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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

If you don't care about what critics think of a movie, why would it bother you enough to complain about it? If you go around saying that critics have their head up their asses, obviously you do care what they think, and you desire people who are negative about the movie to have a different opinion.

Trying to dismiss criticism by hand waving it away isn't very effective. If you disagree with a certain opinion, you should address it. If you don't care for someone's opinion, then there is no need to mention it. Feeling the need to lash out at people for not liking what you like is childish and shows insecurity.

I have addressed it plenty before. you can't critique/review a movie, specially one that's rebooting by comparing it with something from 35 years ago. you can't take away from a movie for not being like another previous version that have nothing to do with each other (at least three reviews did this)

audiences spoke, they loved it, critics thought otherwise that's why I dismiss their opinions on this.(I usually do anyway) the only review that I thought did a good job of addressing both the positive and the negative and the flaws was the New York times review.
Cut a few of the flashbacks, have drifter Clark in one place telling some new friend about his journeys in a line of dialogue ("I've been moving around a lot since college. Just trying to find myself" or something to that affect), he and the friend connect while Clark tells him stories about his childhood (using vague language, obviously), then he heads to the arctic after doing a big save that forces him to leave.

There. I liked the flashbacks, but I'd have no problem losing a few to get more characterization for adult Clark.

but we got that through his actions.someone with all that amazing power and all he's doing is working at a bar? something's not right in the head there. and remember what he told Lois that he didn't want his story told. so it wouldn't make sense for him to tell someone about where he's even from.


I liked it so much I had to buy this:

Superman Ultimate collection:


Was only $35 on Amazon!
So fucking average. I liked some of the fight scenes but they had zero emotional weight.

I liked Henry Cavill as Superman, it's a shame the script and story were so bad


I have addressed it plenty before. you can't critique/review a movie, specially one that's rebooting by comparing it with something from 35 years ago. you can't take away from a movie for not being like another previous version that have nothing to do with each other (at least three reviews did this)

audiences spoke, they loved it, critics thought otherwise that's why I dismiss their opinions on this.(I usually do anyway) the only review that I thought did a good job of addressing both the positive and the negative and the flaws was the New York times review.

Critics are also audiences. Just because people don't agree doesn't make them right or wrong. There's this really stupid vibe here that "Omg the PEOPLE have spoken! CONSENSUS! Everyone else is wrong! Suck it!" which is just... stupid. Don't you think so? If you like something, cool, don't try to shit on people who didn't. As part of the audience who did not love it, I feel you attitude is disrespectful.


Critics are also audiences. Just because people don't agree doesn't make them right or wrong. There's this really stupid vibe here that "Omg the PEOPLE have spoken! CONSENSUS! Everyone else is wrong! Suck it!" which is just... stupid. Don't you think so? If you like something, cool, don't try to shit on people who didn't. As part of the audience who did not love it, I feel you attitude is disrespectful.

Duck you, fuckroll.

The critics just don't understand pulp films. Ignore the obvious arguments, spiderman 2 and avengers were a cancer.

9.8 MoS, never forget!

I think my biggest problem here actually was the Daily Planet. Not one character you cared about, not one specific reporter became an actual villain.
you want to invite me to a basketball game, but you saved my life? Eat shit, cocksucker.


Critics are also audiences. Just because people don't agree doesn't make them right or wrong. There's this really stupid vibe here that "Omg the PEOPLE have spoken! CONSENSUS! Everyone else is wrong! Suck it!" which is just... stupid. Don't you think so? If you like something, cool, don't try to shit on people who didn't. As part of the audience who did not love it, I feel you attitude is disrespectful.

To be fair, there is a lot of that same disrespect coming from people who disliked it as well. It's a very divisive movie.


To be fair, there is a lot of that same disrespect coming from people who disliked it as well. It's a very divisive movie.

I think on a whole most people who actually talk about the movie here are discussing what they like or dislike about the movie itself. Not shutting out discussion. It's not disrespectful to disagree, it's disrespectful to suggest that people you disagree with have worthless opinions. I would prefer if the tone of the thread stuck to talking about the movie, and not people going basically "fuck the haters" because that's a really stupid direction to go.


Online Ho Champ
alright just got back, and i have to give this movie my thumbs up. I ultimately had no problem with the pacing. Some people may want more superman being your friendly neighborhood superman. But i was ok with him looking for his place in the world then finally getting some answers piece by piece thru the film. The action and scale was off the charts and its clear that only a superman type character could deal with just that much destruction. Snyder can really do action and style. I liked the flash backs...some people may not like one in particular but meh it was aight in getting its point across.

oh and Faora Ul...steals the show , move aside kal el that babe was a beast....a great secondary villain. And of course she looks beautiful while being a complete badass. Strong , assertive makes the right play in every situation...cant ask for more.

Cavill has joined the Reeves' George and Christopher as his generations "Superman" they are definitely going to be able to take this character forward. Im pleased over all with the movie, thumbs up.
Critics are also audiences. Just because people don't agree doesn't make them right or wrong. There's this really stupid vibe here that "Omg the PEOPLE have spoken! CONSENSUS! Everyone else is wrong! Suck it!" which is just... stupid. Don't you think so? If you like something, cool, don't try to shit on people who didn't. As part of the audience who did not love it, I feel you attitude is disrespectful.

this I disagree with. critics are supposed to be above so that they can give an impartial view of the film. i''m not shitting on anyone that didn't like it, do not get it twisted.

but I do see a lot of people that are very rigid(critics mostly) in what Superman should be. and that's what i've been railing against, it's a pet peeve of mine.
it's been on this thread and elsewhere. you didn't like it, I understand that, we're still talking about it though aren't we? I don't think I slung an insult at you or anyone else here.


I think on a whole most people who actually talk about the movie here are discussing what they like or dislike about the movie itself. Not shutting out discussion. It's not disrespectful to disagree, it's disrespectful to suggest that people you disagree with have worthless opinions. I would prefer if the tone of the thread stuck to talking about the movie, and not people going basically "fuck the haters" because that's a really stupid direction to go.

It was all downhill once everyone started freaking out about the RT score. :/

It has gotten better now that people have actually watched the movie.


this I disagree with. critics are supposed to be above so that they can give an impartial view of the film. i''m not shitting on anyone that didn't like it, do not get it twisted.

but I do see a lot of people that are very rigid(critics mostly) in what Superman should be. and that's what i've been railing against, it's a pet peeve of mine.
it's been on this thread and elsewhere. you didn't like it, I understand that, we're still talking about it though aren't we? I don't think I slung an insult at you or anyone else here.

I don't agree that critics are supposed to be impartial. No one is impartial and I'm fine with those biases as long as they're properly explained in the context of their reviews. (ie. if someone prefers the Donner-verse, at least tell me why the Donner-verse is more compelling) But they are supposed to be open-minded and should, like any audience member really, be willing to meet any fiction on its own terms and criticize it for what it is, rather than what it isn't (if that makes any sense). so I agree... to a certain extent.


Junior Member
Well, I really enjoyed this movie. Probably one of the best super hero movies I've seen in a while, and definitely better than Iron Man 3.

Don't know what the critics are smoking. People were total into it at my theater and even clapped when it was over.


I think on a whole most people who actually talk about the movie here are discussing what they like or dislike about the movie itself. Not shutting out discussion. It's not disrespectful to disagree, it's disrespectful to suggest that people you disagree with have worthless opinions. I would prefer if the tone of the thread stuck to talking about the movie, and not people going basically "fuck the haters" because that's a really stupid direction to go.

I'm referring to comments along the lines of 'well, I guess if you shut off your brain and enjoy Transformers it's good'. Which doesn't really add anything either.


this I disagree with. critics are supposed to be above so that they can give an impartial view of the film. i''m not shitting on anyone that didn't like it, do not get it twisted.

There's no such thing as an impartial view though, especially with entertainment. Most critics don't even pretend to have one. Opinions are formed based on individual preferences, experiences, and tolerance levels. When people like or dislike something, there's usually a reason for it. Whether someone agrees with that reason or not, reading about what they liked or disliked and why is what makes a review helpful. If someone fails to articulate why they have an opinion on something, yes it makes that review completely useless. On the other hand, if they do articulate it, I think whether someone agrees or disagrees with it, it remains helpful.
There's no such thing as an impartial view though, especially with entertainment. Most critics don't even pretend to have one. Opinions are formed based on individual preferences, experiences, and tolerance levels. When people like or dislike something, there's usually a reason for it. Whether someone agrees with that reason or not, reading about what they liked or disliked and why is what makes a review helpful. If someone fails to articulate why they have an opinion on something, yes it makes that review completely useless. On the other hand, if they do articulate it, I think whether someone agrees or disagrees with it, it remains helpful.

and that's what i'm mad about. there have been some of these reviews that just were very.... not willing to meet the movie on it's own terms. when you have Rex reed telling me that they could use the money from the special effects budget to cure cancer... come on now, how am I supposed to take that seriously?
edit: also I disagree with the bolded. I just do. problem is some critics don't try.


First off:


The meltdowns over this were pretty priceless. Seriously, Matrix was pretty far into the Kübler-Ross model of grieving on this one which had me cracking up. I'm glad I took the time off of GAF with my requested ban to keep productive this last week (E3, Man of Steel, and The Last of Us made it hard to avoid the boards).

All in all, there's so much to say about Man of Steel and yet so little... I initially wasn't too fond of it on my first viewing, but I gave it a second shot and see it's value. There's a lot of good in it and clear, irrefutable pacing problems. I look forward to watching it again and seeing the extended cut someday, and I'm glad to finally see so very much from the comics I've grown up on (Birthright and on) make it firmly into a Superman film. I'm glad it's over with and that it's making a killing at the box office. This should help silence a lot of fanboys over whether or not people cared about Superman after all.

+Loved the opening moments of the film. Kal's birth has stuck with me, and the score did wonders for that scene.
+The cast was perfect- not a weak link. Loved Faora and Jor El the most.
+Great action, even if it was out of character for Superman to not notice how much chaos he was causing. That needs to be addressed big time.
+Martha helping Clark in school got to me and caused some tearing up.
+Snyder did his job. He grew as a director and measured-up. Give that man a high five.

-Bad pacing. Needed more time to breath, overall.
-The ending didn't felt entirely warranted, almost as if it should have been in a sequel... but I guess this film didn't entirely want us to ignore our prior knowledge of Superman and used it as an excuse to cover a lot of ground.
-Superman didn't do a lot in-character, for me, when he began Superman-ing. I'd like to have seen some more basic deeds of compassion or moments where he realized what innocent lives were at stake- something.

Right now, it's a flawed movie that did a lot in the right direction for me.


and that's what i'm mad about. there have been some of these reviews that just were very.... not willing to meet the movie on it's own terms. when you have Rex reed telling me that they could use the money from the special effects budget to cure cancer... come on now, how am I supposed to take that seriously?

Yes, I agree that was a ridiculous statement to make. He was using shock hyperbole to disparage expensive movie making. But that's what I'm talking about, it helps to attack specific points, because that becomes a more meaningful discussion. A generalization doesn't.


Honestly, I would've liked to see more Zod and the other Kryptonians. Jor-El, Zod, and Ursa were all really cool and I liked seeing them on screen more than Clark and Lois.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Saw it this afternoon and fucking loved it. I honestly think I'd put it in my top five superhero flicks after just one viewing. It was also hugely refreshing after the boring cornball fest that was IM3. The score is great and I thought it was visually just stunning — Snyder was a great choice and did a fantastic job.
and that's what i'm mad about. there have been some of these reviews that just were very.... not willing to meet the movie on it's own terms. when you have Rex reed telling me that they could use the money from the special effects budget to cure cancer... come on now, how am I supposed to take that seriously?
edit: also I disagree with the bolded. I just do. problem is some critics don't try.

You aren't meant to take anything Rex Reed says seriously. But people have valid complaints about the film, myself included. I met the movie on it's own terms, and I was disappointed, although I still liked it overall. Why can't the same apply to professional critics?


and that's what i'm mad about. there have been some of these reviews that just were very.... not willing to meet the movie on it's own terms. when you have Rex reed telling me that they could use the money from the special effects budget to cure cancer... come on now, how am I supposed to take that seriously?
edit: also I disagree with the bolded. I just do. problem is some critics don't try.

that's just Rex Reed being an asshole, which has been his schtick for... basically ever.
ugh, let's just drop the critics talk already, we did this for two days and it was tiring then and it is now. I am of the opinion that they are full of it in regards to this movie in particular. now in a twist of fate or irony Superman Returns is on FX right now.
edit: I really think Kevin Spacey given a different and better script can be a wonderful Lex Luthor.


ugh, let's just drop the critics talk already, we did this for two days and it was tiring then and it is now. I am of the opinion that they are full of it in regards to this movie in particular. now in a twist of fate or irony Superman Returns is on FX right now.
edit: I really think Kevin Spacey given a different and better script can be a wonderful Lex Luthor.

Makes a lot of sense. They showed Batman Begins whenever a new Nolan Batman flick hit, The Hulk when Incredible Hulk/Avengers was out, etc.
I like this movie for what it is, it has no pretensions about it, it's a reboot and it distances itself from Reeves & Singer interpretations, it also puts a separation from the comics and try to do it's own thing with the source material. I think critics are too fixated on what the movie isn't instead of accepting what it is. They dislike the fact that it isn't the movie in their head, that the Superman is not the one they pictured in their mind, that an ordinary man tasked with teaching a god that he was raising as his son would do things to teach him about the value of humanity when he was pushing away from it, that man action may not be logical when analyzed within a vacuum. I get it, that's a valid opinion to have, I just don't share it. This movie is good for me, however it deserves the score it got from critics, but by the same token it deserves the one it got from users.

I can't imagine that possibly working out. I mean they started shooting MoS in late 2011, and look how much time they spent in post-production. Plus a rushed script from Goyer is definitely not what anyone wants.

They need to take the time to get a good story planned out, and a script written. If necessary get the scripts for this and MoS-3 or JLA both done, and shoot it back to back like LOTR or The Matrix sequels....


If man of steel is really next year then they REALLY need to get on the ball. I don't believe it. I'd love it to happen though. I want DC films to be like marvel where we have 1 or 2 a year.


MoS2 and JL are too soon for those dates. Unless they already worked on MoS2 which seems unlikely. No way is it not going to be rushed... I can't imagine MoS taking a short time to make with a relatively cheap budget... the movie looked expensive as hell to make.


WB is not stupid. They won't kill a franchise just after they spent years and years trying to revive it. and a rushed sequel will kill this franchise.


WB is not stupid. They won't kill a franchise just after they spent years and years trying to revive it. and a rushed sequel will kill this franchise.
WB has demonstrated repeated incompetence in managing DC's intellectual property. There's no reason to start being optimistic now! I loved MoS, for what it's worth, but it still plagued with problems.

Now while I don't trust WB to do the right thing, this rumor still sounds implausible. Unless it was secretly filmed at the same time Hobbit-style, there's no way a sequel will happen that fast.


I don't even think they can get a bad sequel out that fast. At the very least if they start now, it'll take half a year for pre-production - script, art, contracts, scheduling, etc. That means they don't start shooting until next year. Factor in post-production and marketing, and it's literally impossible.

Don't tell Paramount that. Iron Man 3 was knocked out pretty darn quick (not that I enjoyed it).

Iron Man 3 was in development before The Avengers.


WB has demonstrated repeated incompetence in managing DC's intellectual property. There's no reason to start being optimistic now! I loved MoS, for what it's worth, but it still plagued with problems. I don't want a rushed sequel.

I think they're hit and miss. They might have repeatedly fucked up their management of DC, but they're pretty good with keeping a steady stable of quality directors around (they've still stuck with the Wachowski's after all these years ffs lol, and then of course, Nolan) so that's the aspect of this that gives me a bit of faith. Don't see any of the players involved being too willing to put out a movie in 18 months or less.


I want Batman to be the villain of the next movie, for real. Or an antagonist.
Cool, then we can have the end of Dark Knight Returns fight between Batman and Superman where Batman beats the shit out of Superman. Would be hilarious to see Amell from the Arrow series shoot the Kryptonite arrow.
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