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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

They've also virtually reinvented and rewritten him and his mythology. They take a couple of huge liberties which may or may not enrage the comic book die-hard.

This is kind of a big deal (not for me personally) and i think explains why "this is not the superman i know" has become a somewhat common complaint


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Oh my god I just realised I put Ralph instead of Routh. I'm tired. I write what it sounds like in my head. Crucify me.

Why would I crucify you? I agree with what you wrote. Just found it funny. He can't make the EW cover and now someone called him Ralph.



Aw man. I'm sorry to say it was kind of hit or miss for me. First off, this is a pretty weird movie. It's more of a sci-fi/alien invasion deal than a comic book or even a Superman adaptation. I suppose Superman has been realized as believable as he can be in MoS. Where such a direction is good or bad will depend on each person. They've also virtually reinvented and rewritten him and his mythology. They take a couple of huge liberties which may or may not enrage the comic book die-hard. I personally rolled with them.

BTW, I'll be making some BB comparisons for obvious reasons.

Now, the good stuff. The actions sequences in this movie are outstanding, awe-inspiring even. There's a 10-minute sequence in the middle of the movie that immediately takes its place among the all-time greatest action scenes in cinema. During those 10 minutes, it's the Superman we deserve, it's everything everyone hoped for. Faora is BADASS, I'll say no more. And Cavill does a fine job as Supes. Most of the time he's a digital double punching stuff, though. :p But he does bring good emotion to the character when needed.

Unfortunately I wasn't really feeling the rest. Snyder/Nolan gives Krypton, Jor-El and Zod a frankly absurd amount of screen time. The movie spent may have spent more time establishing and building up Zod than Superman himself. It's like they tried to pull off a Batman Begins here, which has an established link between the villain and the hero. Except BB doesn't waste time with Ra's, and except there's no direct link between Zod and Supes, it's a tertiary link through his father.

The trailers act like there's some sort of interesting internal conflict with Clark, but there really isn't one, what little is there is pretty much surface level. Lots of Lana Lois too, in a way it almost seems like one of those forced female characters so that the movie doesn't feel too dudebro. This woman is everywhere. Amy Adams is fine but her Lois is not really compelling or interesting.

Lastly, visually I can't say I enjoyed how blue this movie looks. This movie is bleak already and the desaturated color palette makes it even bleaker. Even BB had more color variety, and even had a few good jokes in it, this really does not. Super serious all the way through, some of the tension towards the end doesn't let up at all. Not saying this is bad, just describing the thing. :p There's an equally manic and uneven sense of pace with the editing of some stuff(outside of the action). I thought it was a little weird, movie barely gives you room to breathe. It's like Snyder can't wait to move on to the next section of the film. The soundtrack was all right for me, it kind of blends in the background, punches it up when necessary(which is a lot of the time actually).

Overall, it's a good time, and I'm interested in seeing it again. I was expecting an emotional core that resonated with me more, I suppose, but the action stuff is really top notch. I guess Nolan is to blame for this movie's deficiencies in the end.

Dat 10 minutes
Great so what I gather today is this is a critical bomb, and GAF will now love Returns and consider it the true Suiperman movie of our time.


So depressing.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I like the guy and think he's not that bad, but he's pretty much Ralph from here on out, for me.


I don't think he's that bad either. He did the best he was given to work with considering he was playing the Reeve version and was not even close to being the worst part of the movie (he still looked way too young), but yea the dude is now officially Ralph.


Great so what I gather today is this is a critical bomb, and GAF will now love Returns and consider it the true Suiperman movie of our time.


So depressing.

Superman is now the Zelda of superhero movies: new one sucks until another one comes out to take the heat. :p


Super Member
This speaks to a pet point of mine when it comes to superhero movies: I agree that I think there's a bit of a disconnect in superhero films when you watch the actor become a digital effect and return again. Even if it's done almost seamlessly, you kinda innately understand that you're no longer watching the actor you've been enjoying all movie. It's not the CG's fault, though. I think it's that there's a jump at all.

Superhero movies seem PERFECTLY built for the level of computer animation we're currently enjoying, and I think if we were allowed to key into the performance of the animated character, when he/she flies into action - that split doesn't happen, that disconnect never kicks in.

People tend to argue that people won't take the movies as seriously, or that the movies won't have the same level of impact if they stay in the realm of imagination, but I fundamentally disagree, ESPECIALLY when you consider how emotionally resonant some of the best computer animated films of the last 10 years have been. Also once you consider the best Superhero movie ever made was The Incredibles.
Oh definitely. Technology gets better all the time, and never worse. It's even helping with acting; they can give better performances without cumbersome rubber costumes.

The 100% animated method has a successful opposite, however. Reeve was flying around on wires, bending the train rails together, lifting the San Andreas fault line, etc. They look cheesy now, but people enjoy the action because the actor is still there.


Batman movies do the same thing. He grapples, glides with his cape, live actor driving a cool car, etc.

Indeed, MoS will have instances of both. CG fights and scenes like Cavill lifting the oil rig.

The Incredibles doing well is great, but for once I'd like to see their inspirations do well too. Conceptually, the Parr family is pretty much the Fantastic Four. For some reason however, the latter has to be serious.


Great so what I gather today is this is a critical bomb, and GAF will now love Returns and consider it the true Suiperman movie of our time.


So depressing.

Even if MoS is shit (is not shit) that will not automatically make Returns good, Returns will be shit forever.

Pure hot garbage.

Not even Ralph could have saved that sinking ship.


Jett's review is fair.

Comparing against BB, there's no Alfred, not much internal struggle (that's not Superman anyway, no?) and the villian is worse.

But it's fucking BB and that's a high bar to compare against.
Reading about how cold and humorless this movie is is pretty disappointing, gotta say. If there's one character that should have some heart with the spectacle, it should probably be Superman.


Fucking with the mythology? I can dig that. I'm ready to see something different

Having said that I will be disappointed if the movie fails to resonate with me or move me in any way.


Reading about how cold and humorless this movie is is pretty disappointing, gotta say. If there's one character that should have some heart with the spectacle, it should probably be Superman.

This is the thing that Im liking the most about the impressions.

Where or how it happened that Superman needs to have humour or to be all rainbows and shit?


I don't know about humor but Superman is definitely about heart and hope. At least that is one of the better interpretations of the character I have seen in the comics and is a corner stone of All Star Superman.
This is the thing that Im liking the most about the impressions.

Where or how it happened that Superman needs to have humour or to be all rainbows and shit?

Who the fuck asked for dark, cold Superman, tho

Besides the people who don't like the character and only find him "interesting" in "world gone bad" situations, like that shitty Injustice comic


Reading about how cold and humorless this movie is is pretty disappointing, gotta say. If there's one character that should have some heart with the spectacle, it should probably be Superman.

I'm inclined to agree. I was hoping this movie would hit a nice mid point between TDK and Avengers in terms of tone.

"Birthright" is what I was thinking of.


I don't know about humor but Superman is definitely about heart and hope. At least that is one of the better interpretations of the character I have seen in the comics and is a corner stone of All Star Superman.

Yes, hope, kindness, heart I can get all that but humour? Why a movie being serious is a bad thing now?

Come on man.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Everyone that has seen it in my fb loved it. I'll know for sure tomorrow when I watch it.


24 hours for me.

I think DC should attempt a Flash movie next. Have it be humorous, colorful and light but still have cool whiz effects and action.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I will enjoy it double just for you Matrix!


haha also please give some spoiler free impressions before you take off to discuss the film in the spoiler thread.


Why don't you go alone?

I went to see Thor all by myself :)

I normally don't mind going to see movies on my own (I saw Django and Skyfall by myself), but I did want to see this with others as I don't go out much lately. Push come to shove, I'll say screw it and go alone cause I really do want to see it this weekend.


24 hours for me.

I think DC should attempt a Flash movie next. Have it be humorous, colorful and light but still have cool whiz effects and action.

I really don't see a whole movie for Flash; I don't think he has enough of a story, or enough variety in powers.
I went to see Superman Returns all by myself at the theater near my house the premiere night. I recall enjoying myself.......sorta. I thought Ralph did a good job then. the theater wasn't packed but near capacity and everyone applauded at the end.
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