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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

I went to see Superman Returns all by myself at the theater near my house the premiere night. I recall enjoying myself.......sorta. I thought Ralph did a good job then. the theater wasn't packed but near capacity and everyone applauded at the end.

Since I grew up on the Donner films, it really hit home with me. I don't have vitriol for it.
HEE HEE i'm running around the office like a maniac with my arms behind me pretending to fly....
i'm actually a 13 year old stuck in teh body of a 31 year old... :D


I really don't see a whole movie for Flash; I don't think he has enough of a story, or enough variety in powers.
That just gives the director/script writers more creative liberty to actually create a good movie.

I mean if fucking Antman can get his own movie then Flash better the hell get his own. He is the main comedy relief of the Justin League, fleshing out his character and story arc would just make his in jokes even better.

Wonder Woman definitely deserves a movie but the reason I chose Flash first is because they can actually attempt a different tone. I fully expect a DC created Wonder Woman to be more serious in tone, holding back on the camp and the cheesy costume/invisible air plane.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
why are you waiting so long? that's almost two weeks! is your bus stalled?
I will make a statue and you can join me in the sun (theater) Matrix.
but i'm hungry, what's a good, decent priced restaurant around Union Square?


You're asking the guy with a chronic colon disease... lol I have no clue anymore, I don't eat out much.

Thanks Raptor!


Revised list, as RT isn't really reliable for movies that were released before RT existed. So, here's a list containing only movies released during RT's existence (1998 onwards):

  • 94% - American Splendor, The Dark Knight
  • 93% - Spider-Man 2, Iron Man
  • 92% - Ghost World, The Avengers

  • 89% - Spider-Man
  • 88% - X-Men: First Class
  • 87% - X2: X-Men United, A History Of Violence, HellBoy II: The Golden Army, The Dark Knight Rises
  • 85% - Batman Begins
  • 82% - Road To Perdition
  • 81% - Oldboy, Hellboy, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World

  • 79% - Captain America
  • 78% - Sin City, Dredd, Iron Man 3
  • 77% - Thor
  • 76% - Kick-Ass
  • 75% - Superman Returns
  • 73% - The Amazing Spider-Man, V For Vendetta, Iron Man 2
  • 71% - Wanted

  • 67% - The Incredible Hulk
  • 64% - Watchmen
  • 63% - Spider-Man 3
  • 62% - Hulk
  • 60% - 300

  • 59% - Blade II
  • 58% - Man Of Steel
  • 57% - From Hell, X-Men: The Last Stand

  • 45% - Daredevil

  • 38% - X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  • 37% - Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

  • 29% - The Punisher
  • 27% - Punisher: War Zone
  • 26% - Blade Trinity, Fanastic Four, Ghost Rider, Green Lantern

  • 17% - Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance
  • 14% - The Spirit
  • 10% - Elektra

  • 9% - Catwoman

First Class should be down with The Last Stand and Batman Begins should be at the top.

Looking forward to seeing this tomorrow even u i have to watch it in 3D.


I just saw it.

Typed in a review and iphone messed it up.

Anyway i think the best analogy is that this movie is the speed racer of this year. Except itll make money.

Nolan is to blame for the movies faults, not snyder.

The action scenes in this movie absolutely embarass superman returns. If you are big into elaborate action scenes - you willl fucking love this movie.

Emotional core and pacing is uneven. Acting however is quite solid but let down by script.

Movie is actually a good time (not great) but i enjoyed it way more than tdkr and supes returns but much less than bb and tdk.



Also final credit scene of Flash should be Flash suiting up for a charity race. When he gets to the mark... his opponent is Superman. When the gun just fires off, it slows down time... we see Flash look at Superman, give him a "see you later" nod off and then blasts off while time returns to normal.

I would shit in my pants.
Never was too big on the Superman vs Flash racing idea that crops up so often. If Supes was faster than the Flash, you kiiiiinda just made "The Fastest Man Alive" irrelevant, and that less special.


Never was too big on the Superman vs Flash racing idea that crops up so often. If Supes was faster than the Flash, you kiiiiinda just made "The Fastest Man Alive" irrelevant, and that less special.
They can just confirm later that Flash was "going easy" on Superman because it was a charity event.

Also they can finally answer the burning question:



Best part of Man of Steel is when JGL shows up.

lolz jk, there are zero tie-ins to anything in the DC universe that I saw.


If they could pull off MoS-level visuals or better with Flash, it could be interesting.

Anyway, the thread title somehow ended up what we deserved for the movie.


My main man jett telling it like it is.

Movie is a solid 7/10. Its good but dont expect a genre redefining movie.

Also the OST was very underwhelming or perhaps not well structured for the movie. It aleays felt like it was building up but quite building up completely.

My comic book nerd friends absolutely adored the crazy shit fucking up action. They loved it,


Dude, it doesn't sound like you even wrote your own review.

Not genre redefining... *groan*

So what exactly did you think Nolan did wrong for the movie?


Dude, it doesn't sound like you even wrote your own review.

Not genre redefining... *groan*

So what exactly did you think Nolan did wrong for the movie?

Unnnecessary long amount of time spent on krypton backstory.

Usual expositionary nolan dialogues

Aha! Everything falls into place and everyone knowing what to do in the heat of the moment

Forced emotion/sentinmental scenes involving tertiary characters that were never developed and we dont give a shit about
Never was too big on the Superman vs Flash racing idea that crops up so often. If Supes was faster than the Flash, you kiiiiinda just made "The Fastest Man Alive" irrelevant, and that less special.

well, Flash has always been faster than Superman. always will be.

My main man jett telling it like it is.

Movie is a solid 7/10. Its good but dont expect a genre redefining movie.

Also the OST was very underwhelming or perhaps not well structured for the movie. It aleays felt like it was building up but quite building up completely.

My comic book nerd friends absolutely adored the crazy shit fucking up action. They loved it,

nobody was expecting that, we just wanted pretty visuals, good action and good acting. it sounds like you're saying this is accurate yes?


Box Office Mojo expecting $139m opening


While early word was that the movie was an unqualified success, reviews haven't been nearly as kind: as of late Thursday afternoon, the movie was on the border between fresh and rotten on Rotten Tomatoes. For a movie of this scale, though, mixed reviews aren't typically an issue on opening weekend, and that should be the case for Man of Steel as well.

Adjusted for ticket price inflation, Superman Returns's five-day opening would come in at around $102 million. While that was very highly anticipated at the time, it's safe to say that Man of Steel is generating at least a bit more buzz. It's also important to note that the marketplace has made room for Man of Steel—no title in the past two weekends has opened higher than $34.3 million, and none of the holdovers will gross more than $15 million this weekend.

The current record-holder for a June opening weekend belongs to 2010's Toy Story 3 ($110.3 million), though Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen had a higher three-day start ($127.8 million). While both of those movies had the sequel advantage, Man of Steel also has an established brand, and has at least as much excitement surrounding it. Therefore, an opening in that range seems like a lock right now.


Spoiler free post

Just saw the movie at the danish midnight premiere. This movie is very good imo.

The fact that its RT rating is as low as it is, makes zero sense to me. Superman is a hero who I never feels get portrayed very well in cartoon, tv series or movie formats. And as such has pretty much always made me kinda dislike him as a hero. Because it always feels like they're gimping him in order to actually have a cartoon, tv show or movie where he doesn't just win in 5 minutes.

But in this movie it really feels like he lives up to his name.


An $139m opening weekend would be insane considering the negativety this week

A very small fraction of the general audience pays attention to the reviews. To me what matters is:

- It's summer (almost)
- It's Superman
- It's been 3 weeks since a blockbuster film came out, and there's little competition in that arena right now

Ticket sales will be very good. As I said yesterday they'll pass $100 million comfortably.


Good to see that opening news. Contrary to the reviews, I think people will enjoy this movie. The only people disappointed are going to be those with crazy expectations expecting some genre re-defining movie, and those who have some fixed notion of what a Superman movie should be. The general audience will likely enjoy it, although the movie could afford to be slightly shorter.

Let's break this into tiers people can understand:

Cthulhu Tier
Batman Begins, The Dark Knight

In between Heaven and Earth Tier
The Dark Knight Rises

Tier 1
X2, Iron Man

Tier 2
Man of Steel, Avengers

Tier: The Other Guys
Rest of the Marvel/DC crap*

*Blade not included

Basically, the movie is a good time and I expect most watchers will agree with me.


A very small fraction of the general audience pays attention to the reviews. To me what matters is:

- It's summer (almost)
- It's Superman
- It's been 3 weeks since a blockbuster film came out

Ticket sales will be very good. As I said yesterday they'll pass $100 million comfortably.

And they have advertised the hell out of it. They won't let it fail.


That tier is almost the same tier as mine minus the inclusion of MoS because I haven't seen it yet. If MoS ends up being in Avengers tier then that's fucking amazing.


Super Member
All you gotta do is put this scene in the movie:


Superman's just like, "Well...fuck."
psssh... We just need Grant Morrison to write Superman as the 1st Kryptonian powered by the Speed Force.

Also, Electric Superman had instantaneous teleportation. No running involved ;P


Man of Steel = Dragonball Z The Saiyan Saga


It's an invasion movie, where aliens come to Earth, after one of their own, and it has lots of cool, flying, fighting action.


That tier is almost the same tier as mine minus the inclusion of MoS because I haven't seen it yet. If MoS ends up being in Avengers tier then that's fucking amazing.
Bear in mind, I don't consider Avengers a great movie. It's a fun time, but ultimately a shallow experience in my eyes. So, whilst it's definitely not bad, it doesn't rank up there with the top movies for me. It's still a good time though. That's Man of Steel for me. A second watch of the movie will likely determine whether it moves up a tier or not, because Avengers is a chore on a repeat watch for me.


Just read Jett's review/impressions. More amped than ever. More sci-fi than pure super hero!? Godly action sequences!??? It's a wrap. This flicks gonna melt my face off, IMAXimus Prime style.


Avengers wished it had the godly fights of MoS. The levels of destruction in Avengers is also kinda pathetic if you compare the two.


Ouch it's at 58% right now. Oh well, about to head out for dinner and then IMAX screening at midnight! I'm hyped, fuck these critics.


I just saw it.

Typed in a review and iphone messed it up.

Anyway i think the best analogy is that this movie is the speed racer of this year. Except itll make money.

Nolan is to blame for the movies faults, not snyder.

The action scenes in this movie absolutely embarass superman returns. If you are big into elaborate action scenes - you willl fucking love this movie.

Emotional core and pacing is uneven. Acting however is quite solid but let down by script.

Movie is actually a good time (not great) but i enjoyed it way more than tdkr and supes returns but much less than bb and tdk.


lol, what the fuck? How does that work?
I know Nolan has a story credit, but hasn't it been said that Goyer pitched the idea to Nolan and they ended up presenting it to WB? I mean, how involved was Nolan with the film?


I know Nolan has a story credit, but hasn't it been said that Goyer pitched the idea to Nolan and they ended up presenting it to WB? I mean, how involved was Nolan with the film?

Yep. Nolan put Goyer in a room with the WB execs and then he hired Snyder. That's all.


Super Member
There's been too much strife in this thread, let's get back to something we agree on:




I know Nolan has a story credit, but hasn't it been said that Goyer pitched the idea to Nolan and they ended up presenting it to WB? I mean, how involved was Nolan with the film?
Goyer and Nolan came up with the concept while they were working on TDKR.

I don't feel comfortable placing blame. I'm not even sure it's going to be a bad movie. :p
I know Nolan has a story credit, but hasn't it been said that Goyer pitched the idea to Nolan and they ended up presenting it to WB? I mean, how involved was Nolan with the film?

He helped break the story, basically. Goyer pitched it, he polished the pitch, they went to WB, got the greenlight, and then he & Goyer broke the story beats. Goyer then went off to write.

At that point, Nolan's involvement pretty much tapered off beyond lending his name, giving advice here & there, and doing interviews.
I look forward to seeing the movie tomorrow(cautiously optimistic). I have no faith in Rottentomatoes though since Fast & Furious 6 is at 76% positive, a movie I thought was junk status.


lol, what the fuck? How does that work?
It is strange, isn't it?

Don't see why anyone would try to blame the guy behind the greatest superhero trilogy ever for any perceived faults of Man of Steel. Nolan already did his thing and he did it better than anyone else; it's up to others to try and join him in the sun.
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