Great now Jericho is angling for a fued with Nakamura
Oh it could be fine.
Jericho hate is way overdone.
Great now Jericho is angling for a fued with Nakamura
Straight-up politics talk is way worse than majestic, tasteful nudes of Japanese wrestlers.
Booking on the fly is dumb. But obviously Gillberg is more over than Goldberg.It's not even the people in the match, but the means of booking it that way. "We're gonna do Goldberg vs Gillberg and whoever is over more wins" like wtf Freddie Prinze
Same here friend. It's so good. And I fucking HATED his latest comeback, until he turned the heel dial all the way back up.I'll be honest, I've gotten back on the Jericho bandwagon since he turned heel. It's his calling in life.
Nash? Really?
Warlord is eternal.All these legends..and then Warlord
I think his Ventura impression is my favorite right next to Vince. Nervous Hogan is pretty god damn amazing too.Its the impressions from the lapsed fan.
Sent that to my high school teacher, he was like "Is that the warlord?"
Its the impressions from the lapsed fan.
Sent that to my high school teacher, he was like "Is that the warlord?"
That's the best part lol
You definitely should. They have a giant backlog. My favorite current podcast outside of the Giant Bombcast.Ah. Never listened.
You definitely should. They have a giant backlog.
OSW is so good during that initial run of episodes. The quality dipped IMO once it became less frequent and they went off theme.I'd love to - I've just started on selected OSW reviews for the moment (since none of my other pods have released anything over the past couple of weeks), so that's taking up my listening time at the mo...
2Nerdy4UY'alls taste in podcasts
Great now Jericho is angling for a fued with Nakamura
Since he's turned heel over the past couple of weeks he's been WAY better. Dude doesn't have it as a face anymore, it's fucking terrible, but he's still a natural and one of the best in the business when it comes to heel work.Ugh. Jericho is painful to watch nowadays. On the mic or in the ring, he's an awful heel.
I need a fan made video of this asapnew new new new WarlOrder
Damn guys that new Nintendo controller leak. Goodbye Nintendo.
Goddamn, the Wii fucked up this company. I don't think they even know how to make a system anymore without jamming a fucking gimmick into it.
Blame Iwata. He fucked the company and this was still made under his watch. I don't know if they will get a chance for another console after this one though.
Game overDamn guys that new Nintendo controller leak. Goodbye Nintendo.
It'd probably be wiser for wrestlers (or most people in the public eye for that matter) to not so publicly reveal their political leanings, but then no one ever accused Alex Riley of being wise.
Times a changing. Put yourself out of business before they do. 😂Wtf. Can't these fucks just do something normal anymore.
Why you gotta go over the top with gimmicks brother! Just be real!
Since he's turned heel over the past couple of weeks he's been WAY better. Dude doesn't have it as a face anymore, it's fucking terrible, but he's still a natural and one of the best in the business when it comes to heel work.
Consoles are dead. Their only appeal is for 23+ year old people clinging to the past
The future lies elsewhere
Consoles are dead
Isn't the PS4 still outpacing the PS2?
Consoles are dead. Their only appeal is for 23+ year old people clinging to the past
The future lies elsewhere
It's pretty hard to say consoles are dead when the current generation of consoles are selling at an all-time great pace. It's just sad to see that Nintendo isn't part of that.
The reality is that Nintendo began to struggle more and more once they actually got competition.
It's pretty hard to say consoles are dead when the current generation of consoles are selling at an all-time great pace.
I just haggled a $1,200 medical bill down to $570. Wooooo!
There's a reason why the mobile sector grew so big. It ain't grandpas.
Consoles are for dinosaurs who refuse to accept new viewpoints and mediums
Speaking of avatars, you still running a Mania Rumble Seph?
The mobile gaming sector still has all the makings of a giant bubble that's going to pop, though.
My wive is dealing with some bullshit over some pregnancy blood test that wasn't covered.
Well..WE are dealing with it.
300bucks! For a test that a Doctor deemed mandatory.
People aren't stopping creating little parasites that look like em, though