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Manga News/Discussion |OTP| The Salt Smut Only Knows

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Jitsu wa Watashi wa 21 -

I JUST picked this up today and it's great. I was glad they didn't drag out the "I'm her brother in disguise" part and wrapped it up quick. Keeps the focus on the main story.

Prison School 111

Both of those things totally happened.
"If you have business with me, then SUMMON me!"
Boss ass fucking line, right there. My man, Andre.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
okay I feel like there's a few chapters missing here with this whole fishman island revolution.

Am I nuts?
Stealth Symphony 12


And you get a death flag! And you get a death flag!

Also nice title drop.


Aku no Hana (End)

That's.....not what I expected at all. My first reaction to it was definitely a negative one, but after sitting on it a while I'm definitely growing to like it more and more. I think I'm going to have to re-read these last two chapters to really try and get a handle on what Oshimi was trying to say here.

Yes, this chapter doesn't wrap anything up from a character point of view, but most of what needed to be done on that end happened by two chapters ago. As for the rest, I don't really need everything spelled out for me in this style of story. These last two chapters were definitely meant to be a wrap-up in a thematic sense, and for the most part I think that works. I'll need to give it a couple more reads to really be sure, though. The one thing I will say definitely worked was the use of the red-coloring in the final chapter. What a gorgeous way to help drive home the points Oshimi was going for.


I liked the Aku No Hana ending. especially the use of colour. Maybe spelling everything out re: Nakumura in this way is a little unnecessary but i liked the depiction of her isolation early on and the use of red later was very striking. Cool chapter, good manga.


the holder of the trombone
Magi 225

I have a real bad fucking feeling about all of this.

It'll be so sad if sheba turns out to be the traitor.


Aku No Hana END

Not what I was expecting for a final chapter, but I liked it. Kind of sad to see it end, but hopefully this means Oshimi can focus on Mari now.
Magi 225

Wait so black rukh isn't necessarily evil but rather the original form of the "soul energy" in Solomon's world before he created a new one with his "white rukh"?

I is confused.

EDIT:Wait then how the hell do negative emotions make more black rukh. I'm hurting myself.


Aku no Hana 57

Weird last chapter. The second half of the series was what I expected. I wasn't expecting any bad events again, but more like Kasuga dealing with the aftermath and changing as a person. I feel like they took too long on the second half, but I liked it. The last couple chapters were a bit weird though. Didn't feel like an ending, but I guess the story's all wrapped up.

Not my favorite manga and I doubt I'd reread it. It was kinda interesting though but not my thing.



Well that's obviously Aladdin, haha. Did we ever see Gakuen seeing Aladdin and her reaction? I don't even remember. I do know remember all of the Djinns reacted to Aladdin though, which fits with this revelation. Ugo's behavior as a Djinn too.
Rereading this manga after it ends would probably be a surreal experience.

About the black rukh stuff, yeah you lost me. We kinda got a twist revealed without explaining the twist, so I guess we'll find out later.



I don't know, I think, as I open the door. I've never run a gaming center before. It's all dropped on my lap and while I'm excited, there's a part of me that's worried, recommending caution before I indulge myself with some harebrained scheme. I daydream about maybe turning the fortune of this place around with some daring promotions, getting kids in to play for free perhaps, and this dream spirals out of control, getting bigger and bigger until it reaches a point where I have a chain of flourishing game centers across Japan and America. It's all so damned silly that I can't help but grin at my own stupidity.

The door is open. I step inside, instantly noticing a <difference> between what I'd seen of the room the day before and the room now.

The machines are all gone.

In their place is a young woman with pink hair. She's fiddling with something in her hand--a remote of some kind--and she turns, noticing my entrance, and smiles.



the holder of the trombone

Having inherited a game center in Japan, [our protagonist] came to see exactly what he got. As it turned out, what he got are arcade machines that are actually arcade goddesses that can turn into cute girls whenever they feel like it! How will [our protagonist] cope with managing a game center as well as a harem of cute goddesses?

The taiko no tatsujin machine is the tsundere, by the way.


The cabinets can all turn into girls. Each girl's personality and powers are symbolic of the game.

It turns out the OP made a childhood promise to each girl and all the girls gave him the keys to their coin safes.

The keys are scattered across Japan's different arcades, and OP and girls must beat the games to get the keys back and amass the fortune hidden inside the girls slash cabinets slash both.

However the games in the other arcades are all girls too. The girls from OP's arcade must battle the girls from the other arcades to get the keys back, and also convert the girls to OP's arcade to expand it and take over Japan.

Each sentence is a twist revealed after 100 chapters of solcom cuteness
The cabinets can all turn into girls. Each girl's personality and powers are symbolic of the game.

It turns out the OP made a childhood promise to each girl and all the girls gave him the keys to their coin safes.

The keys are scattered across Japan's different arcades, and OP and girls must beat the games to get the keys back and amass the fortune hidden inside the girls slash cabinets slash both.

However the games in the other arcades are all girls too. The girls from OP's arcade must battle the girls from the other arcades to get the keys back, and also convert the girls to OP's arcade to expand it and take over Japan.

Each sentence is a twist revealed after 100 chapters of solcom cuteness

I see this turns lewd
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