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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

Hey Gaf! Just got back from an advance screening. Here is my initial reaction. I'll try to stay away from plot spoilers but still. Don't click if you don't want trouble. I'll delete this post if I shouldn't be posting this.

The first ten minutes of the movie may be a bit of a herring for the rest of the movie. Its rushed, it doesn't make sense even though they tried explaining it, and it felt a bit like a straight to DVD scene; acting dialog, choreography and plot made little sense. And yes I know they ripped a bunch from Supes Earth One. Productions values were spot on throughout though.

With that said I'll give a quick rundown of pros and cons

+Amazing 3D. Probably the best I've EVER SEEN. The 3D alone is worth the price of admission. Now I know some theaters are different than others - I saw hobbit 3 times and the 3D was different for each - but this was literally the best 3D I've seen. For the umpteenth time it shows me that 3D is actually useful and is here to stay.

+ Special Effects. I'd say it rivals any recent movie. I was constantly amazed by the visual fidelity. They really dotted their I's and crossed their T's. Again, 3D with the effects are worth it.

+ Cinematography and Visual Aesthetic. These were mostly good. Very Dark Knight-esque maybe even a bit more darker in tone. I enjoyed the feel of the movie very much.

+Destruction. OMG ITS GLORIOUS. So much fighting and killing and destruction. Again. Worth it for this. Supes going through tons of buildings and all sorts of stuff.

+ Fighting is Brutal

- Story. Sometimes the plot made absolutely no sense. I don't want to ruin it for you guys but there are some very huge hiccups. Three.notable ones are at the beginning of the movie, somewhere in the middle (with Mr. Kent) and at the end. A lot of nonsensical decisions were made and really took me out of the movie.

- Tone. The tone was too serious, overdramatic, and a bit whiny at times. It was like a drama at all points. The melodramatic piano was a staple throughout the entire film along with very slow moving scenes. A lot of it felt insincere and simply used to tug at our heartstrings. I don't mind a serious tone at all, it just didnt feel genuine or well executed.

- Dialog. Probably the worst part about the movie. Very cartoony. Unrealistic. Robotic at times and just plain awful. Mostly everyone was OK. Again there were scenes where REALLY ODD things were said just to fill space. Sometimes it's OK NOT to speak! Im looking at a ton of scenes but you'll laugh at the bank vault army scene. Hilariously bad. THE WORST OFFENDER AND I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH IS ZOD (MICHAEL SHANNON). His delivery is so bad you wont want to finish the movie. He is clearly acting, and acting bad. Think of a theater play. But a bad theater play. The first scene in the movie is only an appetizer for whats to come.

- Pace. The pace is terrible and this matches in with the story. Pace is terrible. There is very little rhythm to the movie. They build up so much momentum for superman to become superman and when he finally dons the suit they don't even show it. And there is no proper focus when he puts it on. It's supposed to mean something but its such a small part that they ignored. UGH! It amazes me how they spent so much time over-dramatizing certain scenes and pointless events and completely DROP the ball when it comes to the important things. So to recap: Important things in the story are rushed and barely explained but useless chaff is constantly being centered on to drive home manufactured emotion.

- Fighting Movements. Combat was weird. Was cool to see trucks being thrown and buildings literally flattened but the movements were really video-gamey. For some reason they think at all times superman and his enemies need to move lightning fast. It looked jarring and out of place for how good everything else in the film looked.

- Ending is controversial. I didnt mind but I can see it as a negative. That's all I'll say. If you want more PM me.

In all I give it a 6. It was fun to watch. Eye porn definitely but if you're expecting this to be like Begins you need to adjust your expectations. I'll prolly write some more and answer questions if anyone wants in the coming days. I'm glad I saw it and I may watch it again but seriously guys. Keep expectations low so you wont be disappointed. Think about how polarizing The Amazing Spiderman and that might be close to what you should expect. I will say if Micheal Shannon werent in this the movie would have gotten at least a 7 maybe an 8. :/
It'll probably get taken down soon, but here's the clip from Jay Leno.



That was awesome.


Super Member
kinda wanna go back and watch all the other Superman movies

IIRC they were great, no?
Superman 1 and 2 remain surprisingly relevant. They may give you a desire for better fights and special effects, which Man of Steel will deliver by the busloads.
I have been so hyped to see this, was planning on a midnight showing which i havent done in years. But my girlfriend reminded me were going on a camping/music festival trip from thursday to that monday........so bummed. Wish I knew ways of seeing early screenings in denver colorado :(


I bought superboy on dvd season 1 for five bucks at FYE .

And look what I find in it


Woohoo I get to go see Superman Returns!

I'm not prepared to unspoiler your post. How much would you give it out of 10 and where would you place it against the Batman trilogy?

Lmao Henry Cavill plays wow?

Funny story

It is a funny story but I don't know if I believe it. He's been asked the question about the moment he was told he got the job in several interviews and this is the first time he mentioned WoW. I'm not saying that he doesn't play the game. But it seemed like they made up an interesting story for Leno to please the geeks.
<looks at wall of spoiler text>

This thread is gonna get spoiler dangerous soon.

Someone is gonna slip up and forget to tag.

Maybe I should stop coming here until after I see it....


I'm not prepared to unspoiler your post. How much would you give it out of 10 and where would you place it against the Batman trilogy?

It is a funny story but I don't know if I believe it. He's been asked the question about the moment he was told he got the job in several interviews and this is the first time he mentioned WoW. I'm not saying that he doesn't play the game. But it seemed like they made up an interesting story for Leno to please the geeks.

I have heard him mention WoW in every single one of his interviews about it actually.


I'm not prepared to unspoiler your post. How much would you give it out of 10 and where would you place it against the Batman trilogy?.

He says it's a 6 out of 10 and is The Amazing Spider-Man of the DC movie universe.

Don't really agree with any of the impressions but to each their own.
I absolutely hate 3D movie watching so unless they show it in regular IMAX 2D in my country, I am going to have to wait for the blu ray release.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
He says it's a 6 out of 10 and is The Amazing Spider-Man of the DC movie universe.

Don't really agree with any of the impressions but to each their own.

Not reading his impressions/review obviously, but that makes no sense at all.

edit- Thanks Solo


lets play the metacritic game guys

i predict a 94 but if it gets anything under that i will probably kill some nuns this trailer is a 92 alone and it doesnt even have the bit in the actual movie where lois becomes kryptonian


lets play the metacritic game guys

i predict a 94 but if it gets anything under that i will probably kill some nuns this trailer is a 92 alone and it doesnt even have the bit in the actual movie where lois becomes kryptonian

wtf dude i didn't need that spoiler


If that genuinely happens or has happened in comic past so that there is a fear it might happen in the film, then I apologise.

I woz just being silly

I don't know everything now is a possibility, when i'll watch the movie i'm gonna remember that, but probably won't happen i hope.
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