I don't know what you're talking about, Haqua is totally going to win this.
I think it's weird that Keima is opening the gaps when they're little kids. I thought the gaps didn't even open until they were older. Like Kanon's opens because she wants to be a normal school girl but at the same time doesn't want to quit being an idol. Also if Tenri knew all this was going to happen from the start why did she never say anything?
keima opening kids gaps sounds real gross when put like that.![]()
I wonder if Haqua is even a contender anymore.
he's a kid still so it's slightly less gross?
Is my friend code
This is retrarded man. Why do you need a set of random numbers to add friends
Please don't kick me while I'm down.
He has the mind of a teenager though so it's still gross.
The best TWGOK girl is Ramen Girl. Kanon is one of the worst girls.
But the best TWGOK girl is kannon and the teacher
The best TWGOK girl is Ramen Girl. Kanon is one of the worst girls.
So you are the reason why they keep making bad Kanon spin-offs,
Man, I forgot about the Ramen Girl. Hell, I only vaguely remember any of the non Goddess girls.
It's pretty much stretching the series for as long as it can go.
I mean you are basically right, he's written himself into a corner from the original premise and it's hard for any way to go back to it. It really shouldn't even that hard to write random conquests featuring the girl of the volume, but having the goddess and being a central part of the plot now, means they have to get focused and doing a conquest with that would make it a completely terrible harem (even more than now).
Not even sure where he could take this besides I guess choosing a girl which never happens in a harem series.
Kusunoki Kasuga was the bestnon-goddessgirl.
Kusunoki Kasuga was the best non-goddess girl.
My porn actor name would be Theodore Loose-Belt
Fixed that for you.
oh yeah now that i remember her you're right
i have the same tastes as scy-kun
not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing
The fact she didn't return for the Goddess arc and instead we got Tsukiyo is the saddest thing ever.
It's a thing.
Kusunoki Kasuga was the best non-goddess girl.
The fact she didn't return for the Goddess arc and instead we got Tsukiyo is the saddest thing ever.
what the fuckNaNaNa Najahkoop
NaNa-fucking-Na Najahkoop
Tenri is one of the worst TWGOK girls.
If Diana was the main personality, she would be much more likable.
Because Bleachwhat the fuck
are you fucking serious
this is an actual name
Tenri is one of the worst TWGOK girls.
If Diana was the main personality, she would be much more likable.
Strawhat rankings:
Irreconcilable differencesTenri is one of the worst TWGOK girls.
If Diana was the main personality, she would be much more likable.
she'd never do anything, just like all female characters in one pieceWish there could be a second female strawhat already.
Irreconcilable differences
I want a divorce
Tenri > Elsie >>>>>>>>> everyone else
Haqua = Kasuga > Elsie....
Wish there could be a second female strawhat already.
You mean best.
Irreconcilable differences
I want a divorce
Tenri > Elsie >>>>>>>>> everyone else
she'd never do anything, just like all female characters in one piece
Wait, is Kasuga karate chick?? She's awesome. But she has like zero plot relevance haha...Haqua = Kasuga > Elsie....
Tenri was interesting when she was busy popping bubble wrap because that was kind of funny. Tenri + Diana is a fairly legitimate character though.
Haqua is still queen. She got the master scythe and I haven't read since that point so she basically won in my headcanonverse.
Nisekoi 113 - So Ruri is rich (because duh) and I'm surprised it didn't end up being an opportunity for Shuu. I mean, he's still in the chapter so I guess the chance is still there and...
It's the perfect opportunity for it too ... and I bet it'll find a way to squander it.
I mean, he already kind of teased that pairing. Ruri says she doesn't like Shuu because he reminds her of her great-grandpa, and everyone knows you date someone similar to the father figure in your life if you're a girl, right??lol
At least we finally reached some kind of small arc that has the potential to be interesting instead of dull as fuck since Shuu and Ruri are capable of doing something other than blowing their loads over Raku.
I mean, he already kind of teased that pairing. Ruri says she doesn't like Shuu because he reminds her of her great-grandpa, and everyone knows you date someone similar to the father figure in your life if you're a girl, right??lol
so the tsundere twin tails then
if you had daddy issues then you're most likely to date older men
This is not entirely true so dont kill me pls :X
Chihiro is obviously the best girl. She's the only one that didn't need supernatural bullshit to develop feelings for him and she actually acted like a normal person instead of becoming a generic harem member like the rest of the goddesses (none of which are going to win by the way).
At least until this arc when she'll totally fall for him in middle-school because a person just having regular feelings for someone else for unexplainable reasons is impossible.