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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.

😔😔😔Nation of domination imploding. Man my brothers, we've gotta stick together. I guess it's up to me to keep the NoD alive.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Observer stuff

Brand split maybe?

Jericho vs. Nakamura?

I think he's getting ahead of himself. I think it means they didn't want the same guys on each poster.

Sometimes I don't understand Meltzer's complaints because he spends a lot of time harping on really minor nonsense about how guys are presented that don't actually matter, like asking why AJ Styles lost via distraction and Jericho didn't or whether Owens looks like a major heel when he gets yelled at by Stephanie.
yeah that could definitely work. both of those divisions are weak but it could lead to some wacky tag teams being formed as a result!

as for the women, obviously eva marie would get called up to Raw and become the star female of that show. they'd be more than fine.
The big problem with both divisions is that they are only now just starting to get some decent footing. The Divas purely on the strength of the Becky, Sasha and Charlotte, who they could easily build a decent division around with the other Divas. Splitting them up now just as its starting to gain some real decent traction is going to set it all back to square one.

Tag Teams are also in a funny place, there is only one Tag Team that matters and that's The New Day, all others are kind of an afterthought. Dudley's came back strong but they are just kinda there now, Uso's no one really cares about anymore, Lucha Dragons may not even matter anymore and The Ascension are a thing still. I think its telling that even though The New Day is doing fantastic that don't have any real Tag Team opposition and their opponents at Mania are a stable and not a proper Tag Team.

Hopefully post Mania some Tag Teams get called up from NXT so the division can get some more strength, because I do worry the New Day will really fizzle out if they don't have decent credible Tag Teams to feud with.


Asuka hit Emma with a higher impact Rear View on NXT tonight and had no effect on Emma. How am I supposed to take Naomi's version seriously when it's got more padding?
I don't know how you have 3 hours of Raw with a brand split. Roster just isn't there unless they plan to devote more time to storylines to actually build up their midcard and lower card guys, which I doubt.
Do you think that's why Brock is only wrestling at 40% effort?
Yes sire. I remember the discussions when he first got back that no one will be stupid enough to face him because of how dangerous he'd become. And it's not like he was dangerous before lol. But yeah, he'd leave these guys parts in the ring if he wanted to. I'd wrestle him and win though. Not healed and all.
what if Shane loses to Taker but reveals that the secret in his lock box is that he has owned NXT the whole time, and starts an super fresh and original NXT invasion angle?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
what if Shane loses to Taker but reveals that the secret in his lock box is that he has owned NXT the whole time, and starts an super fresh and original NXT invasion angle?

does this end with finn balor defeating the undertaker and undertaker says 'you're da best' and cesaro returns and pins john cena and roman reigns at the same time and paul heyman manages them


With good storylines it's easy to fill 3 hours with half of the wrestlers
We actually have 30% (or more) of the roster injuried or stuck on Superstars (like Breeze, Sandow and Young) right now and they can fill 3 hours with shitty storylines


There is NOT a depth problem in the WWE. The roster is arguably more stacked and talented than ever before. It's all in the booking and writing of the show. The 50/50 booking. The god awful scripted promos. No one goes over besides Roman Reigns.
It doesn't even have the big name power and [stacked] depth than a 2005-2006 Raw/Smackdown, much less than the 2002-2003 rosters. And on top of that, there is an extra hour per Raw show compared to always being a two hr show.

They keep relying on nostalgia acts because they have zero clue how to make new stars.
There is NOT a depth problem in the WWE. The roster is arguably more stacked and talented than ever before. It's all in the booking and writing of the show. The 50/50 booking. The god awful scripted promos. No one goes over besides Roman Reigns.

the booking and writing has always been bad, since the WWE existed. The difference is that in the past, during their periods of greatest success, there have always been talented individuals with larger than life personalities who the even the WWE, no matter how hard they tried, couldn't keep down in Hogan, Austin and Rock. They don't have anyone like that now. From that regard, there is a talent problem.
the booking and writing has always been bad, since the WWE existed. The difference is that in the past, during their periods of greatest success, there have always been talented individuals with larger than life personalities who the even the WWE, no matter how hard they tried, couldn't keep down in Hogan, Austin and Rock. They don't have anyone like that now. From that regard, there is a talent problem.

Yup. Even as a Roman Reigns defender, he's not a mainstream guy. But neither is anybody else currently in the company. As I've said before, ironically, if you like certain parts of the current WWE product - good long-ish matches, women being treated largely as competitors instead of sex objects, and indie stars being put at the top of the card, you don't want the WWE to get more mainstream. You want the WWE as it currently is - stagnant, but still successful.

Because the type of fan who gets RAW from a 2.3 or whatever to a 4.0 doesn't want compeitive womens matches, they wants hot bitches in little clothing. They don't want exciting five star matches, he wants people going through tables and swear words and to chant boring when chain wrestling goes longer than five seconds. He doesn't want in depth angles, he wants a badass who wins all the time that tall and ripped (Austin was 6' 3" and 240 and more importantly, looked like a badass.)


It doesn't even have the big name power and [stacked] depth than a 2005-2006 Raw/Smackdown, much less than the 2002-2003 rosters. And on top of that, there is an extra hour per Raw show compared to always being a two hr show.

They keep relying on nostalgia acts because they have zero clue how to make new stars.

They marginalize talent and stories extremely fast. This Jericho feud with AJ is 6-8 weeks long, and has had four matches already. That should take a year at best.

Instead of WWE sending guys like Ryder and R Truth out there to job to Owens and the like on a weekly basis it's the same shit like Owens v. Neville which we've seen like 8 times already. It's insane.
They marginalize talent and stories extremely fast. This Jericho feud with AJ is 6-8 weeks long, and has had four matches already. That should take a year at best.

Instead of WWE sending guys like Ryder and R Truth out there to job to Owens and the like on a weekly basis it's the same shit like Owens v. Neville which we've seen like 8 times already. It's insane.

The problem is 3 hours is too long for a wrestling show. Even GodKing Triple H, Paul Heyman, Vince Russo, and whoever is booking LU wouldn't be able to book a good three hour wrestling show.

Also, the WWE can't win when it comes to matchups.

Six Man Tag? DAE another pointless six man

Jobber Match? DAE why should I care about a match I already know who is going to win?

Rematch? DAE I'm tired of this matchup. I've seen it too much!

Top Star beats midcarder x? DAE Why are they burying midcarder x?


The brand split isn't coming back
The main reason the brand split isn't coming back is because maintaining it would require effort. Whereas now they can just slapdash shit together on Thursday's show, pipe in cheers/jeers and recycle it again the following Monday.

The WWE will always take the path of least effort.




When Raw goes back to 2 hours in a few years, then they'll improve.

3 hours is good for an after-Wrestlemania show because it's perceived as a big show and usually gets the best ratings of the year. It'll make it feel special.

Raw being the same length as B level PPV's is just...dumb. That's why I love the 2 hour Network specials. They feel easy to digest and don't waste my fucking time with an overuse of buzzwords and marketing crap.


LU and NXT were both great last night!

Aztec Warfare was brilliantly paced, super hot opening 10 minutes with all the best wrestlers in the company. Cage no selling going through the window was hype as fuck. Puma still out there proving he's the in that best of the best bracket.The comedy stuff I can do without but at least it was quick. Cuerno dives make up for it. Catrina blaming Vamp for Pentagons actions was a very interesting plot point. Mil still kills fools but his and Catrina's hubris came to a head in a very satisfactory, logical way. The pop for the Cueto brothers was immense.

Then the best bit. MATANZA just blasts everyone, cannot be touched, pulls out all his crazy strength and athleticism spots. They let him go over everyone even a debuting Rey. Even the fact he is "small" fits - a monstrous soul trapped in the body of Dario's little brother. I mean Dario is the real heel here: he has channeled the power of unspeakable evil and sacrificed many innocents to corrupt his brother, to use him as a tool of bloody-minded vengeance. God it's so good and I generally hate the more superhero side of LU. THAT'S how you make a star, you build up his debut, on his debut let him showcase why you hired him and put him on the level of your top stars. Even still we could conceivably have a three way between Mil, Cage and MATANZA that would be believable and awesome because LU doesn't feel compelled to make their talent look like idiots week in, week out. SO GOOD.

NXT on the other hand was more understated but had some real great segments. As much as I bag on Finn's title reign being largely uninteresting, he's still my boy and I still love him as a performer. He showed that intensity that has been missing for a long time in his match with Swann. His in ring style has morphed into this wily veteran who cannot be outdone on the mat by anybody and is very judicious with his offense. Very effective little squash match with yet more subtle heel stuff, not just the in ring intensity but him motioning for the belt insistently, tons of focus on the Balor Club imagery and of course usage of the Bloody Sunday, now the 1916, a super cool name change IMO. Oh and he's looking even more ridiculously cut if that's possible. Swann is Crews with far more charisma but no body so he's NXT/main roster jobber 4 lyfe unless he gets on the juice, brother.

Speaking of Crews he delivered perhaps the most half-hearted "you dont want none of this" to The Drifter I've ever heard. Crews is nearing Crowe levels of NXT disaster, he really needs to find something soon to make him really stand out. To be fair I cannot imagine a harder transition than insanity Dragon Gate 6 man's to NXT TV squashes psychology wise plus I feel given his build he should have been booked more as a monster baybface than the flippy underdog type. I found myself bearing The Drifter more than usual. His in ring is coming along more and more although that could be the factor of working with Gargano. He still is the male equivalent of Eva Marie in terms of heat, which apparently makes him the 2nd greatest heel in wrestling today. If he drops the weird stalling thing where he stares a lot he'd be a solid act, sorry Sunny.

My favourite part of the show was undoubtedly the American Alpha video package. Why don't they have anything approaching this on Raw is baffling. All we had was a short little interview where the guys talked about their amateur background, focusing in the apex of those careers which they both framed as failures. Gable in particular pulled the heartstrings with him talking about his performance at the Olympics. There was nothing more I wanted for Chad Gable after this than to win the belt and make up for what he perceived was a low point in his life. Interestingly enough Jordan has a more compelling story, his family situation was extremely difficult, his brother's having numeorus legal issues but he succeeded. I'd say they might save that stuff for later or its been deemed too personal.

People told me that 2006 Joe is back and did that come across last night. Just a scary scary man with evil intentions, choking jobbers out. I will miss him when he goes to Raw, he's peaking just as he leaves which ironically is bad for everyone involved. Main event was fine but after Aztec Warfare it just kinda washed over me. Asuka is really holding back with all her stuff now which is half her appeal to me. Still better than a bunch of concussions or broken noses. Post Mania Dana and Alexa are going to take over the NXT women's side, I can feel it.

That was a lot of words but I'm on a bus and it feels good to highlight just some of the incredible wrestling happening now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Pretty obvious why they would be piping in boos for Reigns, guys.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That North Carolina shit is FUCKED UP. Jesus fucking christ North Carolina. Everyone should leave.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
We lost Enjoyable WrassleGAF Poster CreeperBlocks. We wish him the best in his future endeavors.

Looks like he posted a lot in different sports OTs, and people get banned all the time there, so I don't think it had anything to do with WrassleGAF. We'll see you when you get back!
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