Whatcha gonna do about it, Sweet Treat?
Lets just say that Omerta is dead!
Whatcha gonna do about it, Sweet Treat?
So I guess I'll be going to Mania to witness Reigns' crowning moment before he fail to be a draw.
What do we think the SummerSlam main event is even going to be? I was thinking Reigns vs Cena, but considering the market they'll be in, that might get crapped on pretty badly.
Cena vs reigns seem s like a WM match to be honest and by the SS regins might not be the guy that he is right now.So I guess I'll be going to Mania to witness Reigns' crowning moment before he fail to be a draw.
What do we think the SummerSlam main event is even going to be? I was thinking Reigns vs Cena, but considering the market they'll be in, that might get crapped on pretty badly.
Wrestlecon just announced that theyre doing Aerostar vs Andrew Everett vs Jack Evans. That's one hell of a match
So I guess I'll be going to Mania to witness Reigns' crowning moment before he fail to be a draw.
What do we think the SummerSlam main event is even going to be? I was thinking Reigns vs Cena, but considering the market they'll be in, that might get crapped on pretty badly.
Yeah I watch PWG, ROH, LU, Progress, etc but would love to check out some Canadian feds and I honestly prefer dvds but am ok with downloads too. Been thinking of checking out AAW and AIW lately and may drive up to check out a Dreamwave show soon.
Special Challenge Match
Davey Richards vs. Anthony Nese
It's half of the American Wolves vs. half of the DGUSA Tag Team Champs
Grudge Match
Chris Hero vs. Drew Gulak
Gulak gets his chance at Hero after the cheap shot at the end of the Style Battle Tournament
Title Match On The Line
Biff Busick vs. Caleb Konley
The winner of this one will be able to book themselves in any title match they want
Special Attraction Match
AR Fox vs. Matt Cage
Cage is looking to make a name for himself against the former EVOLVE Champion
Tag Team Action
Team Tremendous of Dan Barry & Bill Carr vs. Larry Dallas' New Team
Anyone check out beyond wrestling?
Pre-order "King Of Arts" high definition raw footage for only $10 (http://bit.ly/Raw-Footage) before 2pm tomorrow afternoon and we'll donate 100% of proceeds to Boston University School of Medicine toward CTE research. Watch the show everyone is talking about and support a good cause!
There's lots of fun stuff going on in Canada right now. I've been watching more UK scene and Canada scene lately than I ever have in the past. I mainly like the promotions that are building their own local stars, rather than the ones that are just flying a bunch of out-of-town indy "names" and relying heavily on that to draw fans. "Dream matches" and stuff are great, but I like seeing talent and gimmicks I don't see everywhere else.
Are you Metsfan!?After Roman tanks as champ he'll hand the belt off to Rusev a month or two before Summer Slam and the main event for Summer Slam will be Rusev vs John Cena for the United States of the World Heavyweight Super Ultra Undisputed Better Than Ric Flair Championship. And Cena overcomes the odds and beats Rusev, Roman will come out to hug Cena, Rusev will shake his hand and declare that America is actually alright, Vince will come out and raise Cena's hand, and finally THE VIGILANTE STING will come down from the rafters to declare that John Cena was superior to everything in WCW.
The End.
So I saw the GF gold banner while visiting a thread, what does it mean? I always thought it was a joke, is it?
not a joke, it's definitely paid for itself with what's added. easiest sub I've ever made. Gotta PM Evilore about it though if you want it as it isn't publicized.
What do you get out of it? Or I mean what's added.
PM Evilore about it, I don't really think I should be citing the specific features beyond the other subforums and enhanced tools
Sunny is trolling you
That's a bold claim, Sokantish.
Sting and Hulk Hogan codes for WWE 2k15.
Nah, I'm just messing with you. I don't pay for shit here.
Thank you Sok. Yes, it was all a big joke. Ha ha...ha...just a joke, friends. JUST A JOKE. THERE IS NO SUCH THING.
Stop picking on my good friend Liquidsnake
Whatcha gonna do about it, Sweet Treat?
Lets just say that Omerta is dead!
Thus making Cena the one who beat the one who beat the one who was the one in twenty one.After Roman tanks as champ he'll hand the belt off to Rusev a month or two before Summer Slam and the main event for Summer Slam will be Rusev vs John Cena for the United States of the World Heavyweight Super Ultra Undisputed Better Than Ric Flair Championship. And Cena overcomes the odds and beats Rusev, Roman will come out to hug Cena, Rusev will shake his hand and declare that America is actually alright, Vince will come out and raise Cena's hand, and finally THE VIGILANTE STING will come down from the rafters to declare that John Cena was superior to everything in WCW.
The End.
So I guess I'll be going to Mania to witness Reigns' crowning moment before he fail to be a draw.
What do we think the SummerSlam main event is even going to be? I was thinking Reigns vs Cena, but considering the market they'll be in, that might get crapped on pretty badly.
Big Show & Kane WrestleMania Plans Confirmed
Big Show and Kane have officially been added to the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal match at WrestleMania 31.
What does BEYOND Wrestling mean by raw footage? No edits? No commentary?
Inspire Pro's card for the 22nd looks final. If you are a Central Texas wrassleGAFer, you know what to do. (I think front row already "sold out," but they usually release a handful of additional seats when the poster comes out.)
Anyone check out beyond wrestling?
Also evolve has been great lately. Show this Saturday looks rad.
Big Show & Kane WrestleMania Plans Confirmed
Big Show and Kane have officially been added to the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal match at WrestleMania 31.
It's unedited single camera footage (from the hard cam) in HD, with various wrestlers coming up to the balcony to do commentary on each match. Usually they're pretty good, even with only one camera, the only downside being if wrestlers do stuff on the floor below the hard cam it's impossible to see.
The more I look at it, the more I'm genuinely impressed by that "Inspire Pro Wrestling" poster.
Shit, Franco D'Angelo and Ray "Death" Rowe already look WWE-ready.
That exactly what I am getting at! Looking for homegrown stars more than dream matches. Its why I enjoy the Progress product so much as it's all top tier talent embroiled in well booked feuds. So anything that fits that bill mostly, though homegrown guys vs the occassional fly in can be fun like Samoa Joe vs Rampage Brown at Progress chapter 14
I don't mean to drag ComicsGAF in here but this actually made me openly laugh.
Warner Bros. CEO says DC movies are edgier than Marvels and this fun little quote was in there.
Because an invulnerable alien, amazonian from a mystery island, green space power ranger, a guy who's so fast he can run back in time, and a martian need to be steeped in realism. DC movies need a fuckload more FnP in them.
Or that realism = Superman must kill.
Wrestling question: What's the deal with Jado being NOAH's booker? Is NJPW involved?
I feel hesitant about Jado booking NOAH.
Yeah. He hasn't been the same since he took those shots from Luger. I don't trust him to take advantage of NOAH's complete roster and book a product different than NJPW.I feel hesitant about Jado booking NOAH.
Hell, Marufuji already booked a bunch of stuff that'd make Misawa roll over in his grave (a tables match, for one) and the state of the heavyweight division is so bad I don't think there's any way that Jado could possibly make it worse. Hopefully he's booked Marufuji to drop the title to Suzuki.
So what's the story with NOAH anyways? Is it like the de facto NXT to NJPW now (with AJPW sliding into the TNA role)?
Which is also weird because there's already a top heel faction in NOAH.
old man sugiura and old man tanaka are too real for medium sized egg and big egg.
Hey, dream (or other combat sports aficionados), what the hell did I just watch?
Crazy shit, that's what.
You know that if Suzuki wins the title, there's only one dude who'll come out and challenge him and that's Morishima. Cho Kibou-gun vs Suzuki-gun should be pretty epic.
So I watched the recent DG show (where Uhaa leaves) and a few things.
Do world title matches always have such pomp, cause that shit gets me hard
Not a fan of bxb
Am a fan of Santa maria
Kids these days don't even have homework? Fuck it just keeps getting easier and easier for them.
"back in my day......."
Stop picking on my good friend Liquidsnake