Super Member
Nope it's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: the Movie.Iron giant is the best superhero film guys.
well the costumes were cool anyways
Nope it's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: the Movie.Iron giant is the best superhero film guys.
Iron giant is the best superhero film guys.
It's the film's biggest flaw; it's definitely got Nolan's hands all over it, but Goyer and he couldn't make it work like they thought it would. I mentioned in my review about a desire to see how the film would play if they went linear with the progression of the story, but with the way they structure the scenes in which the flashbacks happen, I feel like it wouldn't work out well at all. The foundation is too rotten, so to speak.
Spider-Man 2, The Incredibles, Batman Begins, Iron Man 1, and X2
Top 5 dead or alive.
The Kryptonian Dubstep
That had to be the most intense thing to ever happen in an iHop.
arcadeWhat is the official name of that song?
Top 3 Superhero films for me are The Rocketeer, The Incredibles, and Unbreakable.
Depression tier
X-Men Wolverine
Iron Man 2
Superman III/IV
Those Captain America TV movies
Poo tier
Green Lantern
I was gonna call Green Lantern's tier the Green Lantern tier, but it's indiscernable from poo. Even the toys look like diarrhea.What's the difference?![]()
Superman, Jor-El, Zods group, and the Kents are all likeable.
Problem with the film is literally every scene involving anyone else besides the above seemed like a complete waste of time and energy. The force fed empathy for the military and daily planet roster was a complete joke.
Lois was a negative, but I think that's just an inherent flaw in the character. Lois Lane is basically an annoying reporter and meant to be a cliché damsel in distress/romantic interest, and neither of those is particularly interesting no matter what way you want to spin it (actress, medium, whatever).
I actually think the movie might have been much better if Lois and the Daily Planet didn't even come into the picture until the sequel. A movie full of just Zods group, the Kents, and Supes would have been much better paced.
Can I ask a general question about superman, not necessarily about this movie?
When does Superman become Superman (the suit, saving people, protecting Metropolis)? Does this happen when he's already an established reporter with the Daily Planet? Or does he arrive at Metropolis fully comfortable with his identity? I don't watch Smallville so I can't recall the details from that.
Is there a chance thatshe isn't dead and that wormhole just took her someplace else? Possibly somewhere were Brainiac might find her?
Loved the movie! Definitely a solid 8.5/10
Going to go see it on Wednesday again.
lmao ouch Superman Returns doesn't even make MisterHero's list.
Below Poo tier it seems.
:lol I added it.lmao ouch Superman Returns doesn't even make MisterHero's list.
Below Poo tier it seems.
I'll just say that I think making it linear would have been of total detriment to the film.
None of the Blade films made it.
Comic books and/or superheroes. For some reason I tied it to Frank Miller, who wrote a screenplay for Robocop 2.Robocop isn't a comic-book movie. Technically, neither is The Incredibles (although it is definitely God tier)
Comic books and/or superheroes. For some reason I tied it to Frank Miller, who wrote a screenplay Robocop 2.
Damnit I forgot about 300 and Sin City.
and paying to see The Spirit
Comic books and/or superheroes. For some reason I tied it to Frank Miller, who wrote a screenplay Robocop 2.
Damnit I forgot about 300 and Sin City.
and paying to see The Spirit
It probably would be with how things are in the film now, which prompted my comment on the foundation of the script. I think that Nolan and Goyer got too into telling the story differently from how it went down in Donner's film that they didn't really check to see if it was going to work.
Yes they glossed over pivotal moments in the development of the character. The Batman Begins-style non-linear storytelling device didnt really work this time. It might have worked if Nolan was the director but Snyder wasnt up to the task. Snyder did however wrangle out some pretty emotional scenes and is a much better action filmmaker than Nolan.
The problem with aping the Batman Begins flashback style is that Snyder/Goyer forgot that the flashbacks in BB happen before Bruce becomes Batman; his whole character is established before Bruce returns to Gotham and starts crimefighting. The flashbacks in Man of Steel happen throughout the whole movie, so Clark's character is nowhere near established by the time he.speaks to Jor-El and gets the suit
The problem with aping the Batman Begins flashback style is that Snyder/Goyer forgot that the flashbacks in BB happen before Bruce becomes Batman; his whole character is established before Bruce returns to Gotham and starts crimefighting. The flashbacks in Man of Steel happen throughout the whole movie, so Clark's character is nowhere near established by the time he.speaks to Jor-El and gets the suit
GA Reception Update:
54903 IMDb users have given a weighted average vote of 8.3 / 10
545 reviews on Metacritic with average of 8.5/10
945 reviews on Yahoo movies with average of 4/5
53,703 verified tweets with a 9:1 positive:negative ratio
Critics Reception update:
RT: 216 reviews: Rotten Rating 56.
Metacritic: 47 reviews: 55/100
Critics Choice: 50+ reviews: 79/100
Film was excellent up until he put on the suit.
Became fucking boring after that point.
If action is constantly at 11, it becomes non-action and dull.
is this supposed to prove something?
Film was excellent up until he put on the suit.
Became fucking boring after that point.
If action is constantly at 11, it becomes non-action and dull.
that critics sometimes are too much up their own asses.
I was definitely disappointed with the Lois Lane character. But maybe that's because I can't get over Margot Kidder.
is this supposed to prove something?
I completely agree. Linear progression would have worked wonders and would have solved a lot of pacing issues.I liked the film enough to give it a 4/5 but I think the editing holds it back. The transitions are jarring and hurt the emotional impact of some key scenes.
I said it before but I think a linear progression would've helped the film a lot more. Sure it's been done to death, but there's a reason for it. You see a character grow on screen and there's a logic to that growth that makes it easier for the development of the character.
I got what I wanted, though. Which was Supes unleashing himself against someone with comparable power. The action is so good.
Superman Returns was a wasteful expenditure no matter how you look at it
Singer spent $10 Million dollars on an opening sequence, that was 100% completed, CG and all, and decided to cut it from the movie at the last minute.
$10 Million down the drain