some of the reviews are incerdible, claiming is as bad as a movie can be, yet some talk of it like the greatest thing... I will say though that this 56 RT is shocking, really friggin shocking.
It seems Snyder tries to do different things but he is not rewarded cause it just doesn't sit well with critics, we'll see about audiences. Can't wait to see it though, can't wait. I have read that there are talls of a suquel, really? Doesn't look like Warner Bros will be able to keep the Goyer/Snyder/Nolan trio here, cause they are getting hammered by critics.
That's cause they need Best Nolan on this, not Chris Nolan.

Maybe Jonah was too busy with Person of Interest (ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS ON TV BTW), but they should get him to take a look at the script for MoS2.