That's only been a problem in Fish-Man Island/Punk Hazard, and even then it's nowhere near boring or long; if anything, it's that the pacing can be too rushed/quick and there's not enough time to fully digest what's going on (I wanted to see more of Vergo and Monet).
The only problem? How about shitty boring villains that presented no challenge for the SH. The Fishmen island arc was long and boring, and as always there was a sappy back story like every one that Luffy meets and helps. It´s the same old thing. Luffy hears a sappy story then gets more will power and destroy the enemy. It´s so unoriginal and boring, even in one piece since it happens almost in every arc. Did i mention that it had one of the most uninteresting villains i have ever read.
As far as punk hazard, the children story did not serve anything or do anything besides waste time, which Oda seems to be great at.
I mean, no offense, but how you possibly criticize One Piece for its pacing yet be chill with Bleach even though it's often criticized (and rightly so) for having pacing the speed of molasses (not to mention the inane plot developments since the "0 Espada" bullshit)?
Rightly so? Bleach has a much faster pace than one piece. It took 600 chapters to explain basic thing as haki. The whole story pace move at a snail speed. It has been going on for 15 years with no end in sight. Oda keeps padding on the manga, that there is still so much to explain. The Devil Fruit which a corner stone in the manga have not been explained. All i keep hearing is wait for this and that. Yet after 15 years such a basic thing should have been explained already. Besides one piece feels disjointed, like Skypia has nothing to do with Thriller Bark or punk hazard, and Impel Down has nothing to do with Arlong, or Enis lobby arc etc....
As far as zero espada goes, Yammy´s deadly sin is rage and rage is unlimited. The espada are ranked based on riatsu. The more Yammy rages the more he has riatsu. It´s not bullshit, it´s pure logic.
You sure you're not thinking of Naruto?
No i am not thinking of Naruto at all. Nami and Robin are useless sticks with tits.
Tashigi still defeated Monet in the end. Did you really expect her to solely defeat a Logia at her level? Take a closer look at the themes associated with the character since her introduction in Loguetown.
No she did not. Zorro did one shot her. Yeah i expect female characters to actually do something besides being helpless. And yeah Tashigi should have been able to defeat Monet without Zorro interfering.
You're acting like as if the likes of Chad and Orihime managed to accomplish anything in years.
Except of course the fullbring arc that happened a year half ago where Chad helped Ichigo train with his fullbring by giving him info about how to control it. Chad knows Ichigo so well that his info about Ichigo helped Ichigo with his training. Orihime healing Ichigo when he was training with Ginjou.
Bleach has way too many characters for its own good.
No it does not. Bleach is a character based manga, and the rich variety of characters and personalities is what makes Bleach interesting to plenty of people.
And no, one piece has a much larger cast of characters, and almost all of them are under utilized.
If they took the time to catch up on what they were up to within the past two years, that would've absolutely killed the pacing. It's not like they're going to ignore Robin's time with Dragon or w/e. It'll come when the story calls for it. Also, this was from a while ago, but Oda's stated that he wants characters to carry certain traits and weaknesses over the course of story. Even then, characters like Zoro and Chopper have clearly undergone changes that don't violate their development (unless you want to get into the case of sexism for the former, I guess).
How about that Oda actually draws good character interaction for once. The meeting of the SH was such a bad writing that made the whole reunion meaningless. After not meeting each other for 2 years, it would be paramount to ask how everyone´s doing, and how Luffy did cope with his brother´s death etc.... Acting like they have not been separated is bad writing. Instead Oda wasted time on fake SH which served no purpose whatsoever besides what´s Oda famous for and that is adding useless padding to arcs.
No, a chapter where everyone talks about what they have been doing and what happened the 2 years separation would in no way kill the pacing. The pacing was already too slow, and good and somewhat realistic interaction between them would have done a huge service to the reunion. Instead the reunion was crap.
The only recent examples of bad writing in One Piece are mainly introducing characters that only end up being plot devices (Vander Decken) or the occasional case of character inconsistencies (in Fisher Tiger's flashback, Arlong rails at Jimbei for nearly killing a human yet has no qualms doing the same thing in the next chapter), and as far as I remember that was just solely within the mess of that arc. Oda just needs to chill with the pacing. I don't blame the guy considering the awesome crap he keeps introducing, but I don't want arcs like Fish-Man Island end up being sloppily paced for the sake of getting us to the New World
Keeping characters static for the whole manga is bad writing. Luffy should have showed that his brother´s death effected him yet, he still acts the same as ever. Same with the rest of the crew with their own circumstance, except Usoppe. Ceaser came out of no where. Artificial DF came out of no where. I mean seriously Oda needs to explain the DF ASAP, because it´s crap that after 700 chapters one of the most important part of the manga is still unexplained.
The pace should be faster, and the arcs should be concise and be about one or to things at most instead being about 5-6 things that make the arc long and boring.