Why does no one ever remember their childhood friends until it's convenient?
They're childhood friends! The whole point is not remembering each other!
oh I see.... guess I need to stay away from some of my contacts then
Why does no one ever remember their childhood friends until it's convenient?
They're childhood friends! The whole point is not remembering each other!
Despite the fact there are only two male characters.Nisekoi 174
Chitoge was really cute this chapter. Also, while we all know that Raku won't know that Chitoge means that it's Raku that she likes, at least he knows that she likes someone now.
Its one of the most laughable complaints I've on MangaGAF in a long time. Next thing you know, someone's gonna demand a serious roundtable discussion about who the promise girl in Nisekoi is.
I don't know how people can get upset by best girl chat when the thread talks about straight up hentai all of the time.Have you seen porn discussions on here? that roundtable stuff happens on its own
i'd say it's one of his classmates that's been there all along but forgot herself/didn't care cause it was a promise between toddlers
Hey, at least Yamcha didn't get stuck raising Trunks and Bulla.
She officially passed Yamcha with this last chapter, Yamcha never had to raise Vegeta's kids.
I don't know how people can get upset by best girl chat when the thread talks about straight up hentai all of the time.
Because hentai is usually "what you see is what you get", so there isn't much else to talk about .
The waifu stuff usually ignores everything else that a work is doing.
There's too much doki doki~ goin' on!
This seems appropriate for today.
And if that SFV rumor turns out to be true.
Pastel 1-25
An interesting Slice of Life manga. I don't normally read romance manga so I'm not even sure if it's good or bad. It is ecchi also so that that as you will.
Suicide Island 40
Been enjoying this one, it has a lot going on, but starting to get worried about angst and the possibility for constant annoying trolling/oppression and control phenomena with the competing characters.
For those further down the line, does it get more interesting or more tiring in terms of character interactions?
It is quite naive but that's what I like about it so far. I'm testing the waters to see how I enjoy this genre.You might want to wait for a while before continuing reading this. Like I had since aHonestly though, it is more innocent and naive rom-com compared to its peers and my taste has somewhat diverge after all these years.decade ago.
less angst and more conflicts.
Pastel 1-25
An interesting Slice of Life manga. I don't normally read romance manga so I'm not even sure if it's good or bad. It is ecchi also so take that as you will.
Also Pastel is at 39 volumes and still going!? I guess it's like Oh! My Goddess, just never ends.
This seems appropriate for today.
And if that SFV rumor turns out to be true.
Hope you have massive amounts of patience
And its slow as fuck.
Molasses moves faster than stuff in that series
Girls of the Wilds 194 - Whoa. Queen just snapped. Also that was pretty low DalDal.
Girls of the Wilds 194 - Whoa. Queen just snapped. Also that was pretty low DalDal.
Prison School 179
lmfao did Hana mark her territory in two different ways? Is that what happened here?
What happen to Magi feels like there hasn't been a chapter in years
Jitsu wa Watashi wa 82