That's like 2 years old.
Sure but it can support a bike
need new quotable kurita avatar
need new quotable kurita avatar
Just saying I can also support the front wheel of your bike if you want me to dakkuwell I guess I know what to get if I ever need something to support a bike from the front wheel only
Can't say I'm up-to-date with Naruto memes.
Just saying I can also support the front wheel of your bike if you want me to dakku
Holy shit panda, nsfw tag and spoiler that. Almost as lewd as NSFW:Just saying I can also support the front wheel of your bike if you want me to dakku
Just saying I can also support the front wheel of your bike if you want me to dakku
need new quotable kurita avatar
I found it very quotable
Delicious lips.
Imagine tokisaki kurumi
now imagine if she didn't exist
soul crushing
Patience is reasonably low down my list of virtues. I already play de facto IT support for my department, and although I get some perverse enjoyment from watching people flail about with basic computer issues I'm not sure if I could stomach it as a full-time job. Anyway, appreciate the input, thanks.It was like a customer service environment except not really all that different now that I stop to type it out. The stupid questions and new and interesting ways people manage to fuck things up was just draining. If you're an infinitely more patient person than I am (which, granted, isn't too hard to be), maybe it won't be so bad.
To be fair, it's also entirely dependent on the people involved. I just had a stream of really bad temp employees to train, a lot of stupid coworkers, and outdated equipment forever.
It's somewhat terrifying to see them all lined up.
Nana to Kaoru ch1-18
Overall, it's a rather enjoyable read so far, although one that shouldn't be done in public (depending on your environment), and I do like the premise of the series. I'm curious to see how the main couple will grow, but on basis of Bra GIrl and Boy Meets Girl, Girl Meets Boy, it should be something sweet and heartrending. Definitely continuing this one.
I was literally the only one who knew how most the shit worked so there were long stretches of time where I couldn't even take time off for fear of everything breaking down while I was gone. The few times I took a day off, I'd still get called for advice on how to unfuck something which would inevitably lead to "can you just come in and sort this out?" occurring.
Nana to Kaoru ch1-18
To start with, I'm frankly quite surprised that a manga on such a subject has (yet) to cross "the" line, and in a way, it's quite amusing and refreshing to see a BDSM focus without going into full-blown hentai.
The concept of breathers is kind of weird, but it works well enough (everyone has their own methods after all), and the main couple has a pretty good, if somewhat standard, dynamic (capable girl and loser boy), though I'm not far enough into the series to know if they evolve beyond that. The couple is cute as well in their awkwardness and stubornness, so they are not boring to follow.
I might be repeating myself, but I really love Amazume's art. The author seems to place great emphasis in the various expressions of the characters, making liberal use of blushes, shifting eyes, moving lips and more. As such, their embarrassment, one of the focus of the series, is generally visible and well communicated to the readers, and as such you can rather easily empathize with them.
As a side note, I do find Kaoru's design to be somwhat odd. His overall appearance is pretty unique in the series, and feels like he belond more in some old-school gag manga, but outside of that, it doesn't bother me too much, and his various expressions are more easily decipherable as a result.
Another note is the great emphasis on the main couple's thoughts, and it sometimes takes a rather psychological turn, though it never delves too deep into it, but it's still nice to have some glimpse of their reasoning.
Overall, it's a rather enjoyable read so far, although one that shouldn't be done in public (depending on your environment), and I do like the premise of the series. I'm curious to see how the main couple will grow, but on basis of Bra GIrl and Boy Meets Girl, Girl Meets Boy, it should be something sweet and heartrending. Definitely continuing this one.
Peephole ch25
AKB49 ch159
I hope the idols will do great in ratings in order to metaphorically punch that smug old fart's face in. Will we see Hiroko finally doing something useful for once a while? Get hype!
Murder is wrong, kids!
what murder, I just see text and lines
Yeah, ManGAF has gotten really weird recently.
Man i can't even remember what was the first one you "wore".
Man i can't even remember what was the first one you "wore".
Yeah, ManGAF has gotten really weird recently.
so kurita is kasane?
No, Kurita is dakku's second form, the first of which is kasane, with kasane's third form being upandaway. And upandaway's fifth form is Kurita.
i'm sorry guys
i lied. i wont be back today
but tomorrow is another day
I blame Revo.
No, Kurita is dakku's second form, the first of which is kasane, with kasane's third form being upandaway. And upandaway's fifth form is Kurita.
suffering, one day at a time
so do I even exist?
So everything is cyclical?
the suffering will return tomorrow
i've put those 100+ chapters off for too long
yes and no. It's complex.
yes. Like the wheels of dakku's bike.
It's a cadaver. Why is it speaking?Murder is wrong, kids!
the troubles of a student
The breathers get more intense (before backing down a bit) but I think it's used well as a way to develop the characters. It's really interesting as long as you can "deal" with the BDSM stuff, for lack of a better way to word it.
All you need is kill Movie adaptation starting with strong reviews
I'm a Tom Cruise sucker so I'd have seen it even if it was a pile