I see the Cerebral Assassin is learning new techniques from a war criminal. He'll be unstoppable at Mania.
Who is part of Roman's council?
I think you could get Reigns cheered if you have him spear whoever made Brie's music.
I want to thank whomever it was that pointed out that it sounds like: FUH-FUH-FUH-FUH-FAT DICKS
Made it a bit more bearable thanks to comedy value.
Kelly Kelly's music was the worst imoI remember when the Bella's were first arriving.
I had to mute their music.
Smackdown all re-caps this week or is it live?
This didn't take very long to grow on me.
Smackdown all re-caps this week or is it live?
It will be live clips of hosts in front of Access crowds throwing to taped matches and highlight reels.
I wish they would go all in one year and do a live Smackdown taping complete with ring set up and matches in front of the Axcess crowds.
And Stardust is still the fucking worst.
WWE should stop being so concerned with trying to work 'smart' fans into reacting the way they want and concentrate on providing a good product - when the content is good, the fanbase will react accordingly. It's that fucking simple.
Damn, went all out didn't they lol.
7 man ladder match is honestly not so bad for Owens as long as they clearly understand the point of it is to make him more over and legit after than before. And i'm pretty sure that's the state of mind going into that mania. Making Owens look super strong and building the Zayn feud.
It is clearly a vehicle for Owens and Zayn to get their feud going on Raw.
No one else in that match really matters in the grand scheme of things.
Totally agree though.
Is he even still in ? That was super strange how he wasn't in the match at all on RAW..
Really?It is clearly a vehicle for Owens and Zayn to get their feud going on Raw.
No one else in that match really matters in the grand scheme of things.
He pinned Jericho in a singles match earlier.
Preshow matches confirmed: Hour 1 (Network only) has Usos/Dudleys and Ryback/Kalisto for the US title, Hour 2 (USA) has ARMBAR and Divas tag
It is clearly a vehicle for Owens and Zayn to get their feud going on Raw.
No one else in that match really matters in the grand scheme of things.
I want a Ziggler win.
I don't know why.
But come on Dolph!
Someone's getting a pop-up powerbomb through a ladder. I'm not sure how to break this to you, but...
They can still have somoene else win without breaking the booking.
Owens do the show, making a ladder hell out of everyone's life, controlling and all. Zayn resists and they fight a lot. He finally costs Owens the title at the last second, allowing "random crowd fav jobber" to win.
Owens is the one that makes sense, but Miz or Ryder would make me pop the hardest.
Also, bonus gif;
What the fuck was that!? Was he even trying to catch him?
I think I made that jiff while I was reviewing that CZW show. It was fuckin
5 seconds later : "you still suck"
I think I made that jiff while I was reviewing that CZW show. It was fuckin
Uh... Sunny? What bet did you lose to end up with a Landis avatar?
Do you have a page with these CZW reviews or something? I have a bizarre fascination with the company even though I always feel repulsed after watching what they do.
Kevin Owens convinces the Brooklyn crowd last night on Raw to stop doing the Wave during the commercial break:
omg :lol
Max Landis is a great person and I won't tolerate the implication that I do not like him. Sigh.
CZW is wonderful. My review is in the aether since Legitshook.com got a huge redesign. It's still there somewhere but hidden. However, Cage of Death IV's review is there and while I didn't write it, it's CZW so you always win.
You've found some good people here in taking an interest in CZW. Hilarious, terrible, it's everything I love about wrestling. Early CZW especially.
CZW is wonderful. My review is in the aether since Legitshook.com got a huge redesign. It's still there somewhere but hidden. However, Cage of Death IV's review is there and while I didn't write it, it's CZW so you always win.
You've found some good people here in taking an interest in CZW. Hilarious, terrible, it's everything I love about wrestling. Early CZW especially.