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Manga News/Discussion |OTZ| Reading Shounen Garbage < Watching Moe Garbage

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Just because you don't know all the foreshadowings doesn't mean they don't exist.

Bleach was never supposed to be that long, so he can hardly throw crumbs when he had no idea of it becoming so long. He had some fundations and built upon those[by god it took us like 500+ chapters to learn about the origin of both his parents, even though it seemly all circles around that very special origin], just like Oda will have done, but with a concept for the whole manga early on. Oda is a world builder that Kubo will never be capable of being though.

Bleach is not about world building it´s about character, and Oda can never be as good with character development.

None of those are weak willed, Tashigi will just never be on Zoro's level, Vivi was a princess while part-timing as a jojo-fighter or w/e, Tsuru, Devon, even Alvida, Ms. Doublefinger, Robin, Shirahoshi with her new power, Monet did a good job on Luffy, Baby 5 was pretty strong, Big Mam, Boa and the Kuja's, lots of strong woman in this series. Don't close your eyes.

Yeah, sure. Just make Tashigi another useless female that needed help. Baby 5 got slapped very easily even though she had a colleague with her. We don´t know anything about big Mam. Oh yeah, Boa that has been reduced to a joke character. Shirohishi and Robin are pretty much useless, especially Shirohishi.

They've gone through hell in the 1/2-3/4 year they were sailing, they've bonded through their struggle and made a decision showing their determination to win over the seas. Weren't they happy to see each other? Should Oda have spent a chapter on that alone instead of slowing revealing their new quirks and secrets with time?

New quirks? Like Sanji´s nose bleeds, or Zorro´s losing directions, or is it Usoppe, Brook etc.... doing the same crap. Yeah, your justification means nothing in the shadow of the events that went down with Luffy that no one mentioned. And yes Oda should have spebt some time show real reunification of the SH instead of making jokes, and giving useless info about sea current.


I don't understand how people still like OP now because One Piece is just so monotonous. The same thing happens over and over and over and it's so tired by now. The format hasn't been changed at all and I thought the timeskip was going to do that. The apathy levels skyrocket with all the ridiculous padding and unnecessary bullshit that Oda adds to it all.
Maybe that's why I like it. I agree when you say it's monotonous but it's still so well-oiled.
I know what to expect but if feels good.

Oh well, whatever floats our boat! Going to bed now!


Shirohishi is useless? Weird thing to say considering she saved Fishman Island.

And Boa sure didn't feel like a joke character when she saved Luffy from Smoker during the war. Just because her last appearance was funny doesn't mean her character is completely done.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
I think comparing Oda and Kubo is unfair when they're trying to accomplish two different things with their manga. It's pretty clear that Oda wants to create a long lasting, huge world with many elements (like an in-depth fictional world would have) for an adventure for the characters to have. Kubo isn't concerned with adventure. He wants to tell a story that centers around Ichigo and the relationships/bonds he has with other characters.

What can't be argued is that it's clear that Oda's sense of scope is far larger. We have no idea if Kubo is capable of that because that's not what Bleach is about.
Maybe that's why I like it. I agree when you say it's monotonous but it's still so well-oiled.
I know what to expect but if feels good.
And there's nothing wrong with this! I appreciate the consistent upbeat feeling that One Piece maintains, and its monotonous nature, like you say, lends to it being a manga that fans who fall in love with it can appreciate for a long time.


I decided to go back and read the reactions to Yammy being 0 Espada

Looks like we'll be seeing Yammy become Espada #0 this week if the early spoilers are true. Seriously......?

W-what the hell at latest Bleach chapter.

The Bleach spoilers hurt my head. Yammy? Yammy is the top Espada? That's weapons-grade bolognium. Ugh, 0-9? What a crock that is

You guys are kidding about Bleach, right?

This is the guy who gave us TWO HANDS. I would never write off any Bleach spoiler no matter how absurd.

I agree, this has to go up there as the WTF moments of manga. :lol

holy shit spoiler pic of yammi. wtf
top espada? he got wtfned by everyone, grimjaw talked him trash , ulquiorra too

Yammi being the top espada? Wtf.




Yami, the fuck!?


What the fuck is this Yammi shit. What the hell. That is so amazingly retarded I cannot actually believe it. Ichigo cut off his arm. Not even DBZ ever got this bad, it at least kept the power level chartz in check.

:lol I'll say it again, Yammi being the number 0 Espada is equivalent to Nappa showing up in Goku vs Frieza battle as Super Saiyan 3.

:lol :lol Yami.

Hey guys you hear? Ganju has a bankai now.
lol, imagine if it was true. :(
he's gone beyond Bankai. Ganju can Kaiban!

What Bleach really is: Yami is actually Toriyama who the final boss, Ichigo is actually just Luffy under the Sharigan. To get out of it, Hes going go SSJ2 and use his Spirit Gun to heat the Bread up which holds his Innocence where the true world lies. So the poor Japanese lad can finally understand that even though hes not black. He can still compete and his harem of girls are behind him. And then the real battle is going to be with Hitsaguya and the fan polls coming to save the 3rd most popular in the series. Might I also mention, This is the next episode of Gintama.

And all this just proves, We have an entire magazine of crap. Just to make sure Gintama has material to be awesome with.

From 0-0...Yami being 0..



no words at the latest Bleach chapter....



Perhaps Nel wil transform again and we'll find out that she's actual -3

Or she tilts her body and we find out it's actually "m" and not 3. Who says Espada only use numbers? :lol

:lol :lol Espada A-J.

What if she's actually Bon-chan in disguise?

I'm dead. DEAD.


Bleach is not about world building it´s about character, and Oda can never be as good with character development.

Yeah, sure. Just make Tashigi another useless female that needed help. Baby 5 got slapped very easily even though she had a colleague with her. We don´t know anything about big Mam. Oh yeah, Boa that has been reduced to a joke character. Shirohishi and Robin are pretty much useless, especially Shirohishi.

New quirks? Like Sanji´s nose bleeds, or Zorro´s losing directions, or is it Usoppe, Brook etc.... doing the same crap. Yeah, your justification means nothing in the shadow of the events that went down with Luffy that no one mentioned. And yes Oda should have spebt some time show real reunification of the SH instead of making jokes, and giving useless info about sea current.
Oda simply doesn't have the time to so many chapters on the development of a single character, that's nothing unexpected.

Well one character has to be weaker the other. In this case it met Tashigi, in another it met dozens of male characters before and after that moment too. Most OP characters are male, so they will also dominate the top in most cases. Of those two dozen characters shown and named most are pretty good at handling the situation, of course one or two female characters will have to show weaknesses too, but so do the male characters. Boa is a damn strong joke character, so what? Shirahoshi is the most powerful being in the oceans, but who cares, right?

Does Luffy look like a character than will want to keep quiet and talk about his dark time? He wants to have fun and enjoy his life, don't make him out to be something he never was. If he doesn't meet yours expectations, that's solely on you. Be sure that they had enough fun while sailing hours and days, they have talked and spoken, it doesn't have to be on panel.
The only problem? How about shitty boring villains that presented no challenge for the SH. The Fishmen island arc was long and boring, and as always there was a sappy back story like every one that Luffy meets and helps. It´s the same old thing. Luffy hears a sappy story then gets more will power and destroy the enemy. It´s so unoriginal and boring, even in one piece since it happens almost in every arc. Did i mention that it had one of the most uninteresting villains i have ever read.

The New Fish-Man Pirates being weak compared to the Straw Hats was the entire point. If they went up against the big bads of the New World right off the bat, the new powers they've accumulated over the past two years wouldn't be as impressive. A warm-up is ned And while I wouldn't put Hody Jones within the top tier of One Piece villains, I thought the "empty racism" they embodied was brilliant. Far better than whatever empathy Ichigo had for Aizen after his defeat.

Don't forget it was like this at the beginning of the series, too. Up until Baroque Works (and to an extent, Arlong), they only had difficulty with their opponents due to various handicaps.

It´s the same old thing. Luffy hears a sappy story then gets more will power and destroy the enemy. It´s so unoriginal and boring, even in one piece since it happens almost in every arc.

Can you please give an example of this? I honestly don't remember anything like this at all.

Rightly so? Bleach has a much faster pace than one piece. It took 600 chapters to explain basic thing as haki. The whole story pace move at a snail speed. It has been going on for 15 years with no end in sight. Oda keeps padding on the manga, that there is still so much to explain. The Devil Fruit which a corner stone in the manga have not been explained. All i keep hearing is wait for this and that. Yet after 15 years such a basic thing should have been explained already. Besides one piece feels disjointed, like Skypia has nothing to do with Thriller Bark or punk hazard, and Impel Down has nothing to do with Arlong, or Enis lobby arc etc....

Haki was reserved for later because it's used by the big fish of the Grand Line. It's not like it'll suddenly be explained in the middle of Water 7 or Thriller Bark or w/e. For all the flack you give about One Piece introducing elements without warning, you forget they've built it up throughout the series since day one.

And of course Skypiea has nothing to do with Thriller Bark. Every island and any other location is designed to have its own unique cultures isolated from each other. This isn't Bleach where the world is just composed of Earth/Soul Society/Hueco Mundo/whateverthehelltheQuincieslive.

In regards to pacing, Soul Society took forever and Hueco Mundo was twice its size. One Piece arcs generally take up to one-two years. Different artists with different sets of worlds/storytelling, yes, but Kubo's arcs take forever get to done and much of it is bogged down by unnecessary characters.

As far as zero espada goes, Yammy´s deadly sin is rage and rage is unlimited. The espada are ranked based on riatsu. The more Yammy rages the more he has riatsu. It´s not bullshit, it´s pure logic.

I call bullshit on it because they previously stated the Espada were ten times stronger than the captains and yet they waste half of them (In particular, Yammy and the wolf dude with the guns) with absolutely zero effort. If you're going to suddenly reintroduce a handicapped superbeast, at least make him a threat.

No i am not thinking of Naruto at all. Nami and Robin are useless sticks with tits.

So you missed the part where they showed off their new powers in Fish-Man Island? Like Gintamen pointed out, you forgot the rest of the female cast.

No she did not. Zorro did one shot her. Yeah i expect female characters to actually do something besides being helpless. And yeah Tashigi should have been able to defeat Monet without Zorro interfering.

Yeah, she did defeat Monet. You're thinking of when Zoro sliced her in half, only to purposely leave alive to paralyze her with fear to show her he CAN kill her with zero effort. Tashigi only landed the final blow because Monet was distracted.

Except of course the fullbring arc that happened a year half ago where Chad helped Ichigo train with his fullbring by giving him info about how to control it. Chad knows Ichigo so well that his info about Ichigo helped Ichigo with his training. Orihime healing Ichigo when he was training with Ginjou.

Those are minor instances, at best. The moment Chad was defeated by Nnoitra and Orihime was rescued was the moment they became background characters.

No it does not. Bleach is a character based manga, and the rich variety of characters and personalities is what makes Bleach interesting to plenty of people.

And no, one piece has a much larger cast of characters, and almost all of them are under utilized.

Bleach has character sizes imbalances within its numerous factions such as the useless Hueco Mundo hollows (WHY did they have Orihime revive Harribel?!?) and uh...those two girls from Soul Society that Ichigo met. Oda turns random background characters from Vol. 3 flashbacks to major ones fifty volumes later. By the time the Whitebeard War came around, most everyone had their time in the sun. I don't see the problem.

No, a chapter where everyone talks about what they have been doing and what happened the 2 years separation would in no way kill the pacing. The pacing was already too slow, and good and somewhat realistic interaction between them would have done a huge service to the reunion. Instead the reunion was crap.

They'll discuss what they went through when the story calls for it. It's not like they could've just chatted it up with the Marines on their tail and while swimming amongst Sea Kings.

Keeping characters static for the whole manga is bad writing. Luffy should have showed that his brother´s death effected him yet, he still acts the same as ever.

People learn to move on from death. And as shown by the current chapter, it's obvious he doesn't take Ace's death lightly.

Same with the rest of the crew with their own circumstance, except Usoppe. Ceaser came out of no where. Artificial DF came out of no where. I mean seriously Oda needs to explain the DF ASAP, because it´s crap that after 700 chapters one of the most important part of the manga is still unexplained.

So Zoro inheriting characteristics from Mihawk and Chopper willing to become a monster for Luffy's sake despite his past don't mean anything? And what's with the out of nowhere stuff? They introduce new story elements when it's necessary. And on DFs, again, it'll come when the story calls for it. By your logic, I guess they may as well find the One Piece already. Having story-long mysteries is part of the fun of reading a long-running series.

Anyway, I really gotta do HW so I guess I'll engage in another endless Shonen argument some other time.
Lol damn these shounen arguments get looooong. It's like the equivalent of DC/Marvel arguments in ComicsGaf.

Yeah I was halfway through writing that when I realized "damn, I could be reading some books right now."

People can read and like what they want, I'm just gonna let this argument slide lmao.


I only now noticed that there is the nicknames list in the OP, finally i will know what to search when people are shocked about aunt tits.
Lol damn these shonen arguments get looooong. It's like the equivalent of DC/Marvel arguments in ComicsGaf.

And like most of those arguments no one is gonna fucking change their mind or look over anything, so pretty much pointless.

Oh I meant the og stabbing, not the hitsugaya troll I already read those reactions

Was more referring to Ice Tard getting trolled to be honest, never gets old lol

The og one will depend on if Bleach started its Toonami run from the beginning/around that particular arc. If so then you might have to look for the first version of that thread.

Also maybe the Bleach Anime thread if that exists (I remember OP having one so I wouldn't be surprised there was one for Bleach)
And like most of those arguments no one is gonna fucking change their mind or look over anything, so pretty much pointless.

Was more referring to Ice Tard getting trolled to be honest, never gets old lol

The og one will depend on if Bleach started its Toonami run from the beginning/around that particular arc. If so then you might have to look for the original thread

The best part about toonami gaf's reaction was they all thought "oh thank god this shit is over" LOL NOPE


And like most of those arguments no one is gonna fucking change their mind or look over anything, so pretty much pointless.

Was more referring to Ice Tard getting trolled to be honest, never gets old lol

The og one will depend on if Bleach started its Toonami run from the beginning/around that particular arc. If so then you might have to look for the original thread

The best part about toonami gaf's reaction was they all thought "oh thank god this shit is over" LOL NOPE

haha Aizen went full ham during that whole thing and it was fucking glorious

Yeah, the first episode that aired on New Toonami was the final fight of the Sword Beast filler arc.

lol filler

Also haven't had adult swim for years now :(

Right, I was asking if adult swim action had ot's back in the day before toonami returned

Not Sure, try search and see if anything comes up

You might have to check for a OT for the series and even then that was some time ago...


Tragic victim of fan death

I think the art in this chapter and the previous one was super nice and cute. Other than that, what the fuck is this shit?


No Scrubs

going HAM and
dismantling Itagaki
little by little feels so good.

Keep in mind this is still the first round. So that little by little is happening over the course of 30 seconds or whatever insanely small amount of time has passed.

It really does feel amazing though.
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