[Nisekoi 1-19]
Generic shounen romcom but I don't care, it's a fun read. Everyone knows it's about the cute girls.
So you are an Onodera guy?
[Nisekoi 1-19]
Generic shounen romcom but I don't care, it's a fun read. Everyone knows it's about the cute girls.
Control your girl.Don't fondle my manga.
Gaming side doesn't really care much about gaming anymore. Think about it.God, I felt so bad for you when I saw the topic locked :|
Meh, shit lost me after the hot older female virgin shit. It was cute in Kono Oneesan wa Fiction desu but is stupid for Kono S o, Mi yo. So tired of these unrealistic premises to keep the female interests "pure."Someone picked up Kono S o Mi Yo, fuck yes.
You all a bunch of chumps.So you are an Onodera guy?
Gaming side doesn't really care much about gaming anymore. Think about it.
It also has a supernatural element to it. So far it seems like it should be a fun read, all the characters are fun so far, though I'm not a fan of the Dad.Kyou, Curry! 1-2
This is basically Yotsubato with curry and as you would expect it is disgustingly cute.
Oh you will rage. Hard.
What? No.
When shinigami are in Soul Society they are in their soul form. They get gigai (faux bodies) when they go to the human world, like Rukia did in the beginning of the manga. When shinigami fight they revert back to their soul form.
You can't find that shit on a wiki. That's the point. Nobody even read the information and just jumped to conclusions. I wrote every word of the DMC3:SE guide off the top of my head. Instead of appreciating the effort and new knowledge, people jumped to conclusions that it was marketing BS.What? that's not the case at all. If I wanted a giant info dump for a game, I'd go to a wiki. Gaming OTs should serve as a concise summary for people who have no idea what the game is with key information like platform and release date, prominent and searchable. a 5+ post OT just looks bloated and intimidating.
Nonsense. The main vocal twitter group on gaf is all about the drama. If you guys think they put games first, you'd probably be wrong. A bunch of unfunny guys who like forum celebrity. They made a huge uproar even though you could tell they didn't even care about the game. We provided a lot of "optional" information you can't find on the web. Go ahead and try to find write-ups on my stuff. It might be a tough job cause I made most of it up myself. Half my terms are my creation.Wait brehs what happened on the loser side of GAF?
You can't find that shit on a wiki. That's the point. Nobody even read the information and just jumped to conclusions. I wrote every word of the DMC3:SE guide off the top of my head. Instead of appreciating the effort and new knowledge, people jumped to conclusions that it was marketing BS.
The formatting was an issue and I transitioned it to a google doc. But everyone is off base and your description above is flat out wrong.
That MGS4 thread was a pluck of wiki crap. Our thread had basically "secret" knowledge about games that you can't easily find or not find at all. It took me 5 minutes to reformat it after I worked with Kagari. Yet the thread was closed with total disrespect. Like I said, disgusting.I'll say that the formatting of that OT wasn't really pleasing on the eyes, but it's also true that times have changed.
Bleach up to chapter 140
I'm slowly reaching the climax of the first big arc and it's been pretty good so far. The art has gotten better, though I'm still not a fan of some characters faces. Ichigo is still a bland generic shonen hero, Orihime is a useless big-tits, Ishida is annoying but I like his fighting style, Chad seems strong but he hasn't done much, Rukia's been to busy feeling bad about herself to do anything of note and all the captains and vice-captains so far are standard badguys turned goodguys or boring evil bastards. The fights are flashy but boring, it's pretty much always the same thing. The goodguy gets beat when, all of a sudden, they win thanks to some kind of powerup. Also none of the fights have any tension when you know that even if the goodguys get beaten up they're just going to get healed anyway.
Even though I may seem really negative about it, I'm actually enjoying it so far. As I said before, aside from a few of the faces the art is quite good. Despite everyone being a sterotype hero or villian some of the characters are actually quite fun. In fact, Ichigo, Orihime and Gin are the only characters I don't like at all, and Gin hasn't really done anything except smirk so far.
So far I would say Bleach is a standard action shonen with nothing that really stands out but it's enjoyable enough that I'll keep reading.
I'll say that the formatting of that OT wasn't really pleasing on the eyes, but it's also true that times have changed.
You can't find that shit on a wiki. That's the point. Nobody even read the information and just jumped to conclusions. I wrote every word of the DMC3:SE guide off the top of my head. Instead of appreciating the effort and new knowledge, people jumped to conclusions that it was marketing BS.
The formatting was an issue and I transitioned it to a google doc. But everyone is off base and your description above is flat out wrong.
I think I preferred the way dmc's was over what I saw of that assassin's creed rev one, it was like all a huge flashy guide of sorts. Just look http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=451221 and that was just a few months ago.
Aoi continues to assert her superiority, and a tragic blow against the General.
oh god, burn it with fireBut this discussion is so OT that I'm going back to manga:
I'm such a big part of the problem.
I just find it funny how we've gone from a 38 posts OT being cherished as the best OT ever to what is expected today.
But this discussion is so OT that I'm going back to manga:
I'm such a big part of the problem.
Nonsense. The main vocal twitter group on gaf is all about the drama. If you guys think they put games first, you'd probably be wrong. A bunch of unfunny guys who like forum celebrity. They made a huge uproar even though you could tell they didn't even care about the game. We provided a lot of "optional" information you can't find on the web. Go ahead and try to find write-ups on my stuff. It might be a tough job cause I made most of it up myself. Half my terms are my creation.
Was the formatting shit? Yep. Mainly cause I received most of the OT at the last minute since we were running late. And my posts should have been google doc or video walk-through. Kagari was going to work with me on it but the hammer dropped instead. And it dropped mostly cause of the whining from the "beloved" members.
I'm disgusted by most of gaming gaf right now.
I just find it funny how we've gone from a 38 posts OT being cherished as the best OT ever to what is expected today.
But this discussion is so OT that I'm going back to manga:
I'm such a big part of the problem.
I'm not a marketer and don't care. We brought way more then the usual "buy this game cause we think it is cool" crap. We brought actual substance for gamers if they want to master the games. It was purely optional and I'm talking about "strategy guides" that you can't find in any store. I also didn't contribute at all to the DMC1 material if you have issues with it. I did the first post and the DMC3:SE combo guide.An OP is not a strategy guide, nor should it be. It's about helping to inform a purchase.
Only the images I did took time. I wrote my guide off the top of my head quickly. So it wasn't that much work. Not sure about Dahbomb. People cared more about "gaf" then "DMC" was the end result. Drama > Game. And I would've fixed it in a few posts talking with Kagari. Like I said, disgusting.I really felt bad too because I definitely knew you and Dah put a ton of work into getting that info out into the wild. It wasn't graceful or anything, but you had the spirit and you worked hard on a retooling.
Sucks, but eh just gotta take it in stride. [/never makes threads and probably never will]
OnoDERE! NAKAMA. Tsugumi is also suitable :dresdenSo you are an Onodera guy?
Just want to let you know, you and Dahbomb had my total support. I think that the formatting was indeed messed up but, the opportunity should've been given to clean it up. I think 1 page OPs aren't bad, but sometimes additional effort and information is definitely a good thing for analyzing the games in-depth and you know provide actual discussion. In fact I'd go on to say 1 page barren OPs are what I DISLIKE about gaming side, here's the logo, here's the release date, here's some Wiki description, and have at it.Nonsense. The main vocal twitter group on gaf is all about the drama. If you guys think they put games first, you'd probably be wrong. A bunch of unfunny guys who like forum celebrity. They made a huge uproar even though you could tell they didn't even care about the game. We provided a lot of "optional" information you can't find on the web. Go ahead and try to find write-ups on my stuff. It might be a tough job cause I made most of it up myself. Half my terms are my creation.
Was the formatting shit? Yep. Mainly cause I received most of the OT at the last minute since we were running late. And my posts should have been google doc or video walk-through. Kagari was going to work with me on it but the hammer dropped instead. And it dropped mostly cause of the whining from the "beloved" members.
I'm disgusted by most of gaming gaf right now.
But this discussion is so OT that I'm going back to manga:
I'm such a big part of the problem.
An OP is not a strategy guide, nor should it be. It's about helping to inform a purchase.
It could have been reformatted in a few minutes but was instead dropped along with comments from the usual gaf celebs. I simply just hate the gaming gaf mentality. People care more about hating on game endings then playing them. They would rather watch/read then do. Bunch of casuals with very few members who really "play" games and many migrating to mobile. It's awful.
Also, to not be hilariously off-topic, more wrong girl Nisekoi supporters? Blasphemy!
Nobody really cares to "play" games dude. It's all about mash A or watch a sci-fi film these days. I'm surprised I didn't see this coming. I got zoned out into this "project" forgetting what the audience is like. Tunnel vision man, tunnel vision.Most the games I do post in for gaming side are ones I do some mechanics work on and I'd say that GAF is probably the least receptive to the majority of it. Kind of odd, really, for such a big gaming forum to have so little passion towards "how" games work.
If you don't pick Chitoge, you need to be burned at the stake. Oh yes, we can still do that.Also, to not be hilariously off-topic, more wrong girl Nisekoi supporters? Blasphemy!
Well this thread turned bitter and sad rather quickly.
Why can't we see eye to eye?Also, to not be hilariously off-topic, more wrong girl Nisekoi supporters? Blasphemy!
We haven't been getting along recently, have we?Yeah, I don't understand how any one could pick a girl other than Chitoge.
Actually, it's pretty easy to understand, but I must make a strong stand here, no dissenters allowed!
If you don't pick Chitoge, you need to be burned at the stake. Oh yes, we can still do that.
Why can't we see eye to eye?
Kagari (who I thanked a bunch and is awesome) was going to give me a chance to revise. We were one post away from doing so and it took us only a few minutes to fix it. However, instead of this happening it was quickly locked with the "No Thanks" comments. I was not given any explanation. I'm not going to express my opinion on that series of events and I advise no one else to do so. But you can probably figure out what I would say.The worst part was how the thread came to an end. Especially after how many people supported it. I usually don't find problems with how EviLore handles things but... "No Thanks." *lock* to a very genuine post? That's downright fucking rude. I hope someone sent you a PM detailing things.
You can't give me a few posts? SheshWell this thread turned bitter and sad rather quickly.
My point is that the OP isn't the place for that information. People read OTs, to get general information about a game, its unique features and the release date. If I went to that thread thinking "I've never played a DmC game before, what's so special about them?" I'd be hit with a convoluted combo guide. it's just overly intimidating.I'm not a marketer and don't care. We brought way more then the usual "buy this game cause we think it is cool" crap. We brought actual substance for gamers if they want to master the games. It was purely optional and I'm talking about "strategy guides" that you can't find in any store. I also didn't contribute at all to the DMC1 material if you have issues with it. I did the first post and the DMC3:SE combo guide.
To be fair, I've never seen a single OT do this. At all. Marketing bullet point highlights on a one-page fact sheet don't sell a game (to me). I don't even read most OT first posts on gaming side because they're usually pointless information that is completely irrelevant to a purchasing decision. I'd rather have useful information than a marketing highlight reel. It's not even like they actually do help inform purchases in general anyway; there's always posts asking whether or not the game is worth getting, regardless of the OP.
A single forum post is never going to be able to compete in terms of information or formatting.
1) Then you've been reading the wrong OTs, there are a bunch that do just that.
2) Some people are just too lazy to read an OP regardless of what happens.
How many times do I have to say that this doesn't exist? We WROTE what you are supposed to be "linking" to. Won't find that combo guide anywhere except in my head. And I aint letting you in.If someone wanted to know about things more in depth they'd ask about it or go to a dedicated fansite.
Yumekui Merry has a new chapter out? Godlike.
Training arcs.Beelzebub
It's never bad.
Nice stuffHey guys, I updated the battle thread with more stuff.
Training arcs.
Yumekui Merry has a new chapter out? Godlike.
Don't forget...
Advance of the Titans [Shingeki no Kyojin] (ch31)
Übel Blatt [Evil Blade] (ch102)
Mushishi (ch35)
Pending (we need to talk)
Glass Rebel:
Mushishi (ch35)
UDDUP (ch128)
Deadline ~04/06/12
Damn, I still got about 90chs of UDDUP to go and I've yet to start Mushishi *sigh*