Also, it was pretty much a sure thing, but it's still nice to actually hear them say this:
17:11:27 <bay|SC14|Yen> Q) You are finishing Spice and Wolf?
17:11:28 <bay|SC14|Yen> A) Yes
Amagami?Hey Manga GAF can anyone identify this manga I read years ago?
Description: I think it's based on a dating sim set at an high school. The story is rebooted each chapter showing how the main character dates and eventually gets with a different girl. I think their was a childhood friend, Sports girl, rich girl and a alternate dream sequence with the little sister.
The artist partially censored it himself, I just made it a bit more elaborateedit: also wait A Huge Battleship, in your avatar is she actually topless in the original pic or is it just clever censor-barring from you
They were dead when I found them, honest.Animal cruelty, reported.
Season 2's airing at the moment, so it's the perfect time to get startedI still need to watch this I guess...
I love you Yen Press.
Lol they noticed you (that retweet).
it felt like I was in here for awhile
now I can post again here in this thread
Well...Yeah, that's what it sounds like though don't know if it had a manga adaptation.
Flag Time 1-9
A cute manga about a girl who can stop time for 3 minutes and is shy and introverted as fuuuuuuuuuck. And the girl who is totally immune to her powers for some reason or the other.
It's pretty cute and a little bit wajah and a bit perverted and kinda overall stressful... but also a bit by-the-numbers. Without more development it's hard to say what I feel about it exactly.
dat Kingdom power-up.
You know, I almost forgot about this lol (I know, kinda stupid since it happens every chapter, but they don't really bring it up anymore!). I wouldn't be surprised if they never even explain why. Not that it's that important since it's more focused on the relationships anyways.
Neither did the mangaka.
Is this the one where at the end of every non-sister route, the sister gets taken away and somehow uploaded to a computer and disappears forever, and the brother saves her by getting uploaded himself. And there's some sort of AI from the future who was based on the sister trying to help himHey Manga GAF can anyone identify this manga I read years ago?
Description: I think it's based on a dating sim set at an high school. The story is rebooted each chapter showing how the main character dates and eventually gets with a different girl. I think their was a childhood friend, Sports girl, rich girl and a alternate dream sequence with the little sister.
Your sacrifice for those in public settings will not go in vain. ;_;7The artist partially censored it himself, I just made it a bit more elaborate.and more worksafe
I expect it has something to do with shy girl, but you're right, the mechanics aren't really that important
My Girlfriend -
Haha, I think everything (s)he's done is a oneshot.
Well, except for that lewd train one that had a sequel(Touch Me/Told Me are the titles)
Kuchizuke wa Uso no Aji 02
He'll probably keep conning me but I just can't stop sleeping with him. What a dilemma.
Looks like YenPress is also releasing Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka LN out here in the west too.
And Index LNs.
Based YenPress.
I guess to be fair, YenPress also licensed Gou-Dere Bishoujo Nagihara Sora.
It was so cute ;_;
Why no full series
North American publisher Dark Horse Comics announced during its Sakura-Con panel on Saturday that it has licensed the Legal Drug, Drug & Drop, Oreimo: Kuroneko, Satoshi Kon's OPUS, and Seraphim: 266613336 Wings manga books.
Hey Manga GAF can anyone identify this manga I read years ago?
Description: I think it's based on a dating sim set at an high school. The story is rebooted each chapter showing how the main character dates and eventually gets with a different girl. I think their was a childhood friend, Sports girl, rich girl and a alternate dream sequence with the little sister.
There are things I'm thinking right now.
I'm really not looking forward to catching up to Minamoto now.
I don't understand. Can you give me an example so that I can confirm or denyLewd things?
You're in denialI don't understand. Can you give me an example so that I can confirm or deny
:kasane is now bullying