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March Wrasslin' |OT| Don't Forget, You're Here Forever.


I've got a really uneasy feeling about this simmering 'big unknown wrestling story'.

Hope I'm wrong and it's just something inconsequential like a sextape or nudes or something of that ilk. Seth got past his nudes fine. Please for the love of God don't let someone cool turn out to be racist or a rapist or something.

I want this to go away soon. I get the feeling some unscrupulous journalist would break the story without thinking about the impact it could have on what is already looking like a subpar WrestleMania.


Finally, the Cena sex tape is here.



This whole major story thing is baseless rumors at this point.

In my Classic Network Re-watch:

It's the holiday season in WWF 1996 and that means we're gearing up for the Rumble. There are hints of a change as superstars showcase new attitudes and Bret cuts a promo about how there are no rules anymore and you can't trust who your friends or enemies are. Bret vs Austin is picking up steam with a sidestory of adding HBK to the mix. You can feel Sycho Sid and Undertaker getting kind of pushed to the side for this but that is okay for now.

WCW just hit Clash Of The Champions with Flair vs Hogan before Fall Brawl. This show feels so rushed with only one week of build after Hog Wild. Cruiserweights continue to be a highlight of Nitro and they're given the time to showcase it.

I started 1995 ECW. This is a company putting down the building blocks of the hardcore icon promotion they would become. Paul Heyman is still in Paul E. Dangerously mode managing the Tazmaniac and Sabu with 911 against Public Enemy and Benoit and Malenko. Then we have Mikey Whipwreck going into his second year finally getting to feud against a guy his size. I'm looking forward to this stuff.


People are running wild with it on places like Wreddit. Your mileage on the word "major" may vary. I feel like it's a major story because it involves someone who works full time in the wrestling business and reputation(s?) will be ruined. Some may not consider it a "major" story.

I really hope this isn't about someone I like. Hopefully someone will break the news soon. Tweeting that there's news and then not breaking them seems pretty weird.
So if by an act of God, Roman doesn't win at Mania should we be concerned for Vince's safety when Roman's family works themselves into a shoot again?


It's probably something personal on the shenanigans of Tammy Sytch levels, but involving someone on the current roster so they've kept it quiet.


I say the news is that Vince actually died in that limo explosion and everything we've seen of him since has been a Tupac-style hologram. This is why it keeps repeating old catchphrases and storylines in hope of a pop and had trouble opening the tumbler-balls because it isn't solid matter.
More on his tweet ( http://www.voicesofwrestling.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1046 ):

I am not a journalist and have never claimed to be. I do a podcast, write reviews, and a few times per year when the situation is right, our site or our podcast will break the occasional news story (the infamous Dixie email, Steen signing with WWE, Ibushi to EVOLVE/Kaiju, Candice/GFW no show drama, PWS stuff, the end of DGUSA, etc). We are not and have never claimed to be a news site. Tons of hard news & rumors finds our DM box that we choose to sit on, and there are people reading this right now who know full well that we (myself & Rich) sit on TONS of "scoops", especially when specifically asked not to speak about it. If we wanted to be a news site or hunt for cheap clicks, we could very easily do so.

The story I Tweeted about has been cooking for months, and somehow stayed quiet. It is now making the rounds, and being hinted about publicly. I am not going to break it. I have no interest in breaking it for a variety of reasons. It would drive CLICKS for sure, but it isn't my place to report it and it isn't what we do here. My belief is that it will come out soon because the person has enemies (to be fair, who doesn't?) who will find a some pleasure in outing it. That won't be me.

People are running wild with it on places like Wreddit. Your mileage on the word "major" may vary. I feel like it's a major story because it involves someone who works full time in the wrestling business and reputation(s?) will be ruined. Some may not consider it a "major" story.

There are people who will read this who are aware of the situation. This is not me asking them to back me up or to out themselves. In fact, I prefer that they don't confirm or break it here, because I want no connection to this for a number of reasons. I may have underestimated the power of Twitter or my own reputation as a news source in peoples eyes when I made the Tweet. I made it from my personal account, and figured my friends would see it and didn't think it would cause much of a stir. That was stupid, but at this point it's whatever, because the toothpaste cant be put back in the tube.

I won't ever speak about it again. If/when (more like when) it comes out, I'm not going to claim to have broken it, or confirm it as being what I was talking about or anything like that. I made the Tweet, I have to own that, but I want nothing to do with actually breaking the news or claiming I instigated it breaking. If I was interested in that, I'd simply write the story and publish it here.

So that's that. Sorry for working everybody up. And I said this on Twitter, but I'll say it here too. If you followed me based on that tweet, you are welcomed to stick around, but I am never tweeting a follow up and I almost never tweet about wrestling. That account is extremely boring unless you like college basketball and Reds baseball. Might as well unfollow. I wasn't looking for cheap Twitter follows.
Thats the payoff to all this? Who booked this shit?

EDIT: from another page, Minoru Suzuki looks like he's lost a ton of weight. Haven't seen him wrestle since WK9


Honestly, this whole thing is even beyond Meltzer speculation levels of internet craziness.

We have a guy who runs a low level wrestling podcast who has broken some stories and claims to have set on others make some tweet on his personal account "not knowing the reach it would have" about a major story in wrestling, then he backtracks and says he wants nothing to do with it and wasn't looking for twitter followers or clickbait.

At this point, I'm willing to accept that he thinks there is a story there that could ruin some reputations of people currently in the industry. But it's likely of a personal nature like someone struggling with an addiction or someone being racist or something of that nature and when you look at it, it's not really "newsworthy". It might be worth a story in someone's shoot interview, but that's about it.

I bet if we hear about it, we'll likely know that it was this, roll our eyes and keep on with our lives.
Add Revolution Pro to the promotions holding qualifier matches for WWE's Global Cruiserweight Series.

Perhaps WWE will team with Lucha Memes or another small Mexican indie.


Add Revolution Pro to the promotions holding qualifier matches for WWE's Global Cruiserweight Series.

Perhaps WWE will team with Lucha Memes or another small Mexican indie.


So I'm assuming Zack Sabre Jr. is going to be a major name for the Global Cruiserweight series. That will be an awesome pick-up for WWE.


Judy Bagwell's got the mic!!

Edit: this is worse than I remembered. Her voice. Jaaaysus.

Edit 2: Judy Bagwell leading Buff out by the ear was kinda funny. >_>

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Last year Rusev rode into mania on a tank.

Now he is gonna job to people dressed as unicorns

The only direction he could have gone is down, don't be sad. They can't take that entrance away from him.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys ummm this is probably something I shouldn't ask about here but, what's this story about Piper and Patterson. Is there any truth to it?

Yeah it's true.

What you don't wanna do is start digging around what the Pat Patterson Cream Team was.


The only direction he could have gone is down, don't be sad. They can't take that entrance away from him.

Nah he could have rolled up in his Maserati, pumping out his trap remix theme, with his All-American wife, wearing the flag around him as The Real American Dream Rusev coming out to defend his US title belt.

There's always a way.
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