Cera couldn't pull off a good Scott cause all what he did was just play himself. Like in every movie he is in. The asshole even ruined Juno and that movie had Ellen Page.
Scott Pilgrim has the best fighting scene ever.
I mean, they fight with music, what's not to love.
Blew my mind back then. The battle against the twins in the comic has nothing in common with it. Thank you based Wright.
I want a manga/movie/anime/whatever using the same idea.
e: Also, seeing Jason Schwartzman in that role again is pretty funny, considering he was in Parks and Recs few episodes ago.
It's a heartwarming story, but it's just not believable! Which is why I give ET one and a half stars.
Perd had one of the best lines in this episode :
Laughed so hard.
You forgot Julie!Also, Scott Pilgrim (live action) girls ranking :
Otherwise Winstead played her really good.
Reaaaaally good
retcon : Envy's "you should so totally come"... is arousing.
Deadman Wonderland Caught up
This series is going to end within the next 5-10 chapters easily. Great series really glad I picked it up. Highly recommend if you're even remotely interested to check it out it's a fun ride.
Good comedies that I enjoyed
Black Books
IT Crowd
Happy Endings
Parks and Recs
These are ones from recent memory. There are other ones that I watched long time ago and don't know if they still hold up to this day.
As far as I can tell Scott Pilgrim is teenage hipster mental masturbation slash wish-fulfillment fantasy
As far as I can tell Scott Pilgrim is teenage hipster mental masturbation slash wish-fulfillment fantasy
With video game, pop culture and internet references.
With video game, pop culture and internet references.
That doesn't make it bad.
So the spoilers are out for the final Medaka chapter.
Nisio does it again.
Kumagawa, Ajimu and Nienami don't appear at all. The ending is Medaka and Zenkichi fighting over which one of them gets to propose
So the spoilers are out for the final Medaka chapter.
Nisio does it again.
Kumagawa, Ajimu and Nienami don't appear at all. The ending is Medaka and Zenkichi fighting over which one of them gets to propose
The story summary I read makes it appear to be bad on its own merits.
I need to buy SP's colour edition.
I need to buy SP's colour edition.
I'm not sure if I want to double dip for this,
So the spoilers are out for the final Medaka chapter.
Nisio does it again.
Kumagawa, Ajimu and Nienami don't appear at all. The ending is Medaka and Zenkichi fighting over which one of them gets to propose
Isnt he personally colouring it himself?
Twice a year actually.Double dipping. Theyve been on my wish list, but arent they coming out like once a year?
muuuuh I read that SP screen grab right to left. I'm already in too deep.
Everytime anyone tells me a sitcom is good I have to get mad because sitcoms are universally bad
Twice a year actually.
Kind of expensive though since I need to import them.
I remember buying all six volumes when I went to Chicago three years ago just because I saw the movie trailer on TV haha
... WHY
First comic I've read and first book/comic/manga I've read entirely in English.I see. I do need to reread Scott Pilgrim. My first comic and I think it was before I even started manga.
I see. I do need to reread Scott Pilgrim. My first comic and I think it was before I even started manga.
muuuuh I read that SP screen grab right to left. I'm already in too deep.
When did this turn into Sitcom and NA comic OT?
For the record, Scott Pilgrim rocks, and the movie is good in spite of Micheal Cera (who I refuse to watch anything he does).
I've been thinking of getting the Color books- the only old one I have is 6, as I took the others out of the library and read them back in the day. I have a bunch of store credit at the local comic shop from winning Magic tournaments, might start buying them this weekend.
Harry Potter OT gave us something we all could agree on. It was nice.The same way it was Harry Potter OT the other week. Its because there isn't anything else to talk about.
Don't worry big three will be out soon and this thread will get infinitely worse
jk jk Wednesday is best day
To be honest, I don't think that WednesdayGAF is even a thing anymore. It's more often tame and relaxed than the huge bloodbath everyone makes it out to be. Sure, Big One show's up every now and then and things get heated, but it's really not a regular event anymore. I'm almost disappointed by that.Even if I don't watch Park and Rec I think this is still better than Wednesday.
You guys should read an actually good comic like The Sandman.
I dont know, looking at the panels I guess, it seems rather too out there. I need comics in a school or slightly out of school setting.
I just like when I get home and I get to read the manga and all your wonderful posts.
edit: lol DTL you are ridiculous sometimes. Why is a school setting necessary?