Dreams can come true.Zack Ryder is competing for the intercontinental title at wrestlemania. I repeat. Zack Ryder is competing for the intercontinental title at wrestlemania. Let that sink in.
If they aren't gonna do Owens vs Sami Ryder should win the belt.
.The only time Ryder should ever be near a belt is if someone is beating him in the face with it.
Ryder for IC champ.
Riley for US champ.
Ryder for IC champ.
Riley for US champ.
i'm sure they won't completely fuck up nakamura when he gets called up
seriously guys
have faith
Come on man, you don't mean that... do you?
Id rather it be Big Show and Kane than those two, my hatred of Riley knows no bounds. Learning about how Cena punked the shit out of Riley warmed my heart.
I guess the idea was to rehab Bull after he's taken a bit of a jobber role lately? Of course now he's gone, it literally is a pointless match.
Isn't Danny Burch signed? Or was he signed at some stage? Maybe he'll pick up a win or smth.
Very interested in what Balor/Swann looks like.
Maybe Burch wins to begin a push for him!
Probably not though. He's a good jobber in NXT, but i don't know why they don't try doing something with him. Great look.
Went to Smackdown in Boston last night. Complete 180 from TLC crowd-wise. Big Show got a huge pop during Main Event, fans loved Ryder and Reigns...a complete turnaround from the chorus of boos I expected. Weird ass night overall, looking forward to NXT in a few weeks.
They already have Chris Girard (the former Biff Busick) and Tommaso Ciampa (even if he's not technically signed to the company). Do they need another guy with the same build and style?
He was signed, then let go, then brought back as Martin Stone for a jobber role, then brought back as Danny Burch for a recurring jobber role.
He's not signed, he's still working the indys in America:
I do wish he'd had a longer run with Sha in PROGRESS.
I guess the idea was to rehab Bull after he's taken a bit of a jobber role lately? Of course now he's gone, it literally is a pointless match.
I just thought Sting gained the power to talk to dead people.
Is this Bull's last match on NXT?
LU will be unstoppable.
Did you guys read that freddie Prinze jr yesterday? A good interview about what goes on backstage, how creative works and what he would do differently.
8 PM WWE NXT on WWE Network:
*WWE NXT champion Finn Balor vs. Rich Swann.
*Asuka vs. Emma.
*Alexa Bliss vs. Sarah Dobson.
*Johnny Gargano vs. Elias Samson.
*Bull Dempsey vs. Danny Birch.
*Also appearing are Samoa Joe, Apollo Crews and more.
8 PM Lucha Underground on El Rey Network:
*Aztec Warfare II featuring the debut of Rey Mysterio Jr.
12 AM: Ring of Honor on COMET:
*The Young Bucks vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi and Michael Elgin
*ROH TV champion Tomohiri Ishii vs. Cedric Alexander.
*The Briscoe vs. Luster the Legend and Adam Thornstowe.
*Also appearing are The The Addiction, BJ Whitmer, Cedric Alexander, Veda Scott and more.
The ROH show will stream live at http://comettv.com/live.html.
The big problem was him saying that so and so doesn't need to win big matches. I was like, what? They've brain washed him into thinking that.Did you guys read that freddie Prinze jr yesterday? A good interview about what goes on backstage, how creative works and what he would do differently.
.Ryder for IC champ.
Ryder for US champ.
You got worked, brother. WWE edits the audience noise on Smackdown. WWE pumps in seagull pops into the live arenas to mask the booing in real-time, which is why a taping of Smackdown has those sound effects. Everyone was booing Big Show and Reigns and Ryder underneath the sound effects.
You must not have been sitting near arena audio equipment.
The big problem was him saying that so and so doesn't need to win big matches. I was like, what? They've brain washed him into thinking that.