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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


You know, when Bruce Wayne eventually shows up in the Snyderverse... I hope they don't play dumb with his character. If some reporter like Lois Lane can stalk Superman and find out who he is, the goddamn Batman sure as fuck will be able to. And after the events of Man of Steel, he would probably make it his top priority to, just for insurance.

I hope there's a scene where Clark goes to Gotham to interview Bruce Wayne as part of work, and there's this magic moment where its clear he knows who Clark is, but Clark has no idea who he is. That would be fucking great.

He just needs to say "You owe me 100 million dollars" and that would be enough.
The movie is enjoyable. I like the music and the visuals. I also like the fighting, but it might feel outdated with time.

The main problem I have is that the movie could have been so much more. It brings up lots of interesting questions, like how would people react to Superman. Him choosing his destiny and between Krypton and Earth, etc. But it didn't really answer the questions in a satisfying way.


Super Member
You know, when Bruce Wayne eventually shows up in the Snyderverse... I hope they don't play dumb with his character. If some reporter like Lois Lane can stalk Superman and find out who he is, the goddamn Batman sure as fuck will be able to. And after the events of Man of Steel, he would probably make it his top priority to, just for insurance.

I hope there's a scene where Clark goes to Gotham to interview Bruce Wayne as part of work, and there's this magic moment where its clear he knows who Clark is, but Clark has no idea who he is. That would be fucking great.

Nope. This Bruce Wayne has a cloth costume and Superman saw it through his clothes.

I don't know why he does that.


He just needs to say "You owe me 100 million dollars" and that would be enough.
Superman could create the world's largest diamond in seconds!


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Now that I think about it, was Jor-El 'joining in the sun' speech even in the movie? I don't remember ever hearing it when I watched it.

Either stuff was made specifically for trailers, or lots of scenes got cut for the theatrical version.
You know, when Bruce Wayne eventually shows up in the Snyderverse... I hope they don't play dumb with his character. If some reporter like Lois Lane can stalk Superman and find out who he is, the goddamn Batman sure as fuck will be able to. And after the events of Man of Steel, he would probably make it his top priority to, just for insurance.

I hope there's a scene where Clark goes to Gotham to interview Bruce Wayne as part of work, and there's this magic moment where its clear he knows who Clark is, but Clark has no idea who he is. That would be fucking great.


clark and lois sit to get lunch.

*clark staring into the distance*



Now that I think about it, was Jor-El 'joining in the sun' speech even the movie? I don't remember ever hearing it when I watched it.

Either stuff was made specifically for trailers, or lots of scenes got cut for the theatrical version.

I recall hearing it. But I find that I'm starting to forget entire chunks of the movie already, so I'm not 100% sure. :(
Umm, I really liked this.

I felt the length a bit, but it was so worth it. The theater was packed and everyone seemed to enjoy the hell out of this fucking crazy movie.


Now that I think about it, was Jor-El 'joining in the sun' speech even in the movie? I don't remember ever hearing it when I watched it.

Either stuff was made specifically for trailers, or lots of scenes got cut for the theatrical version.
It absolutely was.
Voice over when Clark decides to give flying a try.


Online Ho Champ
The movie was decent, a good modern take on an origin story.. But a few things bugged me:


- I have never felt so proverbially bored watching two super humans fight. The big show down between zod and supes went on about five minutes too long. You knew the outcome, hell, zod even says it himself... It was just set pieces for the sake of set pieces. ("Lets have them fight into orbit, then crash Into a satellite, and then make it fall down to metropolis. Even though that's not how planetary reentry even works!")

- The matrix bs with growing children and giant tentacle robot defense systems. Blarg. At least Morpheus was there.

- Lois being the only person to piece it together... You'd think all the people she talked to from Clark's past would speak up when superman appeared. Considering a reporter recently came along and jogged their memory about superhuman feats of strength.

- so superman got his suit out of a 15,000 year old scout ship that happened to have an iconic suit that was a complete departure from all the clothes of the rest of his people (different even to those who were on that ship), and also had the symbol of his family's house on it? Unless the ship somehow 3d printed him a suit after holo dad decided he needed to have something to wear, it's one matter of convenience too many :/

The ending was a nice setup for a sequel, the lexcorp sighting was cool. Do I feel like I wasted $17? Not at all. Would I see it again? Not until the day before superman rises comes out.

I thought Jor EL did gain control when they used the control key????????
I thought it was fantastic. But i can see why people didn't dig it. People don't want to let go of Reeves. They want to see campy Kent acting like a goof. And in a era where every movie is the end of the world i can see why some people didn't dig the action either. But i loved it. FINALLY seeing Supes fuck people up. The inner me was crying like a girl.

- Good acting from everyone
- The flashback scenes were nicely done. Maybe too Nolanish but it worked for me.
- Music was AMAZING. Can't wait to buy the track.
- A tad too much talking. Same thing suffered in TDKR. The entire plot was explained a million times.
- WAY too much destruction. Yeah, i wanted action but that was DBZ destroying planets shit right there. Then close it with a little happy ending after millions of people have been killed? Same stupid shit in Avengers. That's why end of the world style action is getting played out.
- Fantastic CGI.
- Product placement didn't bug me. I'm surprised it did for some people.

I think that about covers it. Very solid strong origin movie. 8/10. Hyped for the sequel(s). Shits all over SR btw.


Neo Member
Just got back from my fourth viewing. First 3 times I noticed the crowd was mostly under 40, very into it and cheering. 4th time, over 40 crowd, they didn't hate it but certainly didn't carry the energy of the other 3 viewings. All times, theater was sold out.

Agree with most people about the negatives (shaky cam, editing/pacing, dialog/script) but overall satisfying. Looking forward to future movies if they address problems. Really looking forward to a directors cut as I think the movie could have easily been 3+ hours if it's filled with more interesting bits and alleviates pacing issues.

I sat around watching special FX from other movies and often thought "would be cool if Superman did those things" and here I am watching this movie and thinking "Yup, that's what he should be doing".

The sequence with the World Engine and Jenny stuck in the rubble got me to cry and I'm not quite sure why that is.

Zimmer score was great. I was annoyed with the drums listening to the OST on it's own but now I really appreciate the texture overall. Is this the trend of modern scores? I noticed a lot of interesting sound design
(like the haunting alien like pad during Krypton and the interior of the scout ship)
but the main title was standard "hit the root and the fifth to make epic" if you play it on a piano. I can't hum any of the Zimmer tunes consistently but now when I listen to them I get chills thinking of the moments they relate to in the film.

Watching again next weekend with my really opinionated friends, interested in hearing what they have to say (although they've already written off Snyder and Goyer).

Great flick


You know, when Bruce Wayne eventually shows up in the Snyderverse... I hope they don't play dumb with his character. If some reporter like Lois Lane can stalk Superman and find out who he is, the goddamn Batman sure as fuck will be able to. And after the events of Man of Steel, he would probably make it his top priority to, just for insurance.

I hope there's a scene where Clark goes to Gotham to interview Bruce Wayne as part of work, and there's this magic moment where its clear he knows who Clark is, but Clark has no idea who he is. That would be fucking great.


I want a scene where Bruce Wayne is introduced early on in the film and we have no idea because it's an entirely new actor, and it's only revealed at the end of the film that it's Bruce Fucking Wayne.


I want a scene where Bruce Wayne is introduced early on in the film and we have no idea because it's an entirely new actor, and it's only revealed at the end of the film that it's Bruce Fucking Wayne.

This would be awesome.

They could also ape the Begins ending with Clark finding a batarang next to some computer or some shit with a note attached "You're welcome, Clark."


I liked it more on the second go around. Seemed to really click in some of the parts that gave me pause in the first viewing.

Yeah, I liked it significantly more upon a second viewing. It made it easier to digest and I caught a lot more in the thick of the brisk pace.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So I finally saw Superman. Returns, that is.

Good god, is that movie BOOOOO-RING. And no epic final battle? Who the hell thought that would be a good idea?

Hopefully, this Man-o-Steele thing will deliver in that area at least.


Bull on a Donut
I thought it was fantastic. But i can see why people didn't dig it. People don't want to let go of Reeves. They want to see campy Kent acting like a goof.

This x1000. I saw it a second time with another group of friends and the only two people who just didn't like it were original Donner/Reeve fans. They said, "Yeah, I guess it was a good movie, but I don't know, I LOVE Christopher Reeve, and I love that Superman was just a nerdy dude by day and superhero by night... this just wasn't my Superman. I don't know." They kept repeating "I don't know" and it was a "good movie" but I just "didn't like it" lol.

I think we'll see more of nerd Clark Kent and more person interaction (rather than Kryptonian interaction) in #2 with his setup at the daily planet. He rejected Krypton and took the leap of faith that the pastor advised him to take, now it's time to see if humanity will truly accept him in #2
Her eyes are unreal. Also, can still keep spoilers out of this thread. Someone posted a character death unmarked up above and many of us still haven't see this yet.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
First off: the meltdowns over this were pretty priceless. Seriously, Matrix was pretty far into the Kübler-Ross model of grieving on this one which had me cracking up.

Lol I did not go through 5 stages of grief imo or come close to that. Maybe If I had been creating threads on GAF like I did with Returns and hyping it up to everyone in the world I knew like I did it 06 I would have felt that way. I could end up hating the movie as much as Returns or more (still don't think thats possible lol). I haven't seen it yet so therefore I truly can't grieve about it and if I love it, that won't matter anyway since you're tossing the RT score up again to try to upset me or make a point. I do think RT is a stupid ass website and have for years, when you even have the senior editor of the website coming out and saying the scores are odd and don't match the movie... well I find that hilarious even more.

I did think you would be more angry, but I forgot you read comics a shit ton about him like I do so somethings that bothered other people didn't upset you as much.
Her eyes and the overall shape of her face with that gorgeous jawline and those cheekbones..gah, I was seriously distracted every time she was on screen.

This so much and I was happy they showed her dominating when she fought instead of the movie cliche of the woman being lesser than the man. Absolutely wrecked shit.


Don't known if its been posted but its weekend actuals are going up. Sunday was originally estimated at $32.7, but now its estimated to be $36-$36.5. So its weekend will be flat across all 3 days, if you take out midnights, and could increase over Saturday. That's incredible.

So weekend looks like $117-118 and $129-130 with Thursday Walmart preview.


Quick question guys,

How is the 3D in this movie. The only IMAX theater in my city shows the movie in IMAX 3D and not in regular IMAX. Is the 3D good? I read that it was post converted to 3D instead of shot in 3D.


Quick question guys,

How is the 3D in this movie. The only IMAX theater in my city shows the movie in IMAX 3D and not in regular IMAX. Is the 3D good? I read that it was post converted to 3D instead of shot in 3D.

I thought it was actually too distracting considering the amount of shit going on, specifically during the heavy action late in the movie. Way too much debris obscuring some scenes. When I see it again, I'm doing normal Imax.
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