Sibersk Esto
And people say wrestling isn't popular
Dear god.
So, let's say they do get Brock to stay for another year or whatever. What do you do with him post-Wrestlemania? If he loses to Roman, regardless of Rollins cashing in or not, he's got a rematch. But beyond that, then what? He's kind of in the spot Warrior was in when they made him champ, where he had already bulldozed everyone and there wasn't much left to do.
brock has only beaten cena and seth rollins since becoming champ, though. he hasn't really done that much.
Dear god.
0_0 0_0 Yano pinned the NJPW!!!
Lesnar VS Bryan, Lesnar VS Orton, Lesnar VS Wyatt. Thats about it.Fair enough, but other than Rusev, who even has a believable shot? I could see a Bryan match just to give that to that part of the fanbase, but this dude beat the streak and destroyed Cena. That's like beating the boss rush in a game without going through the other levels first.
Samoa Joe on today's talk is jericho
Fuck Jericho's shitty ass and his shit. Fuck that dude.
Half the time I wonder if WWE really builds stars or if Vince has just stumbled onto and gotten several cases of dumb luck of the years.
The way I see the Cup going down is if you are waiting for the main event to establish a feud, whether it's new or a component of an existing feud, Yano will be out next. If you're looking to build someone, Yano COULD go all the way to the end to lose in the finals. The terror that would cause...delish
1. My Time
2. King of Kings
3. Line in the Sand
4. The Game
5. DX Theme
I demand the return of My Time when Trips gets full control of the company.
- Higher Brain Pattern
- The Game
- DX Theme
- King of Kings
- My Time
1. The Game
2. King of Kings
3. Line in the Sand
4. Symphony No9
5. My Time
1. My Time
2. My Time
3. My Time
4. My Time
5. The Game
1.My Time
2.DX Theme
3.The Game
4.The King of Kings
5.Line in Sand
1) My Time
2) The Game
3) King of Kings
4) DX
5) Line in the Sand
I'm not a winner?![]()
I posted an actual lyric from My Time so I'm a winner in spirit. Unlike SOME OF US, I don't need validation.
Real question time,
Fave Five Hulk Hogan themes.
1. Galactica
2. Hulk Hogan 80s theme(pre-Real American)
3. Voodoo Child
4. Eye of the Tiger
5. American Made
Yep, American Made beats Real American for me.
Big Show ✔ @WWETheBigShow
#NXTColumbus thank you for a great night.I haven't had that much fun in years! The future is bright! Amazing talent! Go NXT! I'm a huge fan
Fuck, you're encouraging him!
Real American is like the definitive wrestling song.
Big Show ✔ @WWETheBigShow
#NXTColumbus thank you for a great night.I haven't had that much fun in years! The future is bright! Amazing talent! Go NXT! I'm a huge fan
Fuck, you're encouraging him!
Damn right.
The way I see the Cup going down is if you are waiting for the main event to establish a feud, whether it's new or a component of an existing feud, Yano will be out next. If you're looking to build someone, Yano COULD go all the way to the end to lose in the finals. The terror that would cause...delish
Big Show ✔ @WWETheBigShow
#NXTColumbus thank you for a great night.I haven't had that much fun in years! The future is bright! Amazing talent! Go NXT! I'm a huge fan
Fuck, you're encouraging him!
Big Show was so great. "Please retire" chants. Big Show says "ten more years in contract." Crowd starts chanting "ten more years!
5. Eye of the Tiger
4. 3-Live-Kru Theme
3. nWo Wolfpac Theme
2. Bow wow wow
1. Psyko
LaToya Ferguson for The A.V. Club said:Seriously: The best way I can think to describe R-Truths character right now is almost a literal minstrel show.
This week, John Cena decided he no longer needed the body double and came back to do what he does bestcall his female boss a bitch, pretend hes ever actually served in the military,* and use bullying tactics against those who dont cater to his childish demands.
*The one thing that offends me about John Cena more than anything else is his faux military status just because he played a Marine in a movie my friends and I played a drinking game to back in college. Him talking about [his] service here in WWE honestly almost made me turn off the show. At least when The Miz says IM THE MARINE, DAMMIT! theres self-awareness.
Within WWE televisionnot the behind-the-scenes, insider world, but the one with heroes and villainsSeth Rollins is the hand-picked guy of the Authority, someone whos never had to really work for anything that he has in this business. Never you mind that Seth Rollins earned his stripes on the independent professional wrestling scene as Tyler Black (as this episode of RAW proves, there is nothing outside of WWE). When you hear Jon Stewart tell Seth Rollins, to his face, You never fought your way up, that WWE cognitive dissonance radar pings yet again. The things people are saying about Seth Rollins the character are more applicable to Roman Reigns the hand-picked guy, and its so backwards that it makes you think what would have happened if WWE had just made Roman the Authority guy and Seth the Dog Against All.
How mean was it of WWE to mention a possible triple threat match (or triple theat match, according to Roman Reignsthat still doesnt beat deglare) at Wrestlemania between Roman, Seth, and Brock, knowing its not going to happen because Seth will be dealing with Randy Ortons face turn (outta nowhere)?
Big Show ✔ @WWETheBigShow
#NXTColumbus thank you for a great night.I haven't had that much fun in years! The future is bright! Amazing talent! Go NXT! I'm a huge fan
Fuck, you're encouraging him!