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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.


Yeah, I don't mean to sound hyperbolic but this really feels like the worst WrestleMania buildup I can personally remember. Outside of the night Shane came back, this feels like the build up to a mid-football season PPV and not Wrestle-fucking-Mania
Yeah, I don't mean to sound hyperbolic but this really feels like the worst WrestleMania buildup I can personally remember. Outside of the night Shane came back, this feels like the build up to a mid-football season PPV and not Wrestle-fucking-Mania

Yup. Its hard for me to think of one that is worse.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
RAW is in Philly tonight; I'm sure the crowd will make this entertaining.

The best possible result is Roman starts whining that the crowd cheered him last time so why they so mad now?!

Yeah, I don't mean to sound hyperbolic but this really feels like the worst WrestleMania buildup I can personally remember. Outside of the night Shane came back, this feels like the build up to a mid-football season PPV and not Wrestle-fucking-Mania

I would be way more interested if someone other than Shane was fighting the Undertaker and Shane's ruling Raw was just the stipulation. I don't actually need to see Shane wrestle in 2016.


Yeah, I don't mean to sound hyperbolic but this really feels like the worst WrestleMania buildup I can personally remember. Outside of the night Shane came back, this feels like the build up to a mid-football season PPV and not Wrestle-fucking-Mania


Is RAW going to be worth a dam tonight?

This has been the worst march to WM ever.
Nope. You'll get a tag match as the main event. Kevin Owens vs Dolph. LoN will say something about being dominant, new day talks. Hunter and Roman 15 minute segment. Dean and Roman backstage. Basically just watch a Raw from January without the LoN messing with Roman.


Yeah, I don't mean to sound hyperbolic but this really feels like the worst WrestleMania buildup I can personally remember. Outside of the night Shane came back, this feels like the build up to a mid-football season PPV and not Wrestle-fucking-Mania

The second Shane got into the ring and started throwing his "punches" at Taker, I suddenly got a bad feeling about Mania this year. Still holding out hope that Seth makes an appearance and screws somebody over or that Shane has a badass enforcer lined up to help him fight Taker.
What a weird time for the E

Yes they were. These geeks today wouldn't have been able to handle that old wwf life. They're too concerned about video games, being buddy buddy, and playing in social media. They wouldn't be able to play gimmicks well either. Give me the gimmick of a firefighter, I'd fight the hell out of a fire. Make Kane my bitch.

Yes they were. These geeks today wouldn't have been able to handle that old wwf life. They're too concerned about video games, being buddy buddy, and playing in social media. They wouldn't be able to play gimmicks well either. Give me the gimmick of a firefighter, I'd fight the hell out of a fire. Make Kane my bitch.

Give me Kamala, Shango and Kwang or give me death
Imagine going to a house show you paid for months ago and were psyched to see

And getting

including the main event having 3 tall guys and a dude with a broken back
Nope. You'll get a tag match as the main event. Kevin Owens vs Dolph. LoN will say something about being dominant, new day talks. Hunter and Roman 15 minute segment. Dean and Roman backstage. Basically just watch a Raw from January without the LoN messing with Roman.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Who the hell is Primo?

One of the Colon brothers (the other one is Carlito, who isn't currently on the roster). The rumor is that they're basically waiting on people to forget that they exist before repackaging them as "Carlos Colon's kid and his cousin" again.


Carlito's bro.

You remember those loser scrubs (not indy for a change) the Matadores? He's one of them

Who the hell are...

Nah, that's far enough down that rabbit hole. But honestly, far enough down the card that I don't even recognise him by name. That's buried.


who are you trying to convince here, me or you?

you have a problem dawg, let's talk about it

The problem's even worse when I admit that RAW is one of only four TV shows I'm watching/half-watching each week. The others are NXT, Edge & Christian and Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle.

TV is pretty much dead to me these days.
Define "watch". I'll likely have it on a tablet to listen to and glance at whilst playing Salt & Sanctuary.

There were two noteworthy things he pointed out, and one was Fandango vs Jericho

Fandango's return. On the second to last Raw before their biggest show.

The other one was the return of Ryder on actual TV.

Nobody can deny it anymore: this is the worst Mania build. Period.


Remember The Offspring? I've been listening to The Offspring lately. I think I'm going to make a mixtape (uh-huh) or two for the drive to Dallas.
Remember The Offspring? I've been listening to The Offspring lately. I think I'm going to make a mixtape (uh-huh) or two for the drive to Dallas.

Ignition, Smash, Ixnay & Americana are all legitimately great albums in my estimation (Ignition's my favourite by quite some margin, though).


Remember The Offspring? I've been listening to The Offspring lately. I think I'm going to make a mixtape (uh-huh) or two for the drive to Dallas.

Americana was either the first or second album I ever bought and they were the second band I ever saw live. Admittedly, they're a bit inconsistent quality-wise, but when they're good, they're really fucking good.


Ignition, Smash, Ixnay & Americana are all legitimately great albums in my estimation (Ignition's my favourite by quite some margin, though).

Americana was either the first or second album I ever bought and they were the second band I ever saw live. Admittedly, they're a bit inconsistent quality-wise, but when they're good, they're really fucking good.

Americana was the first album I ever bought. Should relisten to it sometime, only song I remember is The Kids Aren't Alright

Now you guys have done it. I used to love The Offspring. Like, I probably thought they were the best band ever around the time Americana released.

I still really like their self-titled debut, Ignition, and Smash a lot.

Ixnay and Americana are hit and miss, but they have some great songs that really strike a nostalgic chord.

Conspiracy, Splinter, and Rise and Fall all have a couple of good songs, but they're pretty crappy albums.


Looks like the Becky/Naomi match ended in dq by interference and then was changed to a tag team match

Still, what a dire card. Sin Cara and a Matador in a singles match... why

It doesn't matter.

The fact is they used a gimmick to try and repair a house show tour.

Why not send some NXT guys up? At least give the fans somebody with some workrate to take away from the show if there isn't a big name.

Or fucking hell why not let Sasha and Becky main event it? Women have main evented NXT House shows before.

Watched Raw and Smackdown from last week and thought they were pretty good...even the Jericho stuff. New Day needs to dial down the booty stuff because it's quite annoying. Mauro's voice is kinda annoying and I like heel King. Saxton seems to actually wake up during Smackdown.

Fandango return? He's basically only relevant from Mania until their UK tour. Lol
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