is well done
-Story is pretty solid and the antagonist's motives are understandable
-Great environmental design on Krypton
-Woman in the above gif ^ was pretty sexy

-Great actors give only okay performances (Even Shannon was a letdown)
-A few unintentionally corny moments/lines of dialogue
-Fight scenes marred by cheap-looking CG composites. I don't notice bad CG very often, so the fact that it was jumping out at me says a lot.
-Documentary-style aesthetic was annoying for me (countless fake zoom-ins, focus-hunting, etc)
-None of the characters are very relatable. I liked Supes, but never felt the need to root for him or care about him.
-Flashbacks are a little overdone throughout the film. And some of the inciting moments in Clark's past seem a little too frequent and convenient.

It's not bad, but it's not great. It's a fine enough superhero film that fixes a lot of the issues people had with the last one (there's plenty of action), but there's still a lack of charisma or personality present in other superhero films. There's almost a lack of identity in a way. I'd even go as far as to argue that Brandon Routh was a more affable Superman, while Cavill is a more action-appropriate Superman.


Hi guys. Oh and to take a page from BatGAF and Solo...

Feel free to ask any questions, I'll be up for a couple of hours.


Give it to us straight, Simo. How much screentime does Cavill's dong get?

I'm not spoiling the end credits scene so stop with your tom foolery!

Do they address how he shaves?

Serious question.


How was it?

You ask me now and I'll tell you it's the best Comic Book Movie to date, so let me sleep on it and take in a couple more showings lol...Seriously though I loved it and had a hell of a time. The screening was full and the whole crowd was into it from beginning to end.


Is Zimmer's score really that amazing in the film itself?

Yes it is. In my opinion anyway. I'm glad I preordered the OST.

Shannon as Zod. How was he?
Great. You actually understand, and maybe agree, his motives and what he's trying to do...it's just his method that he goes about doing it is whats wrong and messed up.

How does it compare with other reboots/origin stories? How epic do they go, beyond avengers?

Really good and honestly even though the film covers so much ground the pacing is quick and fast. It hardly felt like a 2 and a half hour movie.

Do we get to see
Clark Kent as Clark Kent: Daily Planet Reporter



Is this an
ending thing or does he become a daily planet reporter a good ways before the ending?


Is Lex Luthor in this film?
I know they had his company logo on a building, but I'm thinking more along the lines of the Joker Card at the end of Batman Begins.


Any indication of other DC superheroes in the film?

Well the only easter eggs I saw, and again there's a lot to take in so I could of missed some mentions, was
the Wayne Tech logo on a satellite and LexCorp on the building and tanker.
I preordered it a long time ago, but this makes me happy.

One more, how was Antje Traue? Is this film going to launch her career?

Pretty awesome. When Faora is seen in action she gives the best visual of combat at super speed in that she's just like...there...and dispatching soldiers in a second. The fight she has in
Smallville is really good.

Is there even one instance of Snyder speed ramp/slow mo? I ask as someone who likes it.

None whatsoever. There is no slo-mo in the film.


Would like to know this as well.

Call me negative. :p

Uh...not long enough? lol Hmmm I guess I would of liked to of seen more of Clark's childhood with the Kents and you don't actually see
Kal's ship crash on Earth and the Kents find him

Also more Krypton would of been nice. It's so richly realized and packed with details I wanted to see more of it.

Acting wise everyone was great and I have no complaints...well save for the actress who was Lara, I wasn't too crazy about her. Cavill did a great job and IS Superman. He and Adams have great chemistry on screen.

Cool little nugget - Carla Gugino is in the movie. =D


Thanks Simo for answering my questions.

Didn't quote in fear of spoilers, but I am a bit sad about the lack of slo-mo. I am a fan of it.



Approximately how many viewings will this require to join him in the sun, 3, 4, 5, 6....?

Crazy hyped for this, got my tickets ready for next Friday.



Approximately how many viewings will this require to join him in the sun, 3, 4, 5, 6....?

Crazy hyped for this, got my tickets ready for next Friday.

As many as your heart desires. Suffice to say I can't wait for my 2 showings next week!
makes an appearance in this movie as well.

Saw this the other night at an advanced screening (Zach Snyder is an alum at my old school)

I thought it was good, but not as good as I hoped.

-Great fight choreography
-Costume design is well done
-Story is pretty solid and the antagonist's motives are understandable
-Great environmental design on Krypton
-Woman in the above gif ^ was pretty sexy

-Great actors give only okay performances (Even Shannon was a letdown)
-A few unintentionally corny moments/lines of dialogue
-Fight scenes marred by cheap-looking CG composites. I don't notice bad CG very often, so the fact that it was jumping out at me says a lot.
-Documentary-style aesthetic was annoying for me (countless fake zoom-ins, focus-hunting, etc)
-None of the characters are very relatable. I liked Supes, but never felt the need to root for him or care about him.
-Flashbacks are a little overdone throughout the film. And some of the inciting moments in Clark's past seem a little too frequent and convenient.

It's not bad, but it's not great. It's a fine enough superhero film that fixes a lot of the issues people had with the last one (there's plenty of action), but there's still a lack of charisma or personality present in other superhero films. There's almost a lack of identity in a way. I'd even go as far as to argue that Brandon Routh was a more affable Superman, while Cavill is a more action-appropriate Superman.

your review contradicts itself, let simo show how to join him in the sun.


Can I take your response as a no? Lex is the most important character for this franchise to get right, maybe even moreso than Superman, so I'm pretty much on edge about about how they characterized him if they characterized him at all. So have mercy and don't leave me in suspense here.
Simo, where there any nods to the (Birthright, Man of Steel, etc) where they just took it straight from the pages of said books?
also, will you now achieve wonders?


How big a role does
Ma Kent have? Her role in the other superman movies, sadly, is very limited


Can I take your response as a no? Lex is the most important character for this franchise to get right, maybe even moreso than Superman, so I'm pretty much on edge about about how they characterized him if they characterized him at all. So have mercy and don't leave me in suspense here.

Sorry I missed your post! The answer is...
No, Lex is not seen but there are a couple of nods to him be it the LexCorp building or LexCorp on various vehicles and such.

Simo, where there any nods to the (Birthright, Man of Steel, etc) where they just took it straight from the pages of said books?
also, will you now achieve wonders?

Aside from what we know...well...there's
Kelex and Kelor, voiced by Carla Gugino, who are Jor-El's service robots.
. Some of the action felt like it was ripped from the JLU animated series in how Superman and co go smashing through buildings and such.

If by achieving wonders you mean coming home and grabbing a red sheet to throw around my shoulders and my fists on my hips....only for my wife to laugh at the beer gut in my Superman t shirt....
yes, yes I will.
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