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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns

If wwe was,going to,have a boom,it would,have been last year after 30. Cesaro,Wyatt,Bryan and shield guys should be leading the company.

Yet is still cena, big show and kane

what do you think, was Cena a Nintendo guy or more of a Playstation guy back in the 90's?
More of the NES tecmo bowl guy


You forgot to include that its not news he heard but his theory.

They had the match and Meltzer said from people who were there said the match was horrible.

Shit. Come oooooon, TV editing. Maybe they'll cut out the really bad bits. Still excited for the other two matches and the backstage reveal of the dude in the cage.
I mean, you could say wrestling in general is currently having a peak - Japan and Britain are doing some of the best shows they've done in a long time.

I love the way wwe is with kayfabe and real life merging but the creative sucks big time. wwe would feel real fresh if they ran with this reality era stuff with the right stars and better creative


If wwe was,going to,have a boom,it would,have been last year after 30. Cesaro,Wyatt,Bryan and shield guys should be leading the company.

Yet is still cena, big show and kane
I think it not that , regins,Rollin s, and some what Bryan are in big spots the problem is booking and wwe ability to fuck up everything good.


literally no rumors or a big match for daniel bryan :(

i wanna see daniel bryan shoot next raw
That ship has sailed. I'm happy we'll at least get to see him in what should be an awesome IC ladder match.

I've come to accept that we are currently witnessing The New Generation 2.0. Vince is going to push forward with what he sees as hot shit, no matter how it's received by fans. Merch is still selling well? The product is over with children and marks? That's success in his eyes. There's plenty of documented proof of his active disdain for the educated/smark fan. The man barely uses computers, the Internet fan barely exists in his world. There needs to be some kind of catastrophic event to change his current plan of attack, like his death for instance.

With that said, I understand that Vince sees this as his life, not a job. He is not open to people telling him how to run his life. Obviously that has a lot of problems when you're doing that with a pubicly traded company with passionate employees depending on you.


I find myself wondering if professional wrestling was always destined to decline after it's boom or if stupid ass creative decisions killed that boom before any inevitable decline.

Some fans just grow out of it. For some it was a fad. Some just grew tired of it. Regardless, it will always survive as a niche at least.

Not sure if there will ever be another Rock, Stone Cold, or Hulk Hogan. I always wonder about say the next Metallica or Guns N Roses. Will probably never happen again.
Hey, don't get me wrong here. I watch WWE every week and I enjoy the bits I enjoy and the bits I don't I just forget about or fast forward through. In a way I can't blame WWE for their current 'safe' product as there's no real reason for them to mix it up beyond what it currently is. I wouldn't say it's 'failing' as people are still watching, there doesn't seem to be any pressure from TV Networks for them to bring more viewers in, etc so why change the formula? I'm sure at some point they'll have to change it up, and I'm sure they'll be able to do it; after all those McMahons can seemingly survive anything.


So not worth it
I loved how WWE tried to paint that as the WCW guys being bad for sitting out their contracts when in reality it just made WWE look bad for rushing into the Invasion angle so soon.

Fuck that even, Vince could have bought them out, but he didn't want to spend the cash. He works have made so much money on PPV buys he could have easily earned those millions back.


What WWE needs is another Ted Turner type person to start up his own promotion and compete against WWE.

If you don't have Hogan, Hall, and Nash, don't do an invasion. Period. Even Russo knew that.


Add Goldberg, Flair, and I'd say Sting to that list as well (granted they were never going to land Sting). My invasion angle would have made the nWo a third faction that WWF and WCW would have to team up to defeat in traditional comic book superhero fight fashion.


Like 'em or not, the pro wrestling world needs the WWE. Can you even imagine a pro wrestling world without them? Hell no. What other company would have the size, vision, and appeal to take their place? None of them.
Add Goldberg, Flair, and I'd say Sting to that list as well (granted they were never going to land Sting). My invasion angle would have made the nWo a third faction that WWF and WCW would have to team up to defeat in traditional comic book superhero fight fashion.

Man, that would have been pretty interesting to watch. It sort of played out like that in the end, when the NWO were bought in to try and clear our Flair. Sadly, that all fizzled out as quickly as it started.


I'm gonna say neither D. Bry or Reigns are the type of personalities that say your grandma would like. Not much cross over appeal. Not like Hulk Hogan Brother.

But D. Bry at least got many hardcore fans back on board and made for some fun crowds. But looking at the ratings, just can't attract much beyond it seems.


Like 'em or not, the pro wrestling world needs the WWE. Can you even imagine a pro wrestling world without them? Hell no. What other company would have the size, vision, and appeal to take their place? None of them.

If WWE would go away I think US pro wrestling would become "territory" driven again for maybe a decade until someone started up a new national promotion. Indies would become the new territories.


Like 'em or not, the pro wrestling world needs the WWE. Can you even imagine a pro wrestling world without them? Hell no. What other company would have the size, vision, and appeal to take their place? None of them.
Someone would come and do it , there is to much money in it.


Like 'em or not, the pro wrestling world needs the WWE. Can you even imagine a pro wrestling world without them? Hell no. What other company would have the size, vision, and appeal to take their place? None of them.

I'm not one of those that fantasizes about WWE going out of business. It's stupid.

See, this isn't just something fun for Vince to do. The guy literally does not sleep constantly pushing this machine. It's not just a fucking job. It's a way of life. You need insane people like Vince and say Steve Jobs to get companies to where they are.

A fun little promotion is gonna do fuck all.

edit: I don't know where I heard it. Some Podcast I guess. They talked about how some promotions like TNA have workers that treat it like a 9 to 5 job. They just do the bare minimum and are frankly fine with it. That's why they can never beat Vince. That work ethic is fucking unacceptable Vince. Man... I would be terrified if he was my boss. I'd have no life.


So not worth it
Like 'em or not, the pro wrestling world needs the WWE. Can you even imagine a pro wrestling world without them? Hell no. What other company would have the size, vision, and appeal to take their place? None of them.

WWE isn't just going away. However, they'll lose their TV deal on a prime Network soon (still years from now), lose viewers as they move to a lesser channel and slowly dwindle.

Their future depends on the Network and how effective they are at attracting new viewers in a post cable/VOD world. Is WWE a strong enough product to get people to buy their product without that weekly "free TV" exposure? That's the question.

Levesque's WWE is gonna be very interesting in that sense, it's gonna take place in world where traditional TV slowly dies out, and that's where WWE's biggest challenge lies. The Network was a bold move, but definitely the right one considering that. Vince is a smart guy like that, still.
Ignoring that the only reason the Network is VOD is because they couldn't find a cable company willing to run a premium TV channel for WWE.


Like 'em or not, the pro wrestling world needs the WWE. Can you even imagine a pro wrestling world without them? Hell no. What other company would have the size, vision, and appeal to take their place? None of them.
I mean they are the only big time wrestling promotion outside of NJPW that still exists.

If McDonald's suddenly became the last worldwide chain of restaurants, it wouldn't mean that the world needs them.

Wrestling would probably be better In the long run if WWE ceased to exist. It would open the doors for far more progressive companies to push for the top spot. Although it would take years to fill the void, and it would definitely effect those living on that WWE upper-level paycheck.

But that isn't going to happen. It's what makes me keep watching because I know this is it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WWE going under would just lead to American independent wrestlers doing like joshis do and just retiring young because it's not worth the risk to your health to either keep working indies or hope you get noticed by a foreign company and spend a lot of your time in airports.

and it's WWE's fault that it's that way, but it is that way.


Like 'em or not, the pro wrestling world needs the WWE. Can you even imagine a pro wrestling world without them? Hell no. What other company would have the size, vision, and appeal to take their place? None of them.

Wrestling promotions come and go. Nother last forever and this case if the WWE were to experience a downfall, another promotion will take its place.The promotion was very close to fate in the mid 90s because of strong competition.

So you never know what could happen between now and down the road. TNA could get a bigger deal and fire dixie, ROH could get a bigger deal, and even NJPW could have a secondary promotion in America that could blow people away. I just don't buy WWE being the mecca of professional wrestling when there's always a competitor to go against the crown. It was only yesterday that WWE crowds were chanting TNA.


If WWE went under American professional wrestling would die, simple as that.
Indie promotions wouldn't suddenly stop.

A company like ROH would grab a national TV time slot.

It would shrink drastically, but over time it would come back. America loves wrestling.

EDIT: I would take a long ass time for it to become a big commercialized thing again though. Could take a decade.


Professional wrestling will live on period. It's not like the NFL or NBA. If anything, it would help promotions step up to get the brass ring and territories would become a major thing like it was in the 80s.

Bottom line, WWE is not the heart of professional wrestling. Its a big factor, but the trains keeps moving after it's demise.


Indie promotions wouldn't suddenly stop.

A company like ROH would grab a national TV time slot.

It would shrink drastically, but over time it would come back. America loves wrestling.

EDIT: I would take a long ass time for it to become a big commercialized thing again though. Could take a decade.

You would need another Vince to rise form the ashes.


If WWE went under American professional wrestling would die, simple as that.

i dont agree with this. i dont think WWE will ever go under due to a decline in popularity/customers, if it goes under it will be due to bad business decisions that hurt the company financially. if WWE would go under i think a lot of their former fanbase would gravitate towards the indie promotions, and I think one of the indie groups would end up growing into the eventual replacement.


Another wrestling promotion in America would never grab a lucrative TV spot if WWE went under because WWE going under would signal to TV executives that wrestling is fucking deader than dead ass dead.


Another wrestling promotion in America would never grab a lucrative TV spot if WWE went under because WWE going under would signal to TV executives that wrestling is fucking deader than dead ass dead.

it would depend on how WWE went out of business. also a new company isn't going to rise up and grab the spot WWE spent 30 years earning right away like that.
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