Im going for a long drive later
I need some cute romance to read in the mean while
Himegoto - Juukyuusai no Seifuku
Im going for a long drive later
I need some cute romance to read in the mean while
I'm innocent! I swear!
So I remember reading one chapter of a series that had something to do with tigers and a military group in the snow, I know its pretty much no information but would any one have an idea of what that series could be?
where did you find that?
Otoyomegatari 39
I feel like this'll be one of those stories where everything is nice, fluffy and very pure garden, until near the end it all comes crashing down.
Then everyone in ManGAF will look like this cat
NEVER! I'm already pondering about the potential future body countDammit Nordicus, stop ruining all our fun!
Koukoku no Shugosha?
The second chapter was actually just released/updated![]()
NEVER! I'm already pondering about the potential future body count
Yes thats it, thanks a bunch. Why the long wait between releases?
Kingdom Volume 25
Holy fucking shit, this volume is so fucking good. The odds are so stacked against the Qin army it's comical but has me so pumped into seeing what's going to happen now. The series has been building up for this and thus-far this has to be my favorite volume in the entire series. Just so good. This is becoming one of my favorite all time manga.
Easily one of the greatest volumes of manga I've ever read in my life.
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol 7
Adaptation when?
Seeing Tatsuya in all his might and glory was pretty nice. As was seeing everyone else's efforts that were not put to waste. Tatsuya so OP.
I enjoyed a lot more Miyuki this volume than I normally do as she had a lot of good lines and moments. Although Mayumi herself had a really nice moment as well (more mayumi pls). The movements between the battlefields felt really fast paced which was nice considering the timeframe of the battles. That the early on of the battles focused more on not-Tatsuya was used well to paint a lot more pictures of the battlefield than we would have gotten from just following Tatsuya around various battlefields.
I can't wait to see the wind down from this.
Assassination Classroom 92
Gotta love Class E's hijinks. That Asano guy is annoying, but he makes a good villain I guess. Can't wait to see what Class E is gonna do next.
Nanatsu No Taizai 84
Plus she's a cry-cute kind of gal. Good for us !She deserved it
Plus she's a cry-cute kind of gal. Good for us !
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)Creepy.... and she is waaay older then him judging by the flashback of her in the bushes
Girl is too obsessed
I left the current arc to the side to build up and just started to catch up. I'm on ch. 556 and I'm trying to figure out what the bloody hell Ichigo really is. Human? Shinigami? Vizard? Hollow? Arancar? Quincy?? A human/Quincy combo with powers from all of the above??
I don't even...
Koe no Katachi 44 shitty translation version
Why do people like Ueno again? Crazy bitch.
I'm sorry you went to read that.