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Naruto ending spoilers
Fucking called this since I was 12 years old. It has always been exceedingly obvious, and I don't know how much you'd have to deny and rationalize to convince yourself otherwise. I mean, NaruHina was pretty much set in stone the moment this picture surfaced, with the context that it was drawn before the oneshot (with her being planned as a civilian), and that Sasuke and Sakura wouldn't have existed without editor meddling. I'm just glad people can shut up about it now.
There was stuff in part 2 too, but I only really care about NaruHina and SasuSaku because of part 1 anyway, so whatever.
Fucking called this since I was 12 years old. It has always been exceedingly obvious, and I don't know how much you'd have to deny and rationalize to convince yourself otherwise. I mean, NaruHina was pretty much set in stone the moment this picture surfaced, with the context that it was drawn before the oneshot (with her being planned as a civilian), and that Sasuke and Sakura wouldn't have existed without editor meddling. I'm just glad people can shut up about it now.
It did have context to the narrative. Naruto and Sasuke might not have been in love, but they still cared. In part 1, Naruto only really talked to somebody with his guard down with Hinata (before his fight vs. Neji), and Sasuke was willing to sacrifice his life for Sakura, and made Naruto promise to keep her safe (fight vs. Gaara).I guess I just don't understand having emotional investment in a fictional character pairing that has almost no real context in the narrative. Its not like any of these characters ever had a reciprocal interest in each other. Its all just editorial fiat if they get together or not because "why not?"
There was stuff in part 2 too, but I only really care about NaruHina and SasuSaku because of part 1 anyway, so whatever.
It's the only series to have managed to keep my attention for 10 years straight.I'm curious MangaGAF, now that most of the important bits of the last chapters have leaked already, how do you rate the Naruto series as a whole?