Jaaaaahn Sina, baby
Beautiful video absolutely ruined by a hysterical guy caught on mic at 1:50. I physically can't stop laughing.
So.. you have to become a Landis mark, or your son Shane unlocks his secret lockbox? Got it .
Remember when Cena elevated the US title?And the beat goes on.
The US Title match is now on the pre show? What kinda of dumb retarded shit is this? Wwe needs to get their priorities together. No one gives a fuck about that battle royal.
R.I.P. Bobo
Remember when Cena elevated the US title?
Where did he get got?
Where did he get got?
Stinger went in for a hug but the kid was like "nah i'm alright"
What is that from? Apart from the early 90's, going by the Sky Sports logo.
Nah, they want us to forget about thatRemember when Cena elevated the US title?
Honestly, Owens has to keep the belt though. His summer main event push can wait for a couple more months. Make him look boss as fuck at the biggest show, then a nice rivalry with Zayn chasing for 2 months, then main event push after that.
This absolutely needs to happen. Assuming Reigns doesn't go heel, KO without the belt would be the most likely candidate for the first person to be fed to Reigns. Plus Reigns is like the only face on the roster Owens hasn't fucked with yet. They've been surprisingly good with booking Owens though, so maybe I shouldn't expect the worst for once.
R.I.P. Bobo
Was this some sick ploy, to get me to google that?is...your avatar for Senran Kagura?!
Was this some sick ploy, to get me to google that?
is...your avatar for Senran Kagura?!
What'd he do?!
I'm not a god damn animu person!I don't think it's that crazy considering what animu people do to their avs.
Similar hats, coats, and shirts.
is...your avatar for Senran Kagura?!
Uhh... at least two.Is Takeover an hour or two?
Is Takeover an hour or two?
Is Takeover an hour or two?
I'm not sure how many keep up with Hockey, but there's a concussion lawsuit going on... and as a result a bunch of emails are unsealed.
Reading some of them are pretty sickening.
I'm curious how these would read if they were exchanged between Vinny Mac, Kevin Dunn, HHH, John Laurinitis, Meltzer etc.
Becky should win at Mania
This didn't take very long to grow on me.
How was this the first thing to come to mind and not Jotaro
Shame this man
Bad injury news for LU: Fenix broke his nose bad and is out for probably every April taping date, and Ivelisse reinjured (possibly rebroke) her ankle
So Rock comes out, and helps Roman win, then Roman turns heel and betrays him.
Is that what some think?
Uhh... at least two.
Thanks!2 hours with a bit of overrun.
Stfuhowever long it needs to be.
Jojo ain't been shit since the 90s man
So Rock comes out, and helps Roman win, then Roman turns heel and betrays him.
Is that what some think?