Prison School 156
Risa has grown so much *sheds tear*
Also Prez pulling that gambit. The next move(s?) should be very interesting.
Super Interesting.
Prison School 156
Risa has grown so much *sheds tear*
Also Prez pulling that gambit. The next move(s?) should be very interesting.
still not as bad as the centaur thoThe duluhan is legit one of the worst characters in MonMusu.
The duluhan is legit one of the worst characters in MonMusu.
still not as bad as the centaur tho
Yamato Nadeshiko by Flieger (Oneshot)
Bastards indeed.
So cruelly NTR BakedYams could get a heart-stroke.
My sister started reading Nisekoi. What must I do? D:
i had an opportunity to live in nippon but at the end of the day i chickened out
True winner of the Darling Bowl graces the next Monster Musume cover
Need more sport-romance manga about playing card games that aren't about selling said card game
is Hearthstone big in Japan?
through anime we will reach true equality
Spider so best I can't.
NY Times Best Sellers Feb 22-28
Rank/Manga and Volume/(Weeks on the List)
*5. Judge Vol.6 (1)
Hey guys, guess what's getting adapted? https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-03-07/one-punch-man-manga-gets-tv-anime/.85713
Hey guys, guess what's getting adapted?
Hey guys, guess what's getting adapted? https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-03-07/one-punch-man-manga-gets-tv-anime/.85713
Shingeki no Kyojin 67: Well, at least stuff should become slightly less boring.
What are the chances that it'll be halfway as good-looking as the manga?
hope they animate it in mspaint for the authentic feel of OPM
Oh lawdy, is this real?Hey guys, guess what's getting adapted? https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-03-07/one-punch-man-manga-gets-tv-anime/.85713
I still remember that 1 minute game that lasted an episodesmh at OPM's anime. It'll be Eyeshield 21 2.0.
Poor Murata.
ripshouldve adapted mob psycho instead
Unless its black and white pls noshouldve adapted mob psycho instead
WTF OnePunch Man is getting an anime adaption. Welp to the animation budget.
Par for the courseDon't worry, both this and Prison School will show how some animation adaptation will be a lesser, poor copy of its original source.
smh at OPM's anime. It'll be Eyeshield 21 2.0.
Poor Murata.