i wonder how people are planning to pin this on ryback
Romen unsafe worker should be ban from the sports
i wonder how people are planning to pin this on ryback
Video of Harper getting hurt..just collapses while punching Roman in the corner.
They don't deserve to sink with the SS Wyatt.Rowan and Harper forever <3
One day at Raw they should make the family lose against the Social OutcastsThey don't deserve to sink with the SS Wyatt.
Theoretically there is a fight purse which is why champions don't just get themselves DQ'd all the time. I just don't think it's been mentioned for 25 years.The point of a battle royale is pitting a number of guys against each other in a free-for-all.
You don't need any setup or prize.
In the case of the Andre Battle Royale, I think it's a nice match to include every year at Wrestlemania.
Theoretically there is a fight purse which is why champions don't just get themselves DQ'd all the time. I just don't think it's been mentioned for 25 years.
Three hours of crap from a company that doesn't respect their audience or their audience's time and the only half-decent match is the one they should have either built for Mania or saved for a program down the road and ended in the same lame distraction finish booking (we get more of these than run-ins) that works to get nobody over.So seeing the Youtube clips of today's Raw, wow...this show was ass. Aside from the AJ/Owens match, it was still a complete waste when you had AJ beaten again by KO with a Jericho distraction for the 2nd time in 4 days.
So glad I don't waste 3 hours a night or even 3 hours of DVR storage on this show.
So Zack Ryder replaces Neville in the IC ladder match.
I like Zack Ryder, but this isn't even close to a good replacement.
Wait a minute? Vince said that this would be Undertaker's last Mania if he loses, but if he loses doesn't that mean Vince doesn't have any power and Shane runs the company? So how does he have the power to decide that???????
Probably a contract-binding stipulation. In that event, it's perfectly logical
Should've just let Owens face Zayn one on one and just put everyone else in the Battle Royale.
Who is even in that thing?
Then Shane can rehire him as developmental and we get his final form at NXT Undertakeover for the title.
Get as many guys on the card so they get a mania payday
lol Blue. So tell me this, Is Lana Sable 2.0?
They already have......
The TV doesn't matter anymore friends, they could shit on a plate, stick the WWE logo on it, book it in the main event of Mania and it would have already sold out months in advance.
The 'wrestlemania payday' concept is so carny. It's a massive global company now, give everyone a 'wrestlemania payday' regardless of their standing on the card in the way other companies give annual bonuses. The wrasslers all contribute to the build anyway, right? And I presume there's a level of performer where their pay has a low ceiling anyway.
Then concentrate on putting on a great show with great matches. You get more buys, everyone is happy.
Another shitty accolade they do that ultimately means nothing.What's the point of the Andre the Giant battle royale? Like why would anyone care about winning it? What's the prize?
Earlier in this thread, someone was asking "who the fuck is Diego" so idk if Diego should get the same cut as someone who people actually know, whether he's on the card or not.
Video of Harper getting hurt..just collapses while punching Roman in the corner.
Wait, it's not going to be Owens / Zayn at Mania? Maybe they want to build it up more first then do it at Summerslam? What a disappointment.
I'm still looking forward to the women's match and Dean vs Brock, but I'm getting less excited the closer we get.
Wait, it's not going to be Owens / Zayn at Mania? Maybe they want to build it up more first then do it at Summerslam? What a disappointment.
I'm still looking forward to the women's match and Dean vs Brock, but I'm getting less excited the closer we get.
Have to watch the Ziggler clip again. I totally thought he said Macho Mania which seemed out of place haha.
Could they make it any more obvious that Undertaker is winning?
I loved the crowd no selling Vince announcing that if Undertaker looses, this Wrestlemania will be his last. There was barely even an audible "oooh" from the crowd.
Is this where they announce the 7 man IC belt match with owens zayne zigg sin cara Miz stardust and ryder?
Zayn should focus on his match with Shinsuke Nakamura first.
And, he really just joined the main roster. The guy doesn't deserve a push into a higher card singles match at Wrestlemania.
They are going to be fueding from now through eternity.Sami versus Owens should have been building since the tumble with the big blow off at WM. Instead Zayn vanished for a month.
Right now I get that maybe they still want to introduce zayn to the raw audience and this is just setting up a longer frud between the two. Still not how I would have bookrd it but I get it.