evil solrac v3.0
If you don't care about what critics think of a movie, why would it bother you enough to complain about it? If you go around saying that critics have their head up their asses, obviously you do care what they think, and you desire people who are negative about the movie to have a different opinion.
Trying to dismiss criticism by hand waving it away isn't very effective. If you disagree with a certain opinion, you should address it. If you don't care for someone's opinion, then there is no need to mention it. Feeling the need to lash out at people for not liking what you like is childish and shows insecurity.
I have addressed it plenty before. you can't critique/review a movie, specially one that's rebooting by comparing it with something from 35 years ago. you can't take away from a movie for not being like another previous version that have nothing to do with each other (at least three reviews did this)
audiences spoke, they loved it, critics thought otherwise that's why I dismiss their opinions on this.(I usually do anyway) the only review that I thought did a good job of addressing both the positive and the negative and the flaws was the New York times review.