So, from what I've gathered, no one knows what the 'big story' is, so wrestling fans are using it as an opportunity to fantasy book? But instead of wrestling matches, it's suicide rumors. Got it.
WWE announced today that the Global Cruiserweight Series will debt on the WWE Network on July 13th. The series will run for 10-episodes, and will feature 32, 205 pound competitors. The same article also confirmed that EVOLVE Wrestling, PROGRESS Wrestling and Revolution Pro Wrestling will all host bouts in the coming weeks to help determine some of the competitors.
That the current plan for WWEs Global Cruiserweight Series tournament is to tape the entire tournament the week of June 20th at Full Sail University. They will tape for five days.
Good lord Terry and Jacqueline together. That's too hot.
I really enjoy them, for sure.Bluekaveli's no-context comments about watching Attitude Era RAWs are hilarious.
Snoop Dogg to the HOF??
Snoop Dogg to the HOF??
Snoop Dogg to the HOF??
What they did to Goldust definitely was. He didn't deserve it.I heard they are pretty mean though.
Who was the poster here who had an unhealthy obsession with who the father of the baby was, even though she stated it when she announced she was pregnant? It wasn't you, I can't remember who that fool was though.Personally I'm pulling for a reveal that Michael Hayes is the father of Rosa Mendes baby.
Off the top of my head, some sort of divas clusterfuck a few WMs back.Has Snoop Dogg ever done anything with WWE beyond that one time he was in the ring with Hogan?
Have fun, pacific northwest! NXT Green Bay was the most fun live wrestling event I've ever gone to.
Is that the event where The Drifter had the most hilarious entrance?
So the tug 'o war was only "Once in a Lifetime"?B. Reigns and HHH staring at each other
Someone had to go in the Celeb Wing
Tonight's going to end with HHH standing over a beaten up Roman Reigns.
The most damage a bronco buster has ever done was to X-pac's rectum. #factHow does the bronco buster hurt? It just seems like a taunt.
Why is Droz going up there? He needs to stay away. Wtf. No no no no. He fucking pushed him. Wtf
How does the bronco buster hurt? It just seems like a taunt.
Is it just me or is Wyatt with nothing right now?
So Snoop Dogg will be the celebrity Inductee this year to the HOF. Really WWE Really????
Complaining about Snoop Dogg being inducted in the Hall of Fame. You marks really will complain about anything, won't you
You were there last week? That's pretty damn cool. What did Hawk look like? He was bleeding was he? And wrestling fake? What are you talking about.That's the moment I was talking about. It's significant for me because that is when I found out wrestling was fake. I was about 10 at the time, and our seats were to the right of the titantron in the very top row (the nosebleeds). When Droz pushed Hawk, I actually saw Hawk pick up a dummy a throw it behind the stage. I'm not sure if you can hear it on the stream, but a portion of the crowd immediately started chanting bullshit. While I was relieved I didn't just watch a man die in front of me, I was very confused as to why Hawk would do that since wrestling was real. Then I saw Austin face the Rock and everything was awesome again.