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Manga News/Discussion |OTY| Creatively Bankrupt

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Oh man I didn't even think of that. This match started in chapter sixty-something yeah? I can't believe how tense it still feels after all these chapters.

It's too bad that we already know the outcome of the match, as otherwise its absurd length wouldn't be too daunting. Now we're all pretty much just waiting for the inevitable to occur.


It's too bad that we already know the outcome of the match, as otherwise its absurd length wouldn't be too daunting. Now we're all pretty much just waiting for the inevitable to occur.

Even though I'm still enjoying the match I wish it would just end already. It's been going for over 18 years!
Gekkan 61


We IT industry now!
The moment of new love story thanks to the cup was funny.

Hinamatsuri 41

Hitomi chapter yess
OH god, poor her.



Wait, how can she be so based?


Mob Psycho 100

Hanazawa losing doesn't bode well... He was the strongest of the group after Mob himself. Or did the Claw dude simply teleport away?


Wait... So its balls just fall off when ripe? And its ball sweat is somehow the most delicious smelling thing in the world?
Attack on Titan 67


Noragami 52

I pity Yato. A God being an existence that exists for the sake of others but not for the sake of itself sucks.

Hinamatsuri 41

Hitomi being amazing as usual.


Attack on Titan 67

Things are really heating up.
Not sure how they wil deal with rod reiss but Perhaps eren and crew can be creative...


Huge Nickleback Fan
My sister started reading Nisekoi. What must I do? D:

Early Nisekoi is actually funny and fun to read.

Sekai Maou 16

pointy ear changed to human ear which is a minus, but she wear cute clothes now. I feel very conflicted about this change :(
"Moles" looks like a dragon.
Dark Sword too OP, Nerf please.

Attack on Titan 67

Oh yeah, basement. And Eren got Armor powerup. alrighty then. One good thing from this chapter is, Hange still alive. Can't let the most entertaining character (other than Sasha) died yet


I don't understand
Dresden put up some arbitrary percentage yesterday (two days ago?) about how anime judgements are based on physical appearance. He's pretty correct.

So yes, someone can suddenly be crushing on Hishoko just because she is drawn prettily for a few chapters.
Toriko needs to appeal to the female demographic it seems
I'm pretty sure I told you this last year with a chart and everything. To me, it seems that if there is strong appeal to female audience, it will sell better.

And here's the chart:
From like 2 years ago, but pretty legit. More of the titles under "readership that skews the most female" have at some point in their lifetimes sold over 500k (at the time of the chart, I think Haikyuu is the only one that hasn't sold over 500k). Whereas on the "readership skews the most male" side, only Naruto is a 500k+ seller.

Kuroko's ridiculous anime bump from 200k per volume to 600k per volume (over the course of 3 volume releases) is largely due to female audience lol.

It definitely has a lot more bishounens for the girls. Not too many female characters in the "waifu" status.
Although it is amusing just because how crude some of the humor is or how some of the guys act.
Gintama had a whole harem arc, there's definitely enough female characters for a harem. Just that there's a lot of dude characters too I suppose.


Someone wants to help me with some of the names on the chart?

English words aside, I can only recognize Gintama.
From the top.
Popular with girls:
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Kuroko no Basket
One Piece

Popular with boys:
Medaka Box


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Yeah, you'd think that it'd be more popular with the boys. Maybe it's due to Law's presence.

I didn't expect Bleach to be that even either. There might be a lesson in it somewhere.

I think that list was made before Law became a major character. It mentions Medaka Box, Hitman Reborn, and Beelzebub.


I think that list was made before Law became a major character. It mentions Medaka Box, Hitman Reborn, and Beelzebub.

Going from the chart, One Piece Volume 67 was already out, which is the one in which Law made his reappearance, but either way I wasn't seriously suggesting that all the female readership came from his presence alone.


My bad, I forgot to add translation.

The numbers next to the series' names tell you what volume was released at the time the chart was made, so you can see it's a few years ago.

What's also interesting is that the series that skew most towards female still isn't as extreme in their ratios as the top three for males.


What's also interesting is that the series that skew most towards female still isn't as extreme in their ratios as the top three for males.

Well, these are shonens after all, so it's kind of expected that it'd be skewed more towards males.

It'd be interesting to see one for shoujos.



Kukuri's a beast. :D

The Breaker: New Waves

See? Pretty much a stalemate, and Chunwoo ain't even using Black Origin Threshold.

Nice to see that S.U.C. Leader trembling in fear just from being in close proximity with Shiwoon. :p


Yeah, you'd think that it'd be more popular with the boys. Maybe it's due to Law's presence.

I didn't expect Bleach to be that even either. There might be a lesson in it somewhere.
It's not that it would be "more popular" with boys.

Rather, the percentages measure how much of the base is female or male.

What the female percentages indicate, to me, is a larger audience, where a large number of females are also readers of the work, and thus increase the overall audience. That's why Toriko isn't selling One Piece numbers, because it lacks appeal to females. It's why Nisekoi isn't going to sell gangbusters, because its audience won't expand beyond boys. It'll hit that limit of sales with just boys, but if it lacks appeal to females it can't surpass that limit and get even more sales.


It's not that it would be "more popular" with boys.

Rather, the percentages measure how much of the base is female or male.

What the female percentages indicate, to me, is a larger audience, where a large number of females are also readers of the work, and thus increase the overall audience. That's why Toriko isn't selling One Piece numbers, because it lacks appeal to females. It's why Nisekoi isn't going to sell gangbusters, because its audience won't expand beyond boys. It'll hit that limit of sales with just boys, but if it lacks appeal to females it can't surpass that limit and get even more sales.

Oh I see. I somewhat misinterpreted the chart then.

No surprise at Nisekoi or Toriko, though.


Dem Waves 192

Did Kubo ghostwrite this chapter?
It was an entire chapter of SHIT GOT REAL. Why did Chundomoon guy call Shi-Woon younger disciple when Shi-Woon's been a disciple for a longer period of time? Shi-Woon needs better technique because 9AD seems unfazed by this. When will Shi-Woon bust out the Hadoken aka chaotic heavens destruction strike?

Can someone tell me who's winning this fight and how they're doing it because this chapter was mostly reaction shots?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Shokugeki 109 Spoilers

Erina has a bunch of dialogue with Tadokoro and gets really sad that Hisako left since she's lonely and has no friends without her, and has flashbacks to being happy kids with Hisako (their families are friends).

Soma and Hisako have some kind of conversation, and he gives her the bag (which appears to have all of Erina's manga in it; my guess is that he's giving it to her to give to Erina so that they'll make up)

I kind of figured more would happen in this arc.


Somehow my sister reading Shokugekk no Soma. I don't where she got the idea to started reading this lol
From the top.
Popular with girls:
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Kuroko no Basket
One Piece

Popular with boys:
Medaka Box
I guess Sanji, Zoro, and Law doing their works

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Somehow my sister reading Shokugekk no Soma. I don't where she got the idea to started reading this lol

I guess Sanji, Zoro, and Law doing their works

There's plenty of dudeservice.


Dem Waves 192

Did Kubo ghostwrite this chapter?
It was an entire chapter of SHIT GOT REAL. Why did Chundomoon guy call Shi-Woon younger disciple when Shi-Woon's been a disciple for a longer period of time? Shi-Woon needs better technique because 9AD seems unfazed by this. When will Shi-Woon bust out the Hadoken aka chaotic heavens destruction strike?

Can someone tell me who's winning this fight and how they're doing it because this chapter was mostly reaction shots?
"Younger disciple" was referring to the guy's little brother; the short, dark-haired kid that's gay for Shiwoon. He was talking about the special quality that his little brother(along with many others he's talked to) said Shiwoon had.

Chunwoo has the upper hand, even though he's been doing nothing but defending and neutralizing Shiwoon's attacks thus far. He still has a lot more to show; he could start using Black Origin Threshold and completely turn the tables around. I doubt the fight will reach that point though, I suspect it'll be cut short.

Kind of betting on the other disciple of Chunwoo's master becoming Shiwoon's teacher after this... Was Ryuji his name? I forget.
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