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I want that in and around my mouth with both hands.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Ah, okay. I guess I should read Negima then. Good thing I already know to expect nothing from the ending.

The problem is that the ending in Negima clearly exists, its just that you never see it and it skips straight to the aftermath of whatever denouement occurred.
The problem is that the ending in Negima clearly exists, its just that you never see it and it skips straight to the aftermath of whatever denouement occurred.

Yeah, it was really disappointing, considering that Love Hina had a strong ending for the main couple... and then his next manga, Negima, ends with... nothing? No explanation at all of what happened at the end as far as the main pair's relationship? It was so, so stupid. I didn't think Negima was nearly as good as Love Hina anyway (couldn't stay interested enough to actually read the whole thing...), but still, it was too bad that he couldn't at least end it decently.

In a way it's actually kind of the inverse of Love Hina, though -- in Love Hina the main pair's a definite couple at the end (after all it ends with a wedding), but the rest of the characters don't have nearly as much in terms of endings (I mean, even though he's getting married, the other girls still don't have any other stated love interests, I don't think, and it suggests that they still like him), while in Negima, the main pair's pretty undefined, but there are endings written out for just about every minor character in the series. It's kind of funny, comparing the two. :p

El Sloth

Kingdom 1-200

Manliest shit I've ever read. So many ;_;7 moments, especially during the
war. Ouki and Moubu too manly. Bijou does everything with his arms crossed. What a boss.

Is the "hi" in "hi-shin" pronounced "hee"?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
That sounds like some supreme blue balls. I wonder what was Akamatsu's reasoning.

I heard it was a protest to the obscenity law, but more recently I heard it wasn't THAT law, but rather some copyright law that would have given the publisher all of the rights to it, so he ended it really fast and started something else. Particularly, he was upset that a proposed law was going to essentially take the copyright away from him with the added pissue of outlawing deriviative doujins (which Ken is a big proponent of)

right now the biggest thing that occupied most of Ken's time (at least on twitter) is his fight against publishers, which including Kodansha, in trying to impose a new law by creating "neighboring copyright", for people who are not creator but has a hand in "helping" the creation of the work gets automatic right, meaning editors, researchers, printers, etc. or plain speaking, a power grab by the publishers to take right away from the author, this is something VERY SERIOUS and has long unforeseen consequences if pass through, (the publisher can and will go after second hand creation/dojin without need to ask the permission of the author, etc. (it was one of the state benefits of this law) meaning the end of dojinshi as we know it., or after a serial is over the author can not retain exclusive right to it while the publisher can hold onto to it forever to keep making money for itself, etc.) and Japanese works readers (be it novel or manga) need to pay attention to this development just like the Tokyo Child Protection law, [sic]

I actually kind of feel less shitty about the ending knowing that.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I heard it was a protest to the obscenity law, but more recently I heard it wasn't THAT law, but rather some copyright law that would have given the publisher all of the rights to it, so he ended it really fast and started something else.

From what I've read, it would basically turn manga publishers into DC and Marvel, allowing other writers to take over the property and continue the story, despite objections of the original creator.
Or Dragon Ball GT.

I don't think it passed considering he's back at Kodansha.
I heard it was a protest to the obscenity law, but more recently I heard it wasn't THAT law, but rather some copyright law that would have given the publisher all of the rights to it, so he ended it really fast and started something else. Particularly, he was upset that a proposed law was going to essentially take the copyright away from him with the added pissue of outlawing deriviative doujins (which Ken is a big proponent of)

I actually kind of feel less shitty about the ending knowing that.

they wanted to basically kill Comiket? WTF

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
From what I've read, it would basically turn manga publishers into DC and Marvel, allowing other writers to take over the property and continue the story, despite objections of the original creator.
Or Dragon Ball GT.

I don't think it passed considering he's back at Kodansha.

Yeah, I found a translation of what he was saying about it on his blog:

[sic] there were two Kodansha editors for the showdown debate with Ken in "explaining" the neighboring copyright law, Ken brought George Morikawa, the author of Hajime no Ippo with him in case he needs some muscle backup. one of the editor were together with Ken in opposing the Tokyo Child Protection Law.

Kodansha's position:

publisher will share "equal" copyright with author. because it helps the mangaka to promo, typeset, proofread, research, edit, and printing the manga, and by having the right automatically, the publisher can:

1. when there is going to be an e-book release of the same paper product, no longer need a second negotiation one by one again for the right, which can speed things up.

2. the publisher can go after pirate and 2nd creation violator without spend time consulting the author in the first place, again speed things up.

Ken's reply for #1 is the current contract model works fast enough, no need to give publisher extra right, for #2 all it takes is a phone call between publisher and author.

and the danger for #2 of course is all dojinsh and all 2nd hand creation will cease to exist, Kodansha did say clearly, that it is their goal with this law to go after places like PIXIV and Toranoana, (basically, like how Disney operates.) but what happen as in the case of Ken, who gives his approval and don't want them to be sued?

Ken's position:

1. what happen if the publisher went under, and the right falls into some strange debtor?

2. if an old manga is to be republished (paper or e-book) on another publisher than the original one, what would happen if there is interference from the old publisher?
(Kodansha guarantees this won't happen, but of course Kodansha cannot promise the same for all the other publishers, this is quite important for Ken when you consider the nature of J-Comi.)

3. even with this law, there is no way to stop the pirating.

4. too many people who own the same right will only complicate things

Kodansha's reply: they can't answer Ken's questions, they admit, while this law would be convenient for the publisher, they can't find a reasonable argument to convince all authors,

the truth is, the original proposal is not from the manga industry, but pushed by the literature fiction sector to Japanese culture ministry, or course then you have unforeseen problem developed across the board, Ken's argument is this law's benefits can be achieved with current model, and to give the publisher the extra right is too dangerous.

I happen to agree with Ken on this. Japanese (or substitute any other nations under the sun) government officials and legislators are a bunch of idiots.

At least this actually provides some kind of reasonable cause for him just ending it the way he did.


I'll be surprised if anyone makes it out alive.
Haha, it's like that one episode of Doctor Who where that guy in town is taking measurements for the coffins.
Really, MangaGAF? I'm disappointed in you all. What is this discussion?
I thought here of all places could have a real conversation, and at least mention Cholula! What's wrong with you lot? No, listing hot sauce as an umbrella term doesn't count.

Cholula is in a league of its own. I put it on everything. I had a 1/2 gallon container with a pump on top. I have several large bottles at a time. Sometimes, I even carry a pocket sized bottle for good measure.
Put it on pizza, spaghetti, lasagna, tacos, tortas, burgers, steak, mix it in ranch as the supreme dipping sauce for fries, whatever. It's the God of sauce. Accept it as your new overlord.

I just wanted to specify that I was my preference was in regards to hot dogs! Mayo in a hot dog ain't hot anymore.
They are Negima characters; UQ Holder is a straight sequel to Negima.

I'm going to laugh when Naru shows up yet again in UQ Holder, and I'm going to laugh even more if she shows up as Naru (e.g. Akamatsu tries to incorporate Love Hina into UQ Holder and Negima as the same universe despite them being totally incompatible).

Um, you need to go back and reread Love Hina then. here is nothing about Love Hina that wouldn't mesh, seeing as Negima already references love hina's characters and background several times. It's just Love Hina took place a few years before Negima.

In Negima, we have direct references to Motoko's Shenmei Ryu school, established that demons/magic exist just like they did in love hina, Motoko has a brief cameo and Tsuroko a much larger one, and the Hina blade that Keitaro gave to Motoko made an appearance.

If UQ takes place when I think it does, it's possible some of the cast of Love Hina could still be alive, if just very old now. Thier children or grandchildren as well.

If UQ holder is intended to be his final work in manga like i've heard, then I can see him bringing in some of the characters from pre-negima works, or their families, as a way of tieing up all lose ends and giving finality to everyone.

El Sloth

That's what I figured, but I just wanted to be sure. I can't wait to see how the new 1,000 man Hi-Shin unit will fuck shit up.

I'm still annoyed that Shin hasn't started wearing his armor into battle yet.
I heard it was a protest to the obscenity law, but more recently I heard it wasn't THAT law, but rather some copyright law that would have given the publisher all of the rights to it, so he ended it really fast and started something else. Particularly, he was upset that a proposed law was going to essentially take the copyright away from him with the added issue of outlawing deriviative doujins (which Ken is a big proponent of)

I actually kind of feel less shitty about the ending knowing that.
Oh wow, that sounds pretty fucked up. I can totally understand why Akamatsu would rush the ending if Kodansha was suddenly trying to become like DC and Marvel. Just to be able to end things on his own terms, even if it's shitty. Although, that sounds like something Shueisha started. I'm sure they'd love nothing more than to turn Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece into perpetual money machines like the western superhero comic brands.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Um, you need to go back and reread Love Hina then. here is nothing about Love Hina that wouldn't mesh, seeing as Negima already references love hina's characters and background several times. It's just Love Hina took place a few years before Negima.

In Negima, we have direct references to Motoko's Shenmei Ryu school, established that demons/magic exist just like they did in love hina, Motoko has a brief cameo and Tsuroko a much larger one, and the Hina blade that Keitaro gave to Motoko made an appearance.

If UQ takes place when I think it does, it's possible some of the cast of Love Hina could still be alive, if just very old now. Thier children or grandchildren as well.

If UQ holder is intended to be his final work in manga like i've heard, then I can see him bringing in some of the characters from pre-negima works, or their families, as a way of tieing up all lose ends and giving finality to everyone.

No I don't. Love Hina is a romantic comedy, they don't really fit in the expanded Negima universe even if you could shoehorn them in.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I have the first 5 or so numbers of Love Hina and the first one of Negima... how the hell do they link together?

They don't beyond some thematic things like Makoto from LH and Setsuna from Negima being from the same martial arts school. There's no connection at all in reality beyond the same universe. You could make Naru exist in UQ, but it would just be fanservice.
No I don't. Love Hina is a romantic comedy, they don't really fit in the expanded Negima universe even if you could shoehorn them in.

Sorry, but they do. The Negima manga DIRECTLY references parts of Love Hina. There is nothing about love hina that can't fit, despite it's genre.

they are the same exact universe. This is established fact.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sorry, but they do. The Negima manga DIRECTLY references parts of Love Hina. There is nothing about love hina that can't fit, despite it's genre.

they are the same exact universe. This is established fact.

Alphonse Elric could show up in Silver Spoon and it could make "sense" since Arakawa controls the universe the characters exist in and could just explain it, but it still wouldn't really be a logical thing to happen. There isn't a logical reason why Naru and Keitaro would be hanging around in either Negima or UQ.
Alphonse Elric could show up in Silver Spoon and it could make "sense" since Arakawa controls the universe the characters exist in and could just explain it, but it still wouldn't really be a logical thing to happen. There isn't a logical reason why Naru and Keitaro would be hanging around in either Negima or UQ.

It's a universe where magic and immortal vampires exist and you're arguing if it logically makes sense or not. Doesn't magic rule out logic?
Naru and Asuna are the same character already.

Nope, try again. Asuna started off a tundere like Naru, true, but beyond that they had little in common. Asuna went in an entirely new directly from what Naru did by the end of oh, about volume 3 of Negima. This was, IIRC, due to fan pressure that Asuna was too similar to Naru.

By the end of the story, they were nothing alike. Naru punished Keitaro because, well, she was sorta sadistic. Her normal reaction to stress however was to run away from it, which she did right up until the very end.

Asuna punishes Negi when he screws up, to keep him in line and keep him on the path. Eventually this falls to Chisame when isn't around.


Gokicha!! v2
Read through this for the new chapter and the humerus after chapter pictures and this is just as entertaining as usual.

Yuyushiki 13
I too wish I could forget juts how dumb that movie was.

Is the "hi" in "hi-shin" pronounced "hee"?
I think the proper translation is Fei Xin but the proper pronunciation for the Japanese would probably be "hii".

e: actually here's the proper chinese names for everyone: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApSEKDo9ekB8dHpQQjM0bjhMLUFoR2JYUi1vYzNKd3c&usp=sharing

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's a universe where magic and immortal vampires exist and you're arguing if it logically makes sense or not. Doesn't magic rule out logic?

Well, Love Hina basically wasn't. It doesn't really fit without contriving it to be that way; easter eggs like the ones cited aren't the same thing as LH, UQ and Negima being part of the same story and using UQ to tie up loose ends in LH as suggested.

Nope, try again. Asuna started off a tundere like Naru, true, but beyond that they had little in common. Asuna went in an entirely new directly from what Naru did by the end of oh, about volume 3 of Negima. This was, IIRC, due to fan pressure that Asuna was too similar to Naru.

By the end of the story, they were nothing alike. Naru punished Keitaro because, well, she was sorta sadistic. Her normal reaction to stress however was to run away from it, which she did right up until the very end.

Asuna punishes Negi when he screws up, to keep him in line and keep him on the path. Eventually this falls to Chisame when isn't around.

You might need to purchase one of these:

Alphonse Elric could show up in Silver Spoon and it could make "sense" since Arakawa controls the universe the characters exist in and could just explain it, but it still wouldn't really be a logical thing to happen. There isn't a logical reason why Naru and Keitaro would be hanging around in either Negima or UQ.

They exist in the same universe. Why is this concept so hard for you to grasp? There is nothing to prevent them showing up except plot. If akamatsu wanted them to, there is no canon reason why they can't.

Love Hina characters and references abound in Negima. This is because Akamatsu pulled a Marvel or DC and seemingly built all his manga off one unified universe.

I would be very surprised if an Aoyama or a Urashima doesn't show up in UQ holder at this point.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They exist in the same universe. Why is this concept so hard for you to grasp? There is nothing to prevent them showing up except plot. If akamatsu wanted them to, there is no canon reason why they can't.

Love Hina characters and references abound in Negima. This is because Akamatsu pulled a Marvel or DC and seemingly built all his manga off one unified universe.

I would be very surprised if an Aoyama or a Urashima doesn't show up in UQ holder at this point.

There's no canon reason anything can't occur in any number of given works by the same author because the author controls the universe.

I don't understand what you're attempting to even prove here beyond citing plot summaries of Ken Akamatsu works. There aren't a bunch of un-answered plot threads from Love Hina that need to be resolved in a battle manga.
There's no canon reason anything can't occur in any number of given works by the same author because the author controls the universe.

I don't understand what you're attempting to even prove here beyond citing plot summaries of Ken Akamatsu works. There aren't a bunch of un-answered plot threads from Love Hina that need to be resolved in a battle manga.

Your probably right on the plot thread thing, but that doesn't change the fact they are the same universe.

In theory, any of the characters still alive, or their influence, could be in UQ holder. Hell, so could A I love you, if you assume it's part of the same universe as well. there were few references in other works to that though.

El Sloth

I think the proper translation is Fei Xin but the proper pronunciation for the Japanese would probably be "hii".

e: actually here's the proper chinese names for everyone: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApSEKDo9ekB8dHpQQjM0bjhMLUFoR2JYUi1vYzNKd3c&usp=sharing
It's too bad that the new group doesn't use the Chinese names like the old one did (although the old one seems to be helping them in some capacity?).

I actually already had that doc bookmarked lol

Edit: Browsing the wiki and this is my first time seeing the 3D models for the Kingdom anime outside of the chariot gif. Fuck you, Studio Pierrot.
So apparently there will be a Shingeki no Kyojin shoujo manga spinoff about Levi.

ARIA knows how to keep me interested in its magazine. Was afraid there'd be nothing else there but standard dull shoujo with No. 6 wrapping up and K Memory of Red on a brief break, but now this Attack on Titan Spinoff (PLEASE HAVE POSTERS AND COVER PAGES, Levi, Jean, Eren please) along with K Memory of Blue will keep me going for many months.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
ARIA knows how to keep me interested in its magazine. Was afraid there'd be nothing else there but standard dull shoujo with No. 6 wrapping up and K Memory of Red on a brief break, but now this Attack on Titan Spinoff (PLEASE HAVE POSTERS AND COVER PAGES, Levi, Jean, Eren please) along with K Memory of Blue will keep me going for many months.

It said shojo spinoff, not yaoi spinoff and its clearly about Levi before he joins the military. There's no way Jean and Eren would be in it.
Color page and cover please.

That would make me very happy and stop the drop in rank Bleach would get for being absent for so long.

UQ Holder 1

Whoa Eva turned from Loli to Busty.

Also how the hell did Negi's kid die and his grandson looks super weak!

There is a lot of questions that the first 5 chapters probably won't answer.

Still nice to see action and Eva again.

Also damn Angry Grimace and Antimatter lol, Wednesday ManGAF V2.


Attack on Titan 48

I love this manga. And I love it because of how much is still a mystery, all the unexplained questions. This month wait between chapters is gonna suck, but also totally worth it.
Shokugeki no Soma 36

I don't even know why they bothered reintroducing the brown haired girl.

Was it just to hinder Nikumi's alone time w/ Soma? Not like anything was going to happen.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
You're the biggest example of that.

why u mad tho?

Embrace teh yellow mustard

Not really. Even just in that last chapter he could easily have said whoever it is that Negi likes (likely Asuna). He didn't.

You'll notice there's no counterpart grave to his in UQ. (he's planning to drag it out into a different manga entirely)
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