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Man of Steel |OT| It's about action.

That entire ending sets up
Luthor perfectly for the sequel. He can totally play off the "world savior" role without having to waste any of the movie building it up. "How can you trust an alien that destroyed half the city and was willing to kill one of his own people?"

The destruction of Metropolis could help set up Lex Luthor as a rebuilder of the city and foe to Superman.

Exactly. Just imagine how he can paint Superman as the destroyer of the city, costing lives and insane amounts of money. This can help push Lex to be seen as a hero because he can be responsible for putting the city back together and helping people get their lives back together. The possibilities of how they can run with it are fantastic.

I was thinking the same thing of how they can bring Luthor into the sequel by rebuilding all of Metropolis and looking like a hero to everyone, except he is doing a lot of devious actions behind the people's backs. This should be interesting. There is a good story that could be told here. I wonder what kind of backstory they would tell with Lex considering the comics, Smallville, etc.

I would love for Braniac as the villain for the third film, but let's get through number two first. :)


It's getting there.

Domestic: $125,080,000 63.6%
+ Foreign: $71,600,000 36.4%

= Worldwide: $196,680,000

It's getting there.

Domestic: $125,080,000 63.6%
+ Foreign: $71,600,000 36.4%

= Worldwide: $196,680,000

I can't believe Iron Man 3 made 174m in its opening weekend. It never ceases to amaze me how popular they've made that character. He was really a bit player in the comics for a long time.


Junior Member
I can't believe Iron Man 3 made 174m in its opening weekend. It never ceases to amaze me how popular they've made that character. He was really a bit player in the comics for a long time.

The original Iron Man did considerably less at the box office. Iron Man 3's box office was the culmination of IM, IM2, and the Avengers.


So... I skipped Returns after reading about Lois Lane having a kid.... just couldn't handle that as that screwed with my childhood view of Superman.

Having loosely followed the comics as a kid, I had a certain perception of Superman.

This movie delivered.

Maybe its because it was Father's Day or maybe because I am a Dad of an almost 2 yr old and another kid on the way, but I found myself moved to tears on some of the clark back story.
The whole revelation of the space craft and the exchange between kid clark and Costner: "Can't I just be your son?" "You are my son"... was an amazingly moving moment of which I echo the sentiments of the others, the younger versions of clark did an amazing job.

From here on out, I'll just spoiler tag since its fairly detailed of the main plot:

Zod. Brilliant. The only thing that sort of ruined it and the one person I could think of was:

...in an SNL skit of the same person. You can see it, can't you?
Honestly other than that, Zod was amazing and so was his lovable gang of misfits. Antje Traue (who if you haven't watched Pandorum, you'll want to now...) stole a lot of the screen time by her seductive sexual overtones of imminent death made the bad guys look good.

Story wise, the flashbacks worked. They did screw with some of the pacing but I'll allow it. Once Clark puts the suit on, the angry, confused boy becomes a man. This was an essential part for the audience to grasp of which to my amazment, Snyder actually pulled it off. If you want to talk a mess of a story, go harp on Iron Man 3 which was terrible up until the comedic twist. The backstory was interesting and the story telling of how Krptonians were breed was also interesting.

The final fight sequence was of course epic and showed that Clark was more human than Kryptonian. This was another critical point of which frames this reboot for future films. Overall, hell of of an amazing movie and I can't wait to see more of the man in S.


Junior Member
I really liked this character;


I really enjoyed every scene she was in. Simply lovely woman, and incredibly bad ass.
Just watched it and it was freaking awesome, the ppace is really fast and the action is FUCKING AMAZING.

DAT SMALLVILE FIGHT. Just send the reviewers to the phantom zone jeez.

And yes, Faora stole the show, nice to see a beautiful woman kicking so much ass.
Disclaimer: I'm a pretty big Superman fan, and even enjoyed Returns (albiet with pretty big caveats)


I loved this.

My only beef is with the 3rd act
-- the destruction was over the top. I had the same problem with the Avengers, but it was like 5x as bad here. Less would have been more, like a single skyscraper or something. Green Lantern had this problem too-- we don't need to see thousands die to make the stakes high.

That said, I loved everything Krypton, I loved the character arc for Clark, I loved Lois Lane a whole lot-- Amy Adams really nailed it.

I loved the easter egg of the shattered moon in Kryton's sky

I loved the look of the Krypton tech

I loved how they incorporated the Golden Age notion of a "perfect" Krypton *and* the 80's version of a sterile and self-doomed Krypton and made them both work.

I loved the dynamic between the Army and Superman.

I loved the handcuff-snapping.

I thought the action was amazing.

The effects were just "OK"-- everything had a CGI/Snyder pantia that made the movie not seem to be in the real world, even though the script really wanted it to be.

I loved the sci-fi-ness of the whole thing. Basically an alien invasion movie.

And Shannon as Zod was great.


Anyone else hear
Clark talk about how they could use his ship's engine to "boom" the Kryptonians back into the Phantom Zone? I swear I heard him use that word, and if so, sweet reference to boom tubes.


Super Member
I loved how they incorporated
the Golden Age notion of a "perfect" Krypton
*and* the 80's version of a sterile and self-doomed Krypton and made them both work.
Marked just in case. That was a great visual. The maps, the way the people were depicted, etc. were a terrific way to bring some of that retro art style into our time.

Soybean said:
Anyone else hear
Clark talk about how they could use his ship's engine to "boom" the Kryptonians back into the Phantom Zone? I swear I heard him use that word, and if so, sweet reference to boom tubes.
Heh. :p
REVISED ESTIMATE: MAN OF STEEL: $116.73M Weekend (est) / $128.73M Domestic Total / 4,207 Locations / $27,745 Location Avg

Man of Steel is now the 15th biggest opening of all time

It is the biggest Reboot of all time

It is the biggest new comicbook movie (restarting/starting) of all time

It is the 4th biggest opening among all movies (restarting/starting) of all time


You will not fap.

Sorry, this made me laugh more than it should have done.

It was alright. I too felt similar issues with the film that others have articulated better than I could. 6/10

I found it amusing that Superman's legal father at any one point was Robin Hood.


REVISED ESTIMATE: MAN OF STEEL: $116.73M Weekend (est) / $128.73M Domestic Total / 4,207 Locations / $27,745 Location Avg

Man of Steel is now the 15th biggest opening of all time

It is the biggest Reboot of all time

It is the biggest new comicbook movie (restarting/starting) of all time

It is the 4th biggest opening among all movies (restarting/starting) of all time

"He will be a God among them."


So what you guys think they will name the sequel?


REVISED ESTIMATE: MAN OF STEEL: $116.73M Weekend (est) / $128.73M Domestic Total / 4,207 Locations / $27,745 Location Avg

Man of Steel is now the 15th biggest opening of all time

It is the biggest Reboot of all time

It is the biggest new comicbook movie (restarting/starting) of all time

It is the 4th biggest opening among all movies (restarting/starting) of all time

Awesome news!!

Reading some RT reviews, and holy shit. A lot of them are horrible. Not sure why so many people take it so seriously. I think Snyder did an amazing job. If anyone blames him def has some anti-snyder hatred for whatever reason. The main problem is Goyer. Dude is a horrible writer. Has a great amount of knowledge and has great ideas for the overall story but that's about it. DC needs to make Jonathan Nolan exclusive writer for all DC movies. At least he would have gave Zod a personality.

Oh and Amy Adams needs some love! Thought she was hot. Nice ass too.
Reading some RT reviews, and holy shit. A lot of them are horrible. Not sure why so many people take it so seriously. I think Snyder did an amazing job. If anyone blames him def has some anti-snyder hatred for whatever reason. The main problem is Goyer. Dude is a horrible writer. Has a great amount of knowledge and has great ideas for the overall story but that's about it. DC needs to make Jonathan Nolan exclusive writer for all DC movies. At least he would have gave Zod a personality.

Oh and Amy Adams needs some love! Thought she was hot. Nice ass too.

Goyer is inconsistent but he wrote dark city, tdk, batman begins and blade. He has immense talent


Was pretty good. 6/7 out of 10.

Cavill great, Shannon good when the script permitted it - i.e. I will find him, you are not alone, speech near the end - and poor when it didn't. Crowe and Costner were pretty good.

Looked gorgeous but the pacing, editing and script let it down immeasurably. There's a top top film in there that didn't get out, and instead its a good one. I enjoyed it though.

Bats trilogy > IM3 = SM2 > MOS


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I think the best way to describe the movie is that it is a great spectacle event, but only a decent movie (If that makes sense). To be more descriptive, there is some great action thrown together with a sometimes amazing score, but the movie is held back by weak character development, a plot filled with gaping holes, very questionable editing, and did I mention weak character development? Some spoiler bullet points are listed below:
- the whole movie I couldn't help but notice the parallels to the DBZ story (I wasn't really familiar with the superman backstory before this movie) and I would absolutely love to see a similar take on that franchise.
- ZOD is horrible in the opening scenes, he literally screams every line and the way he kills Supe's dad was eye-roll worthy. They really couldn't have thought that scene out better then that?
- They missed a real opportunity to further flesh out the planet/race kryptonian. They should have taken the time to develop an emotional attachment to that world with the audience so you have viewers at least understanding ZOD's mission or questioning how bad his plight really is. Instead we have ZOD on his knees telling Supe that his only mission was to save and preserve Kryptonian, and the camera flips back to Supe who has the look on his face of "who gives a shit?" and I guarantee you the majority of the audience was thinking the same thing.
- speaking of which, no action in this movie holds much emotional weight with the viewer. Superman destroying the ship that could potentially allow both of the races to coexist (like his father wanted), throwing enemies threw gas stations, fighting in the middle of streets, etc. is suppose to give us the impression that Superman is a character willing of mercy? Because I sure as hell didn't know about Superman's rule until I went on GAF last night so I'm sitting there when Supe is screaming after killing ZOD, and I'm thinking "ok?". Guy has already killed tons of people through his careless actions.
- Costner and Crowe stole the movie for me. With what they were given they did really good jobs with their characters. That said, ghost Crowe was just.... Too much.
- Bad Girl henchmen was fricken awesome. Her character actually came off as scary.
- that hallucination that ZOD forced on Superman was pretty badass.
- outside of Clark's parents, all we see is humans treating Clark like shit. Why again are suppose to believe that he would try and save the humans and not side with kryptonians? You would think I was Crowe's ghost wishes but Superman completely ignores those by destroying the genetic-housing ship.
- the editing from kryptonian to grown Clark Kent to young, then old, then teenager, etc. with no timeframes was jarring at times. Superman screaming after killing ZOD then crashing a spy drone a seconds later and smiling was like ASM ending bad.
- Maybe its just something about Superman but damn the guy just never seems in danger. The ending fight scene was so predictable and Superman doesn't even get a scratch on him or his suit throughout the whole picture. Seriously?
- the "I think he is hot" line was so cringeworthy in so many ways.
- WTF at the scene with Fishburne's character trying to save the random girl? What was the point of that?
- Lois lane and Clark Kent's relationship was so insignificant and throwaway.
- the movie's plotline seemed like something that should have been saved for a sequel. I think this movie should have been spent on Kryptonian, sending baby Clark away, and Clark Kent growing up and adapting to earth. The storyline they created was all over the place, half origin, half character we are already familiar with.

I enjoyed it, but thought it could be much better. My girlfriend pretty much hated it, yet she enjoyed Iron Man 3 and Star Trek: ITTD early this year and is a huge fan of the Nolan Batman movies.


I had a dream about Antje last night.

She was with me on the island.

But then my fucking phone started ringing.


And now I can't start the dream again.

wtb recordable dreams.


I had a dream last night, in it was the sequel to the film.

It was big.

It was fluffy.

It was The International Man of Pancakes.

...and Lex wants all of them.


I had a dream about Antje last night.

She was with me on the island.

But then my fucking phone started ringing.


And now I can't start the dream again.

wtb recordable dreams.

Muahahahaha. I have no such issue.

[spolier]I don't remember any dreams I have. ='([/spoiler]

Blade is the only one of those he wrote on his own though.

Goyer's no hack; dude's got talent. I just think he needs someone to help smooth out his rougher edges.

I agree with this 100%. This is why Jonah needs to help out with the sequel.


Man I wish Shannon was crazy with it, he was too low key and an exposition machine. Should have been like I will find him all the fucking time.

Also Faora; for every human you kill, I made a million more in my knickers


Man I wish Shannon was crazy with it, he was too low key and an exposition machine. Should have been like I will find him all the fucking time.

Also Faora; for every human you kill, I made a million more in my knickers

Congratulations. My mind is truly warped.

But man, I loved Shannon in this, I agree that he ended up being more of an exposition machine more than "I will find him... I will find him... I WILL FIND HIM!" And "Where did you learn? ON A FARM?"

He needed more.
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