Alright you jabroni marks, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to watch WrestleMania at his place on Sunday and, inexplicably, I said yes. Aside from the occasional Botchamania, I haven't watched wrestling in well over 15 years. This was way back when guys like the Undertaker, Triple H and Shane McMahon used to wrestle.
So tell me, what do I need to know about wrestling sports entertainment in 2016?
We are entitled to what we want, not what they want to give us.
Triple H is still hogging the spot but his opponent, they're trying to make him "the guy" but no one is accepting that crap. So when you see the crowd doing the opposite, don't ve surprised.
Brock Lesnar is a legit bad ass, going against a Lunatic who really isn't a Lunatic because they don't allow him to really be a Lunatic. But he came from a hardcore league so just know he's a Lunatic. He could be the dark horse like Mick Foley because of how he is.
The New Day they're the most over on the roster. 3 guys who went from blue chipper babyface where no obe cared and they got booed. So they got themselves over and become heel then became so great everyone cheered them. Now they're face and still everyone loves them. Well except for those people who try to be cool on here and say they suck now and they're boring; ignore it. And the LoN is a group of talented guys in a group who usually get treated horribly. At least 2 of the members do. The other 2 aren't as entertaining as they once were but can still put on a show.
The ladder match is filled with 7 of the most talented guys on the roster. KO Could be the biggest heel on the roster but the biggest heel is actually The Miz, is the biggest heel and he's in this match but 5 years ago he main evented Mania and he should be doing it now but doofus son in law doesn't like him so he told him to fuck off. But doofus son in law loves the guy he can't get over lol. But this could steal the show because it's a ladder match and last year it was awesome.
The Hell in a cell match has nothing that makes sense but Taker and Shane are in it so enjoy it!
Well that's all that matters😀