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March Wrasslin' |OT| Forecast for Wrestlemania...cloudy with a heavy chance of Reigns


Ok I talked shit but JBL/Finley was a good match. The best Belfast Brawl I've seen.

...guest hostess Kim Kardashian? Vince pls no. :(
I never got why people liked "My Time." They're probably the same people who think Ambrose and Rollins have completely different theme songs. Probably Young Buck fans, too.


Uh, watching my DVR'd Smackdown now.... did they accidentally air it in Spanish?

Because it's totally in Spanish.


I never got why people liked "My Time." They're probably the same people who think Ambrose and Rollins have completely different theme songs. Probably Young Buck fans, too.

I liked that guys voice and the electronic bits are cool too. Plus, HHH had awesome entrance lighting to go with it at the time.

Let the music keep playing Mr. Dumb shhhhiit
Dragon Gate starts in just under two hours;

Dragon Gate, "GLORIOUS GATE", 2015/03/06 (live on Nicovideo)
Korakuen Hall, Tokyo

18:30 JST | 10:30 CET | 09:30 GMT | 04:30 EST | 01:30 PST

1. Yosuke=Santa Maria, U-T & El Lindaman vs K-ness, Gamma & Mondai Ryu
2. Kenichiro Arai & Shachihoko BOY vs Super Shisa & Stalker 'Hollywood' Ichikawa
3. Kotoka vs Mr. Quu Quu Naoki Tanizaki Toyonaka Dolphin
4. Ryo 'Jimmy' Saito & Genki Horiguchi H.A.Gee.Mee!! vs CIMA & Don Fujii
5. T-Hawk & Flamita vs Masaaki Mochizuki & Dragon Kid
6. Akira Tozawa, Masato Yoshino & Shingo Takagi vs BxB Hulk, Big R Shimizu & Kzy vs Jimmy Susumu, Jimmy Kanda & Jimmy Kagetora vs YAMATO, Naruki Doi & Cyber Kong

That main event should be all kinds of crazy, no one does insane multi-man tags quite like Dragon Gate. T-Hawk & Flamita vs Mochizuki & Dragon Kid should be a ton of fun as well.
Is there any way to download videos off of NJPW World? I have some traveling to do tomorrow and would like to catch up on the show from yesterday.
Not officially there isn't, although people do manage to do it using video downloading software - no idea which one though. I use VSO and it doesn't detect videos from NJPW World, unfortunately. The show is out there on Dailymotion and you should be able to find a piece of software to download it from there, however.
Not officially there isn't, although people do manage to do it using video downloading software - no idea which one though. I use VSO and it doesn't detect videos from NJPW World, unfortunately. The show is out there on Dailymotion and you should be able to find a piece of software to download it from there, however.

Helpful as always. Thanks Boots. :)


So not worth it

"As someone who has been bullied my entire childhood and even more so now as an adult, I stand behind those who do something about it.
At a training seminar, where students paid $100 a person to be in the ring and learn, I witnessed DeMott call a Middle Eastern trainee "Aladdin", "terrorist", and "fat fuck" multiple times. During a bump drill that was nowhere near safe for a green trainee to be doing, he just embarrassed and humiliated him. When anyone else did the drill correctly, he'd turn to this guy and just bash him. When I did the drill, he said "Look even the girl can bump better than the terrorist!". This continued to the end of the session where he told everyone good job, except this guy, and told him to "fucking quit and go back to building bombs." It was completely uncalled for and made everyone uncomfortable.
This guy spent his hard earned money to learn from someone, to get better only to be told to quit and have all these names and insults thrown at him. I have been, and continue to be, bullied and I cannot just keep quiet when the world is finally trying to do something about it. To fix it. To save lives.
Even with me, he screamed at me from across the venue asking why I was not in the seminar. I arrived 30 min before it was scheduled to end and at the time did not have the funds. He continued to yell from across the venue at me as if I had done something wrong but I got in there for the last bit and did it without warming up, without stretching, just so I wouldn't continue to be shouted at for no reason at all. It's just sad that this is what people have come to. That's all I have to say.
This was all like 5-6 years ago, before I had ever stepped foot in a ring to wrestle. It was a long time ago, but some things never change."

Another day, another DeMott story.
I'm pretty disgusted with WWE, they clearly are aware of this shit and just don't care - hell, that's probably what DeMott's there for in the first place; to break trainees down so they can be rebuilt in the WWE image. The only way anything will be done about this is if they mainstream media gets wind of it.
I'm pretty disgusted with WWE, they clearly are aware of this shit and just don't care - hell, that's probably what DeMott's there for in the first place; to break trainees down so they can be rebuilt in the WWE image. The only way anything will be done about this is if they mainstream media gets wind of it.

Even then they won't fire him. Just put him through an anger/tolerance course and say everything is fixed. Bill is too good a pool pusher to get fired.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They'll fire him and rehire him a few months down the road when things have 'cooled down' at most.

I'd be upset at the WWE about this, but it just lines up with everything else about their corporate culture that I'm more like 'yeah of course they employ that kind of person. They also employ an old white guy who tells a black man that he's more of a black man than he is'

And people seem to quickly forget about God King NXT Smark Hero Triple H calling Ricardo 'Bumblebee' because they're both fat and Mexican.
It's the hypocrisy I can't stand. You can't Be A Star and all that bullshit while still employing a bunch of racist, abusive cunts. It's the sort of thing that should be brought up whenever WWE try and engage the mainstream media to promote how wonderful they are.
Honestly, you almost have to hope for more stories to come out (horrible though that sounds) - just to bring more attention to it. Fuck DeMott.

Here's Van Hammer beating a jobber with a slingshot suplex. I loved Van Hammer; I now realise that's not a good thing, escpecially when he was still going in '98 or so as a hippy type.

WWE is gonna WWE. I'm kind of disappointed by the lack of mainstream attention so far but I guess it's still early. He'll only get fired if it does start to pick up attention by the press. Hell, he probably won't get fired again, just suspended or some bullshit, either way he'll still have a job at the end of the day. I wonder if he's still a pill head.

Don't worry, you're not alone in this Van Hammer love, I remember seeing as a kid and being... Not fascinated by him but he got my attention.

EDIT: Well shit, guess I should've refreshed before posting.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I like him for what he is. He's in a 'flippy high flying guy' category with Ricochet that I can tolerate. I was saying the other page WWE needs to bring him in as Kallisto's partner. They're nearly the same height and everything.


Fuck it, sign Ricochet as well and feud with that SHOOT NATION as FLIP NATION.

EDIT: Just don't do HOSS NATION. WWE doesn't know a good hoss style anymore.


So, let's say they do get Brock to stay for another year or whatever. What do you do with him post-Wrestlemania? If he loses to Roman, regardless of Rollins cashing in or not, he's got a rematch. But beyond that, then what? He's kind of in the spot Warrior was in when they made him champ, where he had already bulldozed everyone and there wasn't much left to do.
So, let's say they do get Brock to stay for another year or whatever. What do you do with him post-Wrestlemania? If he loses to Roman, regardless of Rollins cashing in or not, he's got a rematch. But beyond that, then what? He's kind of in the spot Warrior was in when they made him champ, where he had already bulldozed everyone and there wasn't much left to do.

squash roman and have him lose to bryan at the slam

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