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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


I'd love a sequel, give people a bit more of what they want like humor and heart and other stuff but keep the action.

Hmm, I wanna watch this again.


An $139m opening weekend would be insane considering the negativety this week

The only negativity has been professional movie critics and obsessed fanboys, they do not account for the bulk of ticket sales

The general public just sees tons and tons of commercials and promotion, and most "entertainment" and "morning talk" shows have not taken up the issue of early negative reviews


He helped break the story, basically. Goyer pitched it, he polished the pitch, they went to WB, got the greenlight, and then he & Goyer broke the story beats. Goyer then went off to write.

At that point, Nolan's involvement pretty much tapered off beyond lending his name, giving advice here & there, and doing interviews.

Did he even do that much? Afaik, Nolan's creative input ended after the pitch to WB (which was Goyer's idea anyway).
I think Box Office Mojo is sky-highing it. I can't imagine this thing opening at 140mil.

I'm also thinking that maybe a) they shoulda popped the cork on the marketing blitz 1 week later and b) they maybe shoulda taken a page out of Star Trek's playbook, and not screened it for the majority of critics, domestically.

But that's coming solely from a marketing/box-office standpoint. Those things have nothing to do with the actual quality of the film.

Did he even do that much? Afaik, Nolan's creative input ended after the pitch to WB (which was Goyer's idea anyway).

Coulda sworn I read that Nolan/Goyer did work together on breaking the story after the pitch meeting. The implication from some readers was along the lines of "He coulda spent that time honing the ending to Dark Knight Rises, but instead he was helping Goyer write Superman."

To Solo's point, it does seem probable he had some input on casting. He definitely had some influence on Snyder's shooting style changing for this picture.


Beat EviLore at pool.
I look forward to seeing the movie tomorrow(cautiously optimistic). I have no faith in Rottentomatoes though since Fast & Furious 6 is at 76% positive, a movie I thought was junk status.

Fast 6 was a fun time. Watched Superman Returns today wasn't as bad as I remembered it to be.


Back from the Walmart screening. Still fucking awesome.

I was surprised how packed it was given not many showed up to buy tickets when I did but the 3D show was a packed house and the film received another applause at the end. Now I just wanna see it on the IMAX and I'll be set!


Just got back.

I thought it was all kinds of awesome. Its a lot like batman begins.

Will be seeing it in 3d saturday morning.

Negative reviews are wrong.


Just came back from a Walmart premier, the audience loved it. I have no hesitation in seeing a second time this weekend. I'm most excited for the potential this opens up, both in the character's arc and the larger DCU. Returns wrote itself into a corner whereas this feels even more limitless than Begins.


I would hard pressed to believe that Nolan WASN'T involved in the casting process at the very least.

I'd believe it too (for Cavill at least), and I know he hired Snyder. But as far as story input goes, all the press they've been doing made it sound like Goyer came up with an idea, Nolan arranged the meeting with WB, and then Goyer went off and wrote the script while Nolan did TDKR.
Those aren't unused - they all end up making it into the soundtrack/score proper, some with SLIGHTLY different orchestration.

That track is less an actual "sketchbook" and more a medley/proof of concept for the pieces he'd already gotten mostly done.


Just got back from the Walmart screening, liked it a lot :)

Phloxy said:
Best super hero movie fights of all time, it was just as powerful and fast and Superman should be. Incredible.

Completely agree, it's worth seeing for this alone.


Those aren't unused - they all end up making it into the soundtrack/score proper, some with SLIGHTLY different orchestration.

That track is less an actual "sketchbook" and more a medley/proof of concept for the pieces he'd already gotten mostly done.

Well let's just say I enjoy how the music sounds there than in the actual movie. I love the more subdued sound.
Well let's just say I enjoy how the music sounds there than in the actual movie. I love the more subdued sound.

Gotcha. I think the editing really helps it. that 28 minute suite is pieced together so well that I think I honestly would have been happy w/ the Soundtrack if it was JUST that.
On that bus!!

Looking back in retrospect, you should have known not to get on the bus.

I mean, it's not like we didn't SEE what happened to it.

It fell off a bridge.


So how good is cavill and the OST? Reviews seen big on Cavill.

Soundtrack is pretty damned good.


I liked Cavill's charm, but there isn't exactly a lot of material for the actors to work with... aside from the Kryptonians imo.

Oh, with the exception of Kevin Costner, thought he was great, stole all the scenes he appeared in.


I think Box Office Mojo is sky-highing it. I can't imagine this thing opening at 140mil.

The same guy (Ray Subers) forcasted a $215M weekend for TDKR two days before its released. He was off by over $50M. The Aurora shooting probably dampened TDKR's first weekend a bit, but mojo had the highest weekend forcast by a large margin. Most other places were forcasting $175-190M. I think the guy is either a huge DC fan or a huge Nolan fan, and this is just wishful thinking on his part.

Gitesh Pandya at Box Office Guru is predicting $84M for MoS. Box Office Prophets is predicting $92M. Variety is predicting around $100M. Hollywood Reporter lists expectations at $85-100M. Boxoffice.com is predicting $115M.


Just got back from the theaters.

Completely loved it. The action is amazing, if not the best I've seen from a comic book adaptation. Can't wait to watch it again.

Edit: Soundtrack is AMAZING and Cavill did a great job!
Someone in the (basically identical) other MoS thread said that Man of Steel is sitting at half the sales Iron Man 3 had the day before its release.

That'd put it north of 80 for the opening weekend.


Someone in the (basically identical) other MoS thread said that Man of Steel is sitting at half the sales Iron Man 3 had the day before its release.

That'd put it north of 80 for the opening weekend.

That doesn't mean much. What percentage of people buy their tickets this far in advance?


Some of the best punches weren't even thrown by Supes. It was Faiora. Goddamn she was awesome.

This entire movie is the definition of Epic. Almost so much that at the end, I let out a huge sigh of relief because I didn't realize I was holding my breathe.

Also my showing got out around 9:30ish and there were already tons of people lined up for the Midnight showing.


Faora is sounding like the breakout character.

It'd be cool to see her elevated to a main Superman villain. Guy could use more female villains.

Looking back in retrospect, you should have known not to get on the bus.

I mean, it's not like we didn't SEE what happened to it.

It fell off a bridge.


But Clark saved them.

He was supposed to save us. :(

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
So the main complaints I have seen are that they spend way too much time in Krypton, and that there is way too much action.... but that sound incredible to me! I wont be able to see this for another week though :(


is everyone going to see this in 3D?

I watched it in 2D. Not sure how well the handheld style with the camera constantly moving around and Snyder going hard with the zoom-ins is gonna work out in post-3D. Will probably be okay, post-converted movies these are are they very worst inoffensive.
Some of the best punches weren't even thrown by Supes. It was Faiora. Goddamn she was awesome.

This entire movie is the definition of Epic. Almost so much that at the end, I let out a huge sigh of relief because I didn't realize I was holding my breathe.

Also my showing got out around 9:30ish and there were already tons of people lined up for the Midnight showing.

When I bought my tickets there were people in line for the midnight show already.
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