Toriko 256 - So Acacia is the big bad?
I feel like I need a recap for all these people who just got offscreened. If I recall, they were all paired off. Is there a reason only those four were shown? All of them were supposedly fighting the Bishokukai so I guess those four lost to people who were actually with Joa? There's like two other groups entirely that weren't even shown (though they only had new people so I guess they got killed off without anyone caring). Though I guess those are the one's he was referring to as "bugs" that got in.
We were shown those who were killed by nitros, there are footprints. I guess others weren't killed by nitros and survived because they'll have a part later on or because Mitsutoshi is trolling like a Kubo. Nitros that we should remember, are aliens from another planet (Gourmet Piramid arc, they were depicted living on a moon of a gas giant with rings). There are other hints to this, like them being extremely intelligent, but unable to communicate with humans (completely different method of communication), and an attitude toward humans as they were a primitive lifeform (eating them, or ignoring them).
Also Acacia= Aizen, but i don't think in a bad way. I think this is all an elaborate plot to defeat the real big evil, the Sun devourer, aka Galactus.
The translation is messy or it's just a messy chapter in general. From what i gathered:
- Acacia wanted Fhroze to be alive to reach the Final land
- Acacia planted the seeds in prevision of the worst case scenario
- The worst case scenario was the awakening of the factor of evil
- The factor of Evil was awakened by Midora, from this it seems the factor of evil is Joa or whatever it's infesting Joa
- Acacia collaborated with the blue nitros to find Joa/Fhroze again when she'd come back to life, and for this tricked Midora into gathering the cure water
There are a lots of problems here. First, why didn't Acacia get to the final land when he first cooked his full course? Why Center was sealed afterward? How did he "trick" midora into getting the cure water if Fhroze wasn't dead yet? Or maybe he knew Fhroze was gonna die anyway and as such he made so that Fhroze die to save Midora? In which case Acacia would be pretty evil, but then why he wanted to prevent the worst case scenario? And he just said he didn't predict Fhroze's death. Can't understand shit.