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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh, following Jack on Twitter was... a thing. I could Sexsmith this thread so hard if I wanted.

Think Sunny's Nagata incident.

It wasn't an incident. Someone was afraid of a tasteful nude that showed no nudity whatsoever. Penis cloaked in shadow.

However wrasslin' fans aren't known for their art appreciation capability.


As to the backstage politics thing, I think it was more prevalent back when there were other places to work and still maintain a decent living. get backstabbed out of WCW? go to the WWF. Get backstabbed out of the WWF? Go to WCW. Backstabbed out of both? Go to ECW, build your brand, do something somewhere else.

These days, you get backstabbed out with politicking and you can go overseas and maybe get lucky enough to build your brand there. I don't think people want to take the risks anymore when there are so few options getting a job elsewhere, at least on a financial level that the WWE is.

Unless you're John Cena and you can talk your way into going over when you really shouldn't, then admit later you were wrong about it and should have listened (lol, ok john).
Nope. Only one match tonight. Zayn vs. Joe, two out of three falls.

Sounds familiar

As to the backstage politics thing, I think it was more prevalent back when there were other places to work and still maintain a decent living. get backstabbed out of WCW? go to the WWF. Get backstabbed out of the WWF? Go to WCW. Backstabbed out of both? Go to ECW, build your brand, do something somewhere else.

These days, you get backstabbed out with politicking and you can go overseas and maybe get lucky enough to build your brand there. I don't think people want to take the risks anymore when there are so few options getting a job elsewhere, at least on a financial level that the WWE is.

Unless you're John Cena and you can talk your way into going over when you really shouldn't, then admit later you were wrong about it and should have listened (lol, ok john).

Fucking Wade Barrett.

I'll never forgive Cena for hiw he essentially ended Barrett's chance at success.

What a waste of an amazing talent
The story came from a 2012 F4W interview Bryan Alvarez did with an ex WWE writer. I'm just going to paste what I found on Google to save myself some time.

Apparently after Vince thought of this, the next week he thought of some storyline that involved him going away for months from the public eye. Not even attending stockholder and business meetings. They were going to put this on wwe.com to make it a huge deal, and eventually Vince was going to return with a HOBO ARMY. Can't make this up. (Of course this wouldn't of worked because they're a public traded company and something like this would nearly kill the company)
can't forget Rod


Some Seth Rollins news from Ryan Satin:

The return of Seth Rollins is getting closer … sources tell Pro Wrestling Sheet that The Architect is once again training in a wrestling ring — but the former Champ is making sure to play it safe.

Our sources say Rollins has been working in the ring without a brace at his Black and Brave Wrestling Academy in Illinois, usually multiple times a week, but he’s cautious about leg involvement and plays it safe by icing his knee after every training session.

So its month 4 of a possible to 6 to 9 month recovery. I wonder if he will pull a Cena.
Some Seth Rollins news from Ryan Satin:

So its month 4 of a possible to 6 to 9 month recovery. I wonder if he will pull a Cena.
I think they bring him back in month 6 without being in matches. But I'm old school, at least have some presence to keep the character alive. Have him take safe bumps like getting hit if he approves or it's possible.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So how long are they planning to keep running Ryback out to bury the tag team division in the deepest darkest depths of a glacier?
I think Taker will win but he's going to beat the shit out of Vince for summoning him to do his dirty work. He'll spare Shane since he has respect for him, thus Shane coming back the next night to fight Hunter and Steph for control. This time, Taker in Shane's corner.
Seth was always booked as the chickenshit heel. Never had an issue with his individual booking that other people seemed to have. It'd be worse if he was Triple H and was 'the corporate's trophy but also teh best wrassler who is cool and a badass and is cool'

It's the booking of 'they can't build a feud to save their lives' and 'seth has a microphone' and 'seth means more authority promo time' that was the issue i had

I sure hope Seth is taking some acting and/or speaking courses while he's out. His body language was pretty much always on point, and his shitty laughs were great, but his weird voice and lack of gravitas just were NOT suited to the Triple H 20-minute promo. (Much as people malign Triple H, the fact that his 20-minute promos are pretty much always well-delivered by him is often overlooked.)


I think the "Wins & Losses don't matter" is a necessary compromise you have make when talking about WWE booking because they are so far gone from having them matter that the amount of time to turn the whole company philosophy and fan response to wins/losses would take a very long time. Basically, WWE creative is shit, gotta deal with that.

As for the champ losing not mattering outside title matches....I dunno I always like the feel that WHC should never ever lose except in title matches or to set up a challenger that does beat him eventually. Even heels. Fine, have chickenshit heels at the IC belt level but in my mind the biggest singles title should only be held by guys who are booked as extremely competent and dangerous performers. It just makes the belt and the act of winning or losing it be an event on its own that you can build PPVs, feuds and matches around, have it be part of the draw and make it feel real dammnit. So of course I'm against my fav wrestler being booked like the Honky Tonk Man and consequently devalue the belt he holds. I guess we had the Roman > Sheamus > Roman situation as well so who cares anymore fam?

That's just me though.

I sure hope Seth is taking some acting and/or speaking courses while he's out. His body language was pretty much always on point, and his shitty laughs were great, but his weird voice and lack of gravitas just were NOT suited to the Triple H 20-minute promo. (Much as people malign Triple H, the fact that his 20-minute promos are pretty much always well-delivered by him is often overlooked.)

Yeah I'd agree with this. His voice is just missing a level of inflection at points. Sometimes he could work it (Killing Edge, that one random Smackdown with Ambrose). But he has all the other pieces so its a matter of finding that extra one and clicking it in.
Oh apparently there was something about Mr Kennedy being his illegitimate son and taking control of the company.
That was the worst part of it imo.

Luckily he got bailed out because it would have haunted him his entire wwe career.

Bringing to new page.

I want to share this with you all. This is my hip post surgery.

Please don't try this at home


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oh apparently there was something about Mr Kennedy being his illegitimate son and taking control of the company.

The story I read was that: "The "murderer" was supposed to be revealed as Linda McMahon, who would be arrested at that show. Some weeks later, there was supposed to be an "aired reading of the will" by Vince McMahon himself wherein he would leave the entire WWE in the hands of his "illegitimate son" Mr. Kennedy. This was meant to turn Kennedy into a massive heel and give him a mega-push to the championship. At that point, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H were going to reveal their kayfabe-second, consensual marriage - based on their real one - that would entitle Triple H to combat Mr. Kennedy for the right to own the WWE, culminating in a feud that would push all the way to the Main Event of that year's Wrestlemania. After THAT was finished, in which Triple H would win back control of the company from Kennedy, Vince was meant to come back and reveal that he'd faked the whole thing and setup Linda to take the fall so that way he could give everything to his "true son.""

No idea where the hobo army comes in.
The story I read was that: "The "murderer" was supposed to be revealed as Linda McMahon, who would be arrested at that show. Some weeks later, there was supposed to be an "aired reading of the will" by Vince McMahon himself wherein he would leave the entire WWE in the hands of his "illegitimate son" Mr. Kennedy. This was meant to turn Kennedy into a massive heel and give him a mega-push to the championship. At that point, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H were going to reveal their kayfabe-second, consensual marriage - based on their real one - that would entitle Triple H to combat Mr. Kennedy for the right to own the WWE, culminating in a feud that would push all the way to the Main Event of that year's Wrestlemania. After THAT was finished, in which Triple H would win back control of the company from Kennedy, Vince was meant to come back and reveal that he'd faked the whole thing and setup Linda to take the fall so that way he could give everything to his "true son.""

No idea where the hobo army comes in.
I never read that story but as far as the "hobo army" goes, I just remember Vince would look like a hobo.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Some Seth Rollins news from Ryan Satin:

So its month 4 of a possible to 6 to 9 month recovery. I wonder if he will pull a Cena.

Last I heard he was scheduled to come back in May, which is pretty much the early point of the 6 month schedule. They really have no option but to bring him back heel. There's nobody for Roman to even fight. I'm pretty sure he's going to get fed a steady diet of Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus, but nobody actually wants to see that and they can only really justify it for like a month, before people get pretty pissed off.
I miss winter. I'm sitting in my boxers sweating.
Imagine using a walker and being not skinny lol. Dude I'm sweating like hell.

I need a dvd on the week of Survivor Series 97. Since I'm sure everyone is willing to talk freely in the screw job now. No holding back, 100% detail.
Imagine using a walker and being not skinny lol. Dude I'm sweating like hell.

I need a dvd on the week of Survivor Series 97. Since I'm sure everyone is willing to talk freely in the screw job now. No holding back, 100% detail.
I'm fat so I know about that part. Lol

Sucks about yer hip

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Hannibal Burress on why Shinsuke Nakamura needs a better theme because "Subconscious" is a shitty song that sounds like Street Fighter music:

"HB: [. . . ]The music—people disagree with me, I forgot the guy’s name, but his music sounded like fucking Street Fighter music. And everybody was defending this song. I guess the guy’s coming to WWE because people said WWE bought the rights to this song.

Paste: Shinsuke Nakamura.

HB: Yeah, Nakamura’s song. People are defending that song and I’m hearing it and I don’t hear what you guys hear. I checked it out on my laptop afterwards, I heard it on a huge sound system in the Tokyo Dome, and I’m just not feeling it."

Paste: What do you have against Street Fighter music? You say that like it’s a bad thing.

HB: Well videogame music is videogame music and real life music is real life music.
Last year I had to use a gas fireplace to heat my room. I was like 240. This year I'm 330 pounds and didn't turn it on once. Either my blubber kept me warm or global warming is a helluva thing.


That's...terrible reasoning. I mean fair enough not liking the song I get that. But the separation of video games music and real life music...lol


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I gave a shit. So did a lot of other people who followed him in NXT and came to respect him quite a bit.

Nobody has ever gotten over from a small handful of matches or a feud with Dolph Ziggler. He would be fine if they gave him some actual material to work with.
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