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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.


well not really...yet
I want Batman to be the villain of the next movie, for real. Or an antagonist.
That would be a heckuva twist

I just dont want DC to fall into the shitty Marvel formula and have their films end up being advertisements for future movies


The destruction of Metropolis could help set up Lex Luthor as a rebuilder of the city and foe to Superman.

Hope this happens. Lex would have a reason to see Supes as someone that would do more harm than good to humankind, especially if ever Supes goes bad. Maybe go further than that, Lex lost someone he cares for because of the final battle that happened. Make Lex a tragic villain.


Hope this happens. Lex would have a reason to see Supes as someone that would do more harm than good to humankind, especially if ever Supes goes bad. Maybe go further that Lex lost someone he cares for because of the final battle that happened.
That would work very well. Metallo would fit into the plot very well then if you have him be a member of the air force involved with Zod.

As for Batman, I only want a cameo.
Where he shows up at Clark's apartment door asking for a new satellite.


Exactly. Just imagine how he can paint Superman as the destroyer of the city, costing lives and insane amounts of money. This can help push Lex to be seen as a hero because he can be responsible for putting the city back together and helping people get their lives back together. The possibilities of how they can run with it are fantastic.

Sadly don't think Goyer is smart enough to use that.


Just saw it. It was fucking awesome.

Really great CG too. I had faith in Snyder Cus watchmen was awesome, and now he's officially my favorite superhero director.



Neo Member
I liked it, I just didn't understand why the new Superman was sad for so much of his new movie. If I had abs like that I wouldn't be sad for a second! No matter what was going on in my life, id be all like, "Sure, my home world is being invaded and things look bleak, but man, my abs are pretty great!"


I liked it, I just didn't understand why the new Superman was sad for so much of his new movie. If I had abs like that I wouldn't be sad for a second! No matter what was going on in my life, id be all like, "Sure, my home world is being invaded and things look bleak, but man, my abs are pretty great!"
Because everything he does he has conflicted emotions about due to how he was brought up. He was brought up so that he doesn't bring much attention to him and stay on the down low, not advertising his powers. Every time he helps someone with his powers its a moral dilemma with him because of what his father taught him. Because of this it didn't really appear that he had many friends growing up and never found acceptance from anyone except his parents. Plus the whole issue of where he comes from and why he has all these strange powers.

After he learns to fly and get the info dump from Jor-El he gets happy and normal as he should be. Especially when he returns to Martha, the smile on his face when he tells her what he found out... priceless.
Saw it a few hours ago. One thing that bothered me greatly was Superman didn't notice the destruction he was causing and at times adding to it without remorse. At the end of the movie my friends and I were like...yo Superman is a mass murderer himself.

Dat Faora though, she put in work on everyone, Lois has nothing on her, NOTHING.


Super Member
Fuck yeah if MoS2 stars production this/next year. They should be shooting these sagas end-to-end anyways, instead of letting other jobs muck with their cast/crew's current commitments.
That RT rating is blowing my mind. The percentage aggregate scores have been way off the mark in comparison with my experience for the past 6 or so films.

I genuinely enjoyed this, and found it far better than Returns. It may be that Returns came at a different time in the genre, but I wouldn't consider it superior to MoS for a second, let alone superior by 20%+.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Listening to that piece and immediately the smallville battle plays out in my mind... Shieeeetttttt, I think I'll watch this again before it ends its theatrical run.

Might be my favorite piece of music Zimmer's composed in YEARS.

Id almost complain it was overused in the film, but its simply too epic. Every time you hear it on screen, epic shit is going down, or about to go down

Seriously, it's too good.
That RT rating is blowing my mind. The percentage aggregate scores have been way off the mark in comparison with my experience for the past 6 or so films.

I genuinely enjoyed this, and found it far better than Returns. It may be that Returns came at a different time in the genre, but I wouldn't consider it superior to MoS for a second, let alone superior by 20%+.

Word. Shit is boggling my mind.


I need to go catch this again...I missed this in one of the Smallville scenes




not a medical professional
The movie was decent, a good modern take on an origin story.. But a few things bugged me:


- I have never felt so proverbially bored watching two super humans fight. The big show down between zod and supes went on about five minutes too long. You knew the outcome, hell, zod even says it himself... It was just set pieces for the sake of set pieces. ("Lets have them fight into orbit, then crash Into a satellite, and then make it fall down to metropolis. Even though that's not how planetary reentry even works!")

- The matrix bs with growing children and giant tentacle robot defense systems. Blarg. At least Morpheus was there.

- Lois being the only person to piece it together... You'd think all the people she talked to from Clark's past would speak up when superman appeared. Considering a reporter recently came along and jogged their memory about superhuman feats of strength.

- so superman got his suit out of a 15,000 year old scout ship that happened to have an iconic suit that was a complete departure from all the clothes of the rest of his people (different even to those who were on that ship), and also had the symbol of his family's house on it? Unless the ship somehow 3d printed him a suit after holo dad decided he needed to have something to wear, it's one matter of convenience too many :/

The ending was a nice setup for a sequel, the lexcorp sighting was cool. Do I feel like I wasted $17? Not at all. Would I see it again? Not until the day before superman rises comes out.


Faora was the best character of the film

Might be my favorite piece of music Zimmer's composed in YEARS.

Id almost complain it was overused in the film, but its simply too epic. Every time you hear it on screen, epic shit is going down, or about to go down

Very surprised to hear how well it was used in the film.

at the beginning of the film when Jor-El walks out to see a wartorn Krypton

Sucked me right in.
What i'm about to say is really geeky but Superman = Optimus Prime.

One man starts a war with his countrymen over an ideal reinforced by a forced caste system. The Red and Blue costume too.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
wow 17 bucks to watch a film? I paid 6 bucks over here and even then I think it's expensive.
Just got back from second viewing. So emotional.
I'm happy $121 million slaps across reviewers faces. I'm so proud if you guys. We did it.
Snyder, you are redeemed.
The movie was decent, a good modern take on an origin story.. But a few things bugged me:


- I have never felt so proverbially bored watching two super humans fight. The big show down between zod and supes went on about five minutes too long. You knew the outcome, hell, zod even says it himself... It was just set pieces for the sake of set pieces. ("Lets have them fight into orbit, then crash Into a satellite, and then make it fall down to metropolis. Even though that's not how planetary reentry even works!")

- The matrix bs with growing children and giant tentacle robot defense systems. Blarg. At least Morpheus was there.

- Lois being the only person to piece it together... You'd think all the people she talked to from Clark's past would speak up when superman appeared. Considering a reporter recently came along and jogged their memory about superhuman feats of strength.

- so superman got his suit out of a 15,000 year old scout ship that happened to have an iconic suit that was a complete departure from all the clothes of the rest of his people (different even to those who were on that ship), and also had the symbol of his family's house on it? Unless the ship somehow 3d printed him a suit after holo dad decided he needed to have something to wear, it's one matter of convenience too many :/

The ending was a nice setup for a sequel, the lexcorp sighting was cool. Do I feel like I wasted $17? Not at all. Would I see it again? Not until the day before superman rises comes out.

remember that he was using fake identities though.


Very surprised to hear how well it was used in the film.

at the beginning of the film when Jor-El walks out to see a wartorn Krypton

Sucked me right in.

That was a great moment, even having seen it in the trailers already.
Not with school bus IHOP kid... Who definitely recognized Clark as supes as they crashed through the restaurant.

yeah that was Pete Ross. he seemed sympathetic (although he told Lois about the bus incident) I don't think he's just about to hold interviews left and right about what he knows. BUT, maybe this sets up a sequel where Clark does get exposed. who knows.....


So towards the beginning of the film, Jor-El is on the gray floating video phone with his wife, and she says "Behind you!!" because some people are sneaking up on him. The problem is, those video phones only show a blocky close-up of the person's face. How did she see the people behind him?


Super Member
So towards the beginning of the film, Jor-El is on the gray floating video phone with his wife, and she says "Behind you!!" because some people are sneaking up on him. The problem is, those video phones only show a blocky close-up of the person's face. How did she see the people behind him?
Lara was probably looking at a larger hologram, like their map of Earth.


You know, when Bruce Wayne eventually shows up in the Snyderverse... I hope they don't play dumb with his character. If some reporter like Lois Lane can stalk Superman and find out who he is, the goddamn Batman sure as fuck will be able to. And after the events of Man of Steel, he would probably make it his top priority to, just for insurance.

I hope there's a scene where Clark goes to Gotham to interview Bruce Wayne as part of work, and there's this magic moment where its clear he knows who Clark is, but Clark has no idea who he is. That would be fucking great.



Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
You know, when Bruce Wayne eventually shows up in the Snyderverse... I hope they don't play dumb with his character. If some reporter like Lois Lane can stalk Superman and find out who he is, the goddamn Batman sure as fuck will be able to. And after the events of Man of Steel, he would probably make it his top priority to, just for insurance.

I hope there's a scene where Clark goes to Gotham to interview Bruce Wayne as part of work, and there's this magic moment where its clear he knows who Clark is, but Clark has no idea who he is. That would be fucking great.


they need to make a scene like this


<3 this show
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