The anime is a very good and faithful adaption. If you don't mind waiting, you can keep with it until it ends before switching to the manga.
Thanks. I will do that.
The anime is a very good and faithful adaption. If you don't mind waiting, you can keep with it until it ends before switching to the manga.
"Bungaku Shoujo" to Shinitagari no Pierrot 1
Well that's an odd eating habit.
I blame scy
"Bungaku Shoujo" to Shinitagari no Pierrot
I'm not sure I understand why it was so traumatic for him to get famous, or why needing to write stuff for a girl to eat would cure him of that immense tragedy of getting famous, but I think that's a good thing. Is it? I hope it is.
Magi 228
Oh noooo
Arba's gained some Gyoukuen points.
Whoa there, is the Arba Twist™ seriously happening? I will freak out.
Igarashi's art continues to impress me, his double pages spreads probably one of the best I have seen in a long time, just so good. This volume was pretty interesting, had a very surreal feeling to it with the out of body experiences and all the weird sequences under the sea. Lots of life origins mythology thrown in and I wonder which of them are actually real or just made up for the story, but they really help set up the big mystery of the manga.
"Bungaku Shoujo" to Shinitagari no Pierrot 3
the tsundere arrives
Yeah no kidding.
Biblia Koshodou no Jiken Techou 1-4
Welp guess I should read what's been translated of the LN.
Well...uhhh...good luck with that...
rip scy
Kasane finally broke, he's confusing gaf and twitter#KAWAII
Kasane finally broke, he's confusing gaf and twitter