I love that line, that was her best to date.
Did you get hyped when Mou Bu faced off with the Kan Mei ? Or when Kanki took the head of the Han commander through an ingenious plan?
I had to google those names, so there you go. Tbh only characters that really fixed their names in my mind were ouki and tou. Kanki is "that raging dick", and moubu is just too standard a Might Makes Right character too be interesting, thus im pretty happy with his character changing after he got muh bird of qin killed. Moubs removed a hoooorrible character design from the game, so its all good.
Anyway, quite weird that at the end of the siege of Sai, the author would go " yeah, allathis? Pretty much a complete asspull" but it aint like we reading this for historical accuity. Did, however, google what happened to ryuoku's real counterpart (or whatever is the name of the zhao boy band strategist), and went "wait, they did what to his kneecaps?", so kinda hoping that he follows history there.